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Everything else discussed on the porch.

NFL Playoff & Beer Preview | Where & What to Drink in Pittsburgh

January 12, 2018 |

The wonderful team at PorchDrinking has challenged me to explore the marriage between beer and sports. I’ll be your sports and beer tour guide each week as we take a closer look at some of these events. What’s the local beer scene like? What can you do around the stadium? What’s the one food you must try? To kick things off, we’re starting in the Steel City of Pittsburgh for this weekend’s NFL Playoff game between the Steelers and Jacksonville Jaguars.

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Beerstagram | December 21 – December 28

December 29, 2017 |

Hello Beerstagram fans, welcome to the last Beerstagram round up of 2017! Hard to believe the year is already drawing to a close, huh? Well, I hope you all enjoyed your Christmas holiday, from the looks of these photos and beer selections it looks like you might have. Cheers to the New Year!

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A Look at How the Craft Beer Market Could React to Stagnating Growth in 2018

December 28, 2017 |

It has been another exciting year for the craft beer market, and with more than 6,000 craft breweries operating in the U.S, it’s safe to say that craft beer has become a viable economic institution in the United States. That said, the beer market overall is stalling – with stagnant year over year growth across the larger industry. Bart Watson, the Brewers Association’s chief economist, told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that “the total market growth for craft brewing production is slowing down… It’s still growing but not at the double-digit rates we saw over the past decade.” So, has craft beer hit a plateau that many predicted? Or do craft breweries find new avenues to expand and improve?

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Beerstagram | December 14 – December 21

December 22, 2017 |

Happy winter, Beerstagram fans! It looks like you’re celebrating with some malty options. We are upon the last few days before Christmas and these beers are sure looking festive. We hope you enjoy the holiday and share some bottles with those you love. See you back here next week for the last Beerstagram of the year. Merry Christmas!

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Not Your Traditional Holiday Tunes

December 19, 2017 |

Hey friends! We are no doubt heading into the homestretch of the holiday festivities.

If you are lucky, you have the chance to sit back and relax, avoiding the last minute shopping many of us seem to torture ourselves with every year. Along with the crowded stores, you may be just about done with the traditional holiday music playing on repeat for the past month. Admittedly, there is some secret level of internal glee when we hear a Burl Ives or Bing Crosby classic right after Thanksgiving. These songs are great and there is a reason they have become so popular over the years.

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Ultimate 6er | “So Bad, It’s Good” Movies

December 19, 2017 |

Have you ever watched a movie that made you go “I wish I could watch this again, but while drinking with my friends?” Then this is the Ultimate 6er for you! Enjoying a movie that falls in this sweet spot is just as important as finding any unearthed gem. There is no better way to experience these forms of unbridled enthusiasm than without any limits. So that’s why I’ve compiled the best pairings of the best beers to have with movies beyond regular enjoyment.
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Beerstagram | December 7 – December 14

December 15, 2017 |

Ho Ho Ho Beerstagram friends! Hanukkah kicked off earlier this week, we hope you are enjoying your holiday week of the festival of lights and, for those that are getting ready for Christmas, we hope you are enjoying the season as well. From the looks of this week’s round up it looks like you are cracking open some festive brews. Cheers to that! See you back here again next week.

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Revisiting Star Wars: The Force Awakens

December 14, 2017 |

As you know, it’s time for “The Last Jedi” to come out. To celebrate, I’ve re-watched the prequel trilogy. I’ve re-watched the original trilogy. And I’ve re-watched “The Force Awakens.” But you don’t need my opinions on “The Force Awakens.”

You need Nik Heimach’s opinions.

Nik Heimach is one of the most thoughtful critics and consumers of pop culture that I’ve ever met. You may have seen him on PorchDrinking before. But you don’t know the half of it.

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Revisiting Star Wars: The Original Trilogy

December 12, 2017 |

“The Last Jedi” comes out in a matter of hours. To celebrate, I’ve been re-watching the Star Wars movies.

I watched the prequels and wrote about it here.

No one asked me to do this, by the way.

I just really really love Star Wars.

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Revisiting Star Wars: The Prequel Trilogy

December 11, 2017 |

I’m really, really excited for the new Star Wars movie. If you added up the time I’ve spent watching Star Wars movies in my life, it’s probably in the days. That’s not to mention the time spent playing with toys, writing about Star Wars, playing video games and standing in line for the Star Wars rides at Disneyland. And every once in a while, I need to add some more time to that counter. In anticipation of “The Last Jedi,” I’m going back and re-watching ALL the Star Wars movies. In order. Yes, starting with the prequels trilogy.

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Beerstagram | November 30 – December 7

December 8, 2017 |

Happy Friday, Beerstagram fans! How has your first week of December been? We are desperately wishing it would snow here in Denver so that it actually felt a little bit more like December and so that we could crack into those malty winter warmers! We have kicked off the season with plenty of twinkle lights making their fabulous appearance in a lot of your Beerstagrams and this week certainly had their fair share. They are all so pretty! Enjoy the weekend and we will see you back here again next week. Cheers!

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Ultimate 6er | The NFL’s Lovable Losers

December 7, 2017 |

The NFL season is in full force and several teams are competing for a playoff spot. There are some teams however that do not stand a chance even making the playoffs. Rumors are floating about key players being traded, coaches being fired, and who is in the competition for #1 pick in the draft. While several teams’ seasons have been over for weeks that isn’t an excuse to not have a good time. The best way for players to get through the next few months is with a beer that helps them forget (or remember) their team’s woes.
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PorchDrinking Playlist | Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree

December 5, 2017 |

I’m a strict “No Christmas Until After Thanksgiving” kind of guy. I threaten to fire employees, yell loudly when I hear the faint jingling of bells, and I materialize as the physical embodiment of “Bah Humbug” until Santa’s sleigh arrives with the Macy’s Day Parade. While some of my fervor may be out of respect for Thanksgiving (a very underrated bacchanalian holiday where the goal is to hang out with those close to you and consume things like you were an H2 on a road trip), I also get really sick of Christmas music. Living in LA it feels wrong walking outside singing “Let It Snow” when it is 90 degrees out on Thanksgiving. In case you are wondering, that was not hyperbole—it was 90 degrees on Thanksgiving this year.
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Why Porter Beer Bar Won’t Serve Founders CBS This Year

December 1, 2017 | 4

Today begins the long-awaited release of Founders Brewing’s Canadian Breakfast Stout (CBS) across a 46-state footprint. While beer lovers across the U.S. rush to lineup in front of their go-to bottle shop or favorite beer bar, there are a growing number of businesses that have decided to draw a line in the sand when it comes to carrying corporate beer.
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Beerstagram | November 23 – November 30

December 1, 2017 |

Hello Beerstagram friends! Welcome to the first day of December! We are now in the full swing of things with the Holidays and get ready for the plethora of seasonal beer photos that are going to be hand selected for Beerstagram each week, we just can’t help ourselves over here! This week’s roundup had some nice shots to share, great work to all of you #beertographers! Be sure to keep tagging us @porchdrinkingCO for your chance to be featured and we will see you back here again next week, cheers!

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The Only Memes I Can Tolerate Are Star Wars Memes

November 30, 2017 |

I’m a bad millennial. I don’t like avocado toast (or avocados in general). I pay for a monthly cable subscription. I’ve never once posted an Instagram Story. But of all the millennial crazes, the thing that makes me feel oldest is the ubiquity of memes. For geezers like me who don’t really “get” it… I’ve gleaned that memes are really just shared jokes on the internet, usually involving superimposing a caption onto a viral-worthy image or video.

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Ultimate 6er | New M&M Flavors Paired with Excellent Beer

November 30, 2017 |

Halloween may have passed, but my stash of “Dad tax” candy continues to thrive — my kids must pay for the right to trick-or-treat. Hence, traditionally, all Reeses, Smarties and M&M’s become my property.

As a result, I noticed an influx of new M&M flavors that I had not tried. Suddenly the classic, brown-bagged Plain M&M’s and yellow-bagged Peanut M&M’s were joined by such flavors as Birthday Cake, Pumpkin Spice, Cafe Mocha and Carrot Cake.

Of course, that got me thinking, ‘Which of these flavors would go best with what beer?’ This Ultimate 6er seeks to find the answers.

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Everything Sucks

November 27, 2017 |

Recently, I’ve been revisiting a lot of the questionable music that I enjoyed as a teenager. I was in the eighth grade during the “Year of Ska”. Anybody remember that? There were 12 glorious months, during which THREE separate ska singles saw regular radio airtime. Reel Big Fish and The Mighty Mighty Bosstones became household names – or were at least referred to as “those bands with the trumpets.” Everyone remembers the song “Sell Out”, but “Everything Sucks” was the one that always resonated with me.
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Beerstagram | November 16 – November 23

November 24, 2017 |

Hey there Beerstagram friends! Did you all have a Happy Thanksgiving? We sure hope so! It looks like you enjoyed some tasty beers over the past few days with the looks of this week’s roundup! Are you now planning to go out and find some of those extra special Black Friday beer releases? Whatever you do, we hope you have a nice weekend! See you back here again next week!

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Dabble in Jazz

November 21, 2017 |

While I am not an expert on the jazz genre by any means, I like to turn some of it on now and again for a chill atmosphere vibe. Being inspired by the jazz musician friends I have had in my life, I have learned enough here and there to put together a playlist of classics and feel confident enough to dabble in the genre a little bit. It’s quite relaxing for cooking, computing or even beer sipping. Kick back and enjoy. Read More