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Current Events

What’s happenin’?

Vote 2012

December 9, 2012 |

Are you voting in 2012?

Not *that* vote…you’re just a bit late for that one…

You know that paragraph all your friends have been copying and pasting on their walls, stating that they retain all their rights to the content they put on Facebook, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah?  Facebook has proposed several site changes that sparked that flurry of idiocy and they’re letting the users vote on the changes. Read More


December 6, 2012 |

The beginning of December usually means one of several things to most people:

1. Yes!  Great Lakes Christmas Ale season is here again!  (oops, is that just us…?)

2. Crap, now I have to think about what Great Aunt Edna wants for Christmas.

3. Ermahgerd! Menorahs! Eggnog!  Mistletoe!

4. Wow, I should squeeze that charity donation in before the end of the year…

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November 25, 2012 |

The iPad has been in the news recently for several reasons – here’s what you missed!

Here’s why you should NEVER buy an iPad at Wal-Mart

A video that four … Read More

Awesomesauce- HOMAGE tees

November 22, 2012 |

Remember your favorite t-shirt from your childhood? It had been worn so many times that the shoulder seams were threadbare and threatening to burst.  You never let your mom throw it away, though, since it was so soft from one too many washings.  Read More

Israel vs. Palestine

November 20, 2012 | 2

Israel vs. Palestine: How it happened, what’s happening now, and why you should care.

If you’ve picked up a paper or turned on the news in the past five days, you’ve seen coverage of the recently renewed violence between Israel and Palestine.  Israeli military claims 544 rockets fired from Gaza have hit Israel since Wednesday, while Palestinians report that Israeli retaliation has devastated cities in the Gaza Strip, killing hundreds.  With the death toll mounting and violence escalating, both sides are preparing for a ground war as Israel mobilizes its troops.

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Top Five Election Day Takeaways

November 7, 2012 |

Election Day is always a little bizarre, extremely polarizing and downright tense.  Add in the fact that we are now such a socially connected society and you get a whole lot of crazy that emerges.  I decided to recap some of the more bizarre, awesome and meme worthy moments from yesterday’s election coverage.  Feel free to comment below if we missed any.

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Presidential Election: Budweiser vs. Coors

November 6, 2012 | 1

If you’re tired of listening to political attack ads and fall into the category of Americans’ that are undecided in this years most critical election, we analyze two candidates on key issues facing America and break down this years Presidential Election: Budweiser vs.Coors. Read More

Mock Election Face-Off: Jon Stewart vs. Stephen Colbert

November 6, 2012 |

When a video clip of a toddler bawling her eyes out because she is tired of “Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney” becomes viral, it’s clear the rest of the country must be getting pretty tired of all the election hullabaloo as well. So let’s take a break from the two most talked about men for a second and focus on the two most watched; Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

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2012 Presidential Election Night Social Media Preview

November 5, 2012 |

Stay off of the internet on Tuesday. Don’t log on at all (unless it’s for On the day of the 2012 election, you know what the internet and social media sites are going to offer – a bunch of crap you really don’t want to deal with.

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News Week in Review – 10/22 – 10/29

October 30, 2012 |

Hurricane/Super-Storm Sandy Hits

If you’ve been watching the news at all in the last 48 hours, you’ve heard the news: New York and New Jersey are doomed. The “worst-case scenario” of perfect tide conditions and incredible amounts of rain finally brought super-storm Sandy to land, wrecking the coast with record-setting wind speeds, power outages, and flooding across the northeastern seaboard.

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Thoughts and Prayers Go Out to the Northeast

October 30, 2012 | would like to extend our thoughts and prayers to our family out on the east coast.  While many jokes have been made about Hurricane Sandy it is extremely dangerous … Read More

News Week in Review- 10/15-10/21

October 21, 2012 |

Binders Full of Women

With a new, increasingly plugged-in generation coming of voting age, this election is arguably the first where social media has played a substantial role in the race. While most voters were simply happy that Tuesday night’s Presidential Debate was actually watchable, the internet took particular delight in some of the candidates’ more colorful slips of the tongue. Case in point: within minutes of Mitt Romney’s now infamous “binders full of women” comment, there were new Facebook pages, Tumblrs, and several Twitter hashtags and handles poking fun at the gaffe. Read More

News in Review | Apple Maps, Florida Voter Fraud, Puppies for Productivity

September 30, 2012 |

If You Haven’t Updated Your iPhone Yet… Maybe Don’t

What Apple was calling the ‘Most Powerful Mapping Service Ever’ has proven to be one of its biggest gaffs to date. The company rolled out a new Maps app as part of the iOS6 system update this week. The new app, however, reportedly contains many geographical errors and doesn’t include public transportation options in routing.
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News Week(s) in Review: September 10-22

September 23, 2012 |

In my last Pop-Culture review, I wrote that we live in trying times. Perhaps that was a bit premature, because in the weeks since, the world’s gone a bit crazier than normal.

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News Week in Review | Election Update, Pakistani Girl Released, Otters Save the World

September 9, 2012 |

Republican and Democratic Tickets Officially Set

Last week, Romney received the Republican presidential nomination. This week it was Obama’s turn at the DNC. No big surprise that the POTUS accepted his nomination for a second term. But it happened. And Bill Clinton came out in support of Obama with a crowd-pleaser of a speech.

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New Belgium Tour De Fat 2012 – Fort Collins

September 7, 2012 |

On a sunny summer Saturday, it’s only 8am and the mercury is already over 80 degrees; today is going to be a hot one. I dug into the bowels of my closet to find whatever mismatch of clothing and/or flair I could get my hands on, grabbed a backpack full of water, sunscreen, and PBR and hopped on my bike. This, my friends, is the beginning ritual for thousands of beer enthused, fun lovers all around the country when New Belgium Brewery’s Tour De Fat rolls into town. Read More

News Week in Review | Ryan, Assange, Heroin and a Dog

August 19, 2012 |

Paul Ryan named Romney Running Mate

Paul Ryan brings a youthfulness to the Romney campaign. Beyond that, Ryan’s entrance into the presidential race has created additional polarity—on both fiscal and social issues—in an already nasty race. There have been accusations flying back and forth across the political board, but for now, let’s focus on where this VP-hopeful sits on a couple of the issues.
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News Week in Review

August 6, 2012 |

It’s been hard to pay attention to anything that doesn’t involve a gold medal with the 2012 Olympic Games going on. But we did our best. Here’s what’s been going … Read More

Virginia Opens It’s Taps to Craft Beer

July 31, 2012 |

The state of Virginia has finally joined the tap room movement. Recently passed Senate Bill 604 now allows draft beer to be served in breweries without the requirement of an … Read More

News | What’s Going on Besides the Olympics?

July 29, 2012 |

With all eyes on the international arena, Voldemort, Mary Poppins and new world records being set, it didn’t seem like there was a whole lot else going on this week. … Read More