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Omnipollo | Quadruple Dry-Hopped Fatamorgana

March 8, 2019 |

Omnipollo is a based out of Sweden, and references itself not as a brewery, but as a creative camp. The name originates from the words omnipotence and the Spanish word for chicken, pollo. The definition of omnipotence is the quality of having unlimited, or great power. When combined with the awkward and uncoordinated “pollo,” you get the creative and chaotic (yet powerful) product that is Omnipollo.

Omnipollo was founded by brewer Henok Fentie and artist Karl Grandin in 2011 with the hope of changing the known perception of beer and what it could be. Anybody who is familiar with Omnipollo knows how crazy some of their beers are, both the recipe and the artwork. In addition, the beers that Omnipollo releases are always collaborative efforts with breweries all over the world. This keeps a constantly curious and tuned-in approach to everything they do.

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PorchDrinking Writers Discuss Their Favorite Snacks (with Beer)

March 1, 2019 |

Did you know February was national snack month? But, let’s be honest and admit that every month is snack month for beer drinkers. So, we will not be boxed in by some arbitrary month. Now that it is March, we will rebel and celebrate it now, and we will celebrate it forever. I think it was Aristotle who said, “All people by nature desire snacks.” (Source: various fancy-looking memes on Google Images, which I’m sure are accurate.)

Who among us hasn’t gotten the munchies when sipping a beer? So, I asked a few PorchDrinking writers about their favorite snack to pair with beer and decided to post the results of that (highly scientific) conversation. How would one go with your friends? What’s your favorite snack? Let us know.

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We Use the Marie Kondo Method for Craft Beer

February 28, 2019 | 1

With her hit Netflix show “Tidying Up With Marie Kondo” and her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing, professional organizer Marie Kondo has created a cultural phenomenon encouraging people to organize their lives by throwing out items that no longer spark joy. Whether it’s folding your t-shirts in the perfect upright position or waking up your old books, people from across the globe are sharing their #mykonmari moments. At PorchDrinking, we’re not ones to sit back and let our beyond cellarable beer go to waste. Every moment, even those that require a bit of sprucing up, can be beneficial. Thus we’re taking a good look at what no longer sparks joy for us in craft beer and wishing them farewell. Read More

Three Weavers Brewing Company Crafts Special Beers for the Alita Expereince

February 25, 2019 |

A new immersive pop-up experience, Alita: Battle Angel – Passport to Iron City is now open in Austin, Los Angeles and New York City to celebrate the release of the highly anticipated Robert Rodriguez film Alita: Battle Angel. During the experience, guests can explore the film’s futuristic world Iron City, which has been recreated down to the last detail to include the Kansas bar where guests can enjoy an exclusive beer from Three Weavers Brewing Company out of Inglewood, California. Each city will feature a beer crafted specifically for that city, along with other beers from the brewery.

I caught up with founder Lynne Weaver and brewmaster Alexandra Nowell to find out how the collaboration came about.

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2019 Oscars | Red Carpet BINGO

February 23, 2019 |

There’s plenty to watch at the 91st Academy Awards this Sunday. After controversy over old tweets, appointed Oscars host Kevin Hart dropped out, and the ceremony will not have a host. A Netflix film is nominated for Best Picture—NETFLIX! The guys who used to mail you DVDs might win Best Picture! And here at PorchDrinking, there’s a drinking game for the ceremony. Play along!

But before the ceremony begins, there’s some fun to watch on the red carpet! We’re bringing you Oscars BINGO for watching the (seemingly endless) hours of coverage of beautiful people showing up to celebrate each other. Who will the stars of Hollywood be wearing? What will the color of the year be? Will Spike Lee wear a hat? How much small talk about the freakishly cold LA weather this weekend will E! hosts be making with celebrities? Find out at your Oscars viewing party, as you play PorchDrinking Oscars BINGO during the Red Carpet with your friends! Read More

PorchDrinking’s 2019 Oscars Drinking Game!

February 22, 2019 |

The 91st Academy Awards is sure to be one for the ages. Every single step of the event has been marred in some form of controversy ranging from what awards will be shown, who is going to host and if we’ll even get musical performances this year. There’s usually one faux pas from each year from the classic La La Land/Moonlight mix up from two years ago to Jack Nicholson’s reaction to Crash winning Best Picture. Who knows what will go to go down at this year’s broadcast?

Whatever happens this year, one thing is for certain is that a drinking game will make the experience even sweeter. So whether you’ve obsessively followed the nominees or you saw only five movies in a theater as per the national average, the Oscars should be fun for you too!

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Ultimate 6er | 2019 Oscars & Beer Pairings

February 20, 2019 |

The 2019 Academy Awards will go without a host this year (the first time in 30 years), but that doesn’t mean they shall go without beer. As the finest in film-making are popping bottles of Champagne to celebrate their Oscar wins, beer-loving viewers can enjoy these brew pairings fit for this year’s Best Picture nominees. Who needs a nervous comedian to tell jokes when you’ve got a glass of a quality beer to sip?
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Celebrating National Pizza Day with Michigan’s Best Craft Beer & Pizza

February 8, 2019 |

In honor of National Pizza Day on February 9, I am overjoyed to be writing about two of my favorite things: craft beer and pizza. Seriously–is there anything better than taking a bite of a hot, tantalizing slice of your favorite pizza and chasing it with a sip of a cold IPA or a refreshing pale ale? Just thinking about it makes my stomach rumble and my mouth begin to water.

In our explorations of Michigan’s craft brewery scene, my husband and I have tasted a lot of amazing food paired with some exceptional beer. However, nothing seems to top the beer and pizza combination for us, and we find ourselves returning to some of our favorite Michigan breweries again and again simply to indulge ourselves in this dynamic duo. If you don’t have a location to celebrate National Pizza Day already chosen, here are my recommendations for the best of Michigan’s craft beer and pizza scene to inspire you. Maybe we will see you there!
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Ultimate 6er | New England Patriots Pre-Big Game Guide

February 2, 2019 |

Dynasties are a thing of wonder. The Romanov Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty, the Brady-Belichick Dynasty–the list goes on.

For the New England Patriots, Super Bowl LIII marks their ninth appearance since 2002, their fourth in five years, and their third straight. For fans of the Patriots, it’s hard to not feel spoiled by the amount of championships in the 21st century. It’s also hard to not feel spoiled by the amazing craft beer the region has to offer. For fans of all the other 31 NFL teams, well… does the word “annoyed” come to mind?

I was 8 when the Patriots won their first Super Bowl. So, being a Massachusetts-native, it felt only fitting for me to honor yet another Super Bowl appearance for the Patriots. Patriots fans, this Ultimate 6er is for you. Read More

Brewery Locks Arms with Denver Teachers During Strike

January 30, 2019 |

Denver’s teachers voted last week to strike after negotiations between Denver Public Schools (DPS) and the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) fell though. At the center of the strike is a disagreement over teacher’s pay, including a pay-for-performance system called ProComp. During negotiations, DPS offered teachers a 10% pay raise and offered some concessions on ProComp. DCTA rejected the offer, seeking a 12.5% increase in pay and the streamlining or elimination of several ProComp incentives. Read More

F*** Your Hair Explores the Story Behind 5 Rabbit’s Chinga tu Pelo Beer

January 22, 2019 |

For a short period during the 2016 election, 5 Rabbit Cerveceria was producing one of the most talked-about beers in the country. From being the house beer at Rebar in the Trump Tower to cutting ties and openly mocking then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, the One City Films documentary “F*** Your Hair” tells the story of Chinga tu Pelo.

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Dissecting Garrett Oliver’s “Beer Expert Guesses Cheap vs Expensive Beer”

December 17, 2018 | 1

If you’ve been paying attention to the Gourmet YouTube scene, many classic publications are rejuvenating themselves through spectacular new digital content series. Bon Appétit has been pushing forward with glorious junk food recreations in “Gourmet Makes” and fermentation experimentation in “It’s Alive With Brad.America’s Test Kitchen has transitioned to online magnificently through highly informative videos on products and cooking techniques. But the series that’s been most interest in terms of flavor analysis is “Price Points” by recipe index Epicurious.

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PorchDrinking’s 2018 Midterm Election Drinking Game

November 5, 2018 | 1


Looking for the 2022 Midterm Election Night Drinking Game? Head Here!

Can you hear it? That’s the sweet sweet sound of silence on the horizon. We’ve finally arrived at election day, which means by tomorrow the barrage of political ads will be all but a distant memory. Until then, we thought we’d help make election day a little more entertaining with a 2018 Election Drinking Game.

Early voting numbers in several states have already dwarfed 2014, but the main event culminates on Tuesday, November 6 when millions of Americans will decide the fate of Congress, state officials and a host of other positions. After the polls close, there’s nothing one can do but sit back and watch the results. What better way to enjoy the tallying, than with a few drinks…and a game? It’s time for PorchDrinking’s semi-regular election night drinking game. Are you ready?

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From Beer to H2O | Breweries Lending a Can After Hurricane Michael

October 15, 2018 |

On Wednesday, October 10, Hurricane Michael slammed into the coast of Florida into a tiny town called Mexico Beach. On Monday, Oct. 8, the storm had been a Category 1 as it made its way to the Panhandle; by the time it hit, it was a Category 4. Though news reports, complete with eye-witness testimony and photos and videos released after the fact, try to illustrate the devastation that this storm wreaked, it’s hard to fathom. Even when you hear it from friends and family, it’s hard to take in.

My family was lucky. The trailer that my grandparents bought in 1985 is still standing, with only a few windows blown out. The house my parents’ built and have been living in full-time since 2008—my home for half the year—sports shattered windows like empty eye sockets, a hole in the roof and an exterior that looks as if it’s been skinned due to the siding being torn off, but it’s standing as well. We were lucky. But it’s going to take time to rebuild. In the meantime, many areas are still without power and running water.

In these times of disaster, when most of the luxuries that we take for granted are gone (electricity, internet, flushing toilets and potable water), all help is appreciated. But the necessities: a place to sleep, food and water to drink, are even more important. It’s times like these that breweries and beer companies step up.

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Brew Day Playlist | Revolution Brewing

October 9, 2018 |

We may have fallen more in love with Revolution Brewing after getting a look at this month’s playlist. Motörhead, Faith No More, Alice In Chains, The Stooges and the all mighty Slayer, oh my! Read More

Ultimate 6er | 2018 American League Playoffs

October 4, 2018 |

It’s October and the baseball playoffs have begun! The American League was especially strong this year. Three teams finished with over 100 wins for the first time ever. What’s the best way to root for your home team? With local beer available at the ballpark of course.  Here are your best bets to help get your team through to the World Series.

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Ultimate 6er | 2018-19 NHL Players & Beer Pairings

October 3, 2018 |

Let’s break the ice already, hockey season is finally here! If the release of NHL ’19 and pre-season isn’t enough, you’re probably missing a beer. Luckily, we have six incredible beer pairings to pair with the players on the ice this season. Tons of trades have been announced and, as fans get ready to cheer on their favorite team and players, we will have the proper beer to cheer them on with. Every ABV matches the number of the player so you won’t lose track of them on the ice no matter how many beers you decide to drink!

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Last Minute Liquor Store Luck Leads to GABF Gold for Ska Brewing

September 28, 2018 |

It’s a week later, and if you’re still recovering from the Great American Beer Festival and its peripheral festivities, you’re in good company. But with so many Oktoberfest events coming this weekend, there’s most certainly no rest for the wicked. On the other end of the spectrum, the breweries that went home with gold, silver and bronze hardware are still basking in the warm glow of victory.

For every medal, there’s a story, and the last-minute drama that accompanied Ska Brewing and their gold medal win for Oktoberfest in the Vienna-Style Lager category this year is definitely no exception.

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Event Preview | Scallywag! Craft Beer Meets Punk Rock

September 20, 2018 |

Craft Beer meets Punk Rock – that’s the focus of the Scallywag! festival headed to Austin, Texas on Sunday, September 23 at the Austin 360 Amphitheater. The punk rock extravaganza features over … Read More

Ultimate 6er | Gossip Girl

September 19, 2018 |

Hey PorchDrinkers! Gossip Girl here. Your one and only source for Manhattan’s elite. You didn’t think I could stay away for too long did you? It’s been 11 long years since I sent my first Gossip Girl blast and I’m feeling a little nostalgic. As the wise Blair once said, a girl needs only these four things: guys, girlfriends and Gossip Girl. So what’s been going on with our favorite upper eastsiders?  I’ve got the deets on our favorite trainwrecks—and most importantly, what they’re drinking. Read More