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Everything else discussed on the porch.
St. Louis Breweries Debuting New Brut IPAs
September 13, 2018 | Jordan PalmerNew beer styles don’t come along every day, so when I first stumbled upon the new, increasingly popular Brut IPA, I wanted to know more. So, I reached out to Rob Abel, head brewer at Ferguson Brewing: “The Brut IPA is a new IPA, the rationale for that name is that much like Brut champagne is extremely dry, the IPA is extremely dry, having zero residual sugar left.”
Brew Day Playlists | Creature Comforts Brewing Co.
September 4, 2018 | Chris & Sylvia HollandsIn this edition of the PorchDrinking Playlist, we bring you the music that inspires Georgia’s very own Creature Comforts Brewing Co. In the past four years, Creature Comforts has grown to become not only one of Georgia’s most well-respected breweries, but also one of the country’s fastest-growing brands. Who knew they were going to draw fans from all over the nation? As always, we were curious about what kind of music resonates within the walls of the restored historic warehouse while whipping up fresh batches of brews. Just how does the sound reverberate across the walls with the guts dating back to the 1940s? Does this influence the beer being produced? Let’s find out!
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Ultimate 6er | “The Bachelorette”
July 25, 2018 | Kara RowlandCraft beer may not be a fixture of ABC’s “The Bachelorette” franchise, but it certainly helps make those awkward limo introductions, catty video confessionals and declarations of love after just two weeks bearable.
Becca Kufrin’s season has been no exception. Suitors vying for the heart of the Minnesota native—who was famously dumped by Arie Luyendyk Jr. just months after he proposed—have checked off the routine boxes of comical villains, off-screen controversy and unexpected love triangles. As we approach the final episodes, let’s pay homage to Becca’s motley crew by assembling a reflective six-pack.
Ultimate 6er | Vikings: Beer, Books & Binge-Watching
July 18, 2018 | Mathew Powers 1“Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horns.” ~Ragnar Lothbrok, Vikings.
The History Channel’s globally-popular Vikings is set to return for its Season 5, Part B this fall. While the drama takes creative license with history, the show itself is captivating and as a bonus, the show sheds light on Nordic (including Viking) culture, which has inspired many to investigate Nordic history. Mostly, it’s just a fun TV show and perfect for pairing with beer. Here are six themes (mostly derived from seasons 1-3) coupled with both beers and history books that are meant to help enhance your Vikings-viewing experience. So, binge watch the old shows and then get ready for some more action this fall.
Ultimate 6er | How I Met Your Mother
June 20, 2018 | Jessica SpenglerHow I Met Your Mother did for my generation what Friends did for the one before. As a sitcom, it was never going to be subversive or show the realities of every day New Yorkers, but it certainly gave a better sense of what 20 and 30 somethings in the 2000s were really doing, and it wasn’t sitting in coffee shops. Sitting down with your friends for a few drinks at your local watering hole has been a part of American culture for generations, and HIMYM made it look great. Each of the main characters embodied a certain personality type, but with a level of complexity and fun that makes them perfect for an Ultimate 6er.
The Ultimate 6er | Summer Movies 2018
June 13, 2018 | Drew TrollerHave you been enjoying this year’s slew of summer movies? From big-budget sequels and spin-offs of beloved franchises to… um… other big-budget sequels and spin-offs of beloved franchises, Hollywood has a slate of blockbusters for you to enjoy this summer. And whether you’re reclining in a big leather seat at the air-conditioned theater, drinking beer at an Alamo Drafthouse, or getting cozy at a drive-in, we know you’re going to see summer movies just to have a good time and relax. So here’s the Ultimate 6er to pair with this summer’s movies. Enjoy!
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Ultimate 6er | Steven Universe
April 18, 2018 | Scott JohnsonThere’s nothing quite as special in the world of animation as Cartoon Network’s Steven Universe. Rebecca Sugar created this pastel wonderland out of her love of classic anime, space opera, and enchanting melody. The result of her hard work is not only one of the best cartoons of this decade but an incredible examination of sci-fi-infused LGBTQ discovery.
Beers, Burgers and Games Delight at Cherry Cricket’s Ballpark Location
April 17, 2018 | Kara RowlandWhen I moved from Washington, D.C. to Denver this past summer, my goal was to leave behind the hamster wheel that is political journalism. But in doing so, I was forced to make a sacrifice I hadn’t prepared for: leaving behind my favorite hamburger joint (Fuddruckers), which does not have a presence in Colorado.
To be sure, there are plenty of burger proprietors in the Mile High City, but I loathe having to choose between a customizable patty, decent sides and a flavorful beer list—you know, with options that offer more than merely an alternate source of hydration to water. With the addition of Cherry Cricket’s new location across from Coors Field, my problem appears to have been solved.
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You Won’t Ducking Believe the Amazing, Yet Bizarre Beers at 2018 Collaboration Fest
April 3, 2018 | Jaclyn MenendezLast year’s Collaboration Fest, which took place at the National Western Complex, was a bit rocky to put it nicely. But a move this year to the Hyatt-Regency in Downtown Denver, along with better signage and understated touches to attendee experiences, helped elevate the 5th year festival to the upper echelon of beer event experiences nation-wise. This year’s Collab Fest brought everything together to combine incredible concept, high quality beers, and near flawless execution.
As I stood in line with another early-goer, I asked if he had a strategy for hitting all the best. He replied, “Normally I make a beeline for a few beers in particular, but I can’t do that here. I’m just buzzing all over the place instead.”
Best Craft Beer Options Near Coors Field for Opening Day
April 2, 2018 | Holly GerardAfter a very exciting World Series wrapped up in November we couldn’t help but wonder what the spring would bring for baseball! After many interesting trades during the off-season, Home Opening Day 2018 is finally upon us and we can’t wait to cheer on the Rockies! To start your celebrations off right, we’ve rounded up some great craft options in Denver for the Colorado Rockies home opener on Friday, April 6. Whether you’re want to pregame or are looking for a nice spot to settle in with a beverage and watch it on TV, we’ve got some great options for you!
Oscars 2018 | Red Carpet BINGO
March 3, 2018 | Drew TrollerThis weekend, the stars will be out in Los Angeles to celebrate the 90th Academy Awards. The ceremony starts on ABC at 8 p.m. Eastern (5 p.m. Pacific). But starting at 5 p.m. Eastern (2 p.m. Pacific), E! will bring you all the red carpet coverage you could possibly want – and then probably another hour or two after you’ve had your fill.
This year’s red carpet coverage will be a bit different. Not just because the forecast in LA is calling for clouds and rain. There’s also the fact that E! has a couple scandals on its hands (Catt Sadler left the network over pay inequality, and Variety has reported on sexual misconduct allegations against red carpet host Ryan Seacrest.) And in the era of #TimesUp and #MeToo after the amazing reporting on Hollywood’s epidemic of sexual harassment and assault… there’a a lot more on people’s minds than who they’re wearing.
PorchDrinking Playlist & Event Preview | WinterWonderGrass Festival
February 20, 2018 | Cecelia KathleenThis upcoming weekend marks the sixth annual WinterWonderGrass Festival. It is also the bluegrass festival’s second year in the town of Steamboat Springs in Northern Colorado.
This three-day outdoor festival is sold-out and attendees can expect performances from Elephant Revival, Leftover Salmon, Greensky Bluegrass, Yonder Mountain String Band, Lil Smokies and many more bands and artists. There are 22 bands in total comprising this year’s Colorado lineup! Below is a run down of the event as well as a playlist for those heading up to Steamboat for some music and beer. Read More
A Beer Insider’s Road Trip Guide to Northern California
February 12, 2018 | AlewiseFor most, the foray into the world of beer trading is swiftly met with an introduction to the secondary value world, as that perceived value tends to drive the trading market. Fortunately, there are still areas free from the shackles of “me first” mindset. Luckily, through my own beer journey, I’ve been fortunate enough to find a small group that acts as a family. While the group mostly allows us to maintain connections online and send each other beers as presents, surprises, and BIFs (beer it forward, essentially chain mail but with beer as presents); recently I have focused my domestic travels on meeting these people in person. With SF Beer Week in progress and more than a half dozen faces I had yet to meet in person, I “sailed off for the San Francisco Bay”.
“Ride, captain ride upon your mystery ship. Be amazed at the friends you have here on your trip.”
Ultimate 6er | 2018 Winter Olympics
February 8, 2018 | Kurt BevilacquaThe 2018 Winter Olympic Games are just around the corner, and athletes from around the globe and all walks of life will be heading to PyeongChang to compete on the world’s stage. Each one of them striving for that common goal: to achieve personal triumph and stand on top of the podium as Olympic champion. For those of us that didn’t quite qualify this time around, we are perfectly content enjoying the competition from the comfort of our couches usually with a few beers. So here are some to pour that pair nicely with a few of the respected sports in the Games and their storylines that will be captivating audiences. Read More
2018 Winter Olympics Drinking Game for the Gold Medalist Fan
February 8, 2018 | Danny KingI don’t know about you guys, but I am fucking PUMPED for the Olympics. As with Eurovision and World Cup, I love any event where countries compete against each other without (much) bloodshed. As a boy from the frigid north, the Winter Olympics are my favorite and I think a ton more fun to watch. I’ve been prepping for PyeongChang in my own way; I’ve dusted off my skis (but not GS suit) and racing in a beer league. I’ve been getting blasted for making criticizing figure skaters (I am in the right. I will die on this hill.) and most importantly, I’ve been making some rules for us all to watch the biennial awkwardness of NBC trying to milk four hours of TV out of people walking in silly outfits across the stage.
Ultimate 6er | Beers for Super Bowl LII
February 2, 2018 | Eric GriffinIt has been decided. The two top football teams in the country will face off in Super Bowl LII in less than two weeks. I for one am ecstatic. Born and raised in Massachusetts, Boston sports were etched into my being, and part of that grouping is the most hated team in the nation, the New England Patriots. They will face off against the Philadelphia Eagles in a rematch of Super Bowl XXXIX 13 years ago.
But we’re not here to discuss odds; we’re here to discuss beer. Leave those domestic macro beers on the shelf this year and use this guide to point you in the direction of some beers that are perfectly suited for an evening of championship football.
2018 Super Bowl Bingo Boards for Sunday’s Big Game
February 1, 2018 | Tristan Chan 1It’s time once again for PorchDrinking’s 2018 Super Bowl Bingo Cards for Super Bowl 52. In addition to the entertainment of seeing who can inhale the most combinations of cheese dips in one sitting, we’ve created bingo boards for your party-goers’ enjoyment. Each square should be crossed off as they occur. And sure since this is PorchDrinking, take a drink each time you cross off a square.
2018 State of the Union Drinking Game
January 29, 2018 | StaffFor many, President Trump’s first State of the Union speech will be a tough one to view without also enjoying a few beers. Why drink out of anger, though, when you can turn a negative into a positive by making it into a drinking game? Sure, you may still find the entire ordeal infuriating, but at least it will afford you an opportunity to the celebrate how craft movement made American Beer Great Again.
Yards & Harpoon Place a Wager on the Super Bowl
January 26, 2018 | Dan BortzSuper Bowl LII is barreling toward Minneapolis. The Philadelphia Eagles and New England Patriots are going to clash in a David and Goliath showdown, which will hopefully be a game for the ages. As a lifelong Eagles fan, I hope the Birds give the Patriots the thrashing of their lives. As if the game wasn’t going to be fun enough already, breweries in the teams’ hometowns are placing a little bet on the big game. Just as you would expect, it all started on Twitter.
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PorchDrinking Playlist | Kicking & Screaming
January 16, 2018 | Dan BortzI though this was going to be an embarrassing deep dive into music that I used to love. My mind was fully prepared to accept that my early 20s was a weird time in my life. I mean, after all, building a Spotify playlist full of emo-ish songs should be embarrassing by itself, let alone admitting to myself that I used to love a lot of this music. I’m going to share a secret with you. It turns out that I STILL like a lot of this music. Most of it hasn’t entered my ears in ten years or more, but, for the next few weeks, you’ll have to pull me away from this playlist kicking and screaming.
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