General Topics
Everything else discussed on the porch.
Beerstagram | September 14 – September 21
September 22, 2017 | Holly GerardHey, hey Beerstagram friends, nice seeing you back here again this week. Ummm… where is September going? It’s almost fall, y’all! What do you have planned for this upcoming weekend and official start to the fall season? Be sure to keep tagging us in your adventures @PorchDrinkingCO and we will see you back here again next week. Cheers!
Ultimate 6er | More Netflix Original Programming
September 20, 2017 | Scott JohnsonNetflix has become the new home for incredible original content spending six billion dollars for this year alone. As more people are ditching cable for the comfort of streaming, we expect to see shows that can do great things without corporate oversight. Last year, I talked about the best pairings with this company’s more publicly renowned shows, but this time we’ll point out the newer, more innovative series around!
PorchDrinking Playlist | Ex Novo Brewing
September 19, 2017 | Chris & Sylvia HollandsIn the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon there must be a Nickelback concert happening this very moment. It turns out to just not to be the case, however it may be the folks at Portland’s Ex Novo Brewing Company trying to break up a boring day. “One of our favorite pastimes at the brewery is to blast some super shitty music and see how long it takes before someone changes it,” said head brewer, Ryan Buxton. This seems to be a game they play to keep things from getting stale. The tradition keeps things fresh because it rarely lasts more than three songs at a time. And please do not worry, this is all done before the doors open to the public. Read More
Beerstagram | September 7 – September 14
September 15, 2017 | Holly GerardHello Beerstagram fans! How has your week been? Somehow it is already the weekend again. It’s pretty crazy that we are already talking plans for Great American Beer Festival over here at’s Denver headquarters and that this will be the last weekend of summer. Fall is coming and so are those malty beers. But while it is still summer officially, at least for one more week, let’s keep on soaking in those lighter styles and outdoor beer shots, OK? Also, enjoy those Oktoberfest activities many of you have plans for this weekend, too. Cheers! See you back here again next week.
PorchDrinking Playlist | Trail Tunes
September 12, 2017 | Sarah BoisenI’ve spent a solid part of summer scampering along trails in search of that mountain magic. Although it’s hard to beat the au naturel soundtrack that only the great outdoors can provide, I’m also complete sucker for pairing tunes with trails (and of course, a tasty beer at the top).
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Brewery Showcase | Cleophus Quealy Beer Co.
September 11, 2017 | Constance Del RioIf you haven’t heard about Cleophus Quealy Beer Co. consider this your formal introduction to a great farmhouse brewery in the East Bay! They are located at 448 Hester Street, San Leandro, CA 94577 – which is right by the Oakland International Airport! So, you know it’s good to grab a great beer on your layover or on your way out of town.
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Beerstagram | August 31 – September 7
September 8, 2017 | Holly GerardHello, Beerstagram friends! We hope you enjoyed your Labor Day and now, welcome to September. Did you hear that yesterday was #NationalBeerLovers day? How did you celebrate?! We are rolling into yet another weekend here and have a lot of nice beer photos to share with you. Be sure to keep tagging us in your posts @PorchDrinkingCO and we will see you back here again next week. Cheers!
Beerstagram | August 24 – August 31
September 1, 2017 | Holly GerardHello Beerstagram friends! Somehow Labor Day weekend is already upon us. Any fun plans for the long weekend? We have a nice roundup of photos for you this week, including many announcing that is finally hop-picking season, hooray! Wet hop beers all around. Be sure to keep tagging us on your beer sipping adventures @PorchDrinkingCO and we will see you back here again next week, cheers!
Avanti Food & Beverage Supporting Bartenders Impacted by Hurricane Harvey
August 31, 2017 | Tristan Chan 1While Hurricane Harvey continues to devastate residents of Houston and communities throughout the Gulf Coast, nationally efforts have begun pouring in to support those most impacted by the storm’s wake.
Ultimate 6er | Six College-Licensed Beers Perfect For Watching College Football
August 31, 2017 | Taylor LaabsCollege football season is here. If you’re like me, that means that you’ll be spending most Saturdays until the New Year watching your Alma Mater (U Rah Rah Wisconsin) elevate your hopes and mercilessly dash your dreams on a weekly basis. This also means you might be attending a tailgate or hitting your favorite college bar, meaning beer will be a high priority on your list. For me, that means a heavy portion of New Glarus and whatever other craft options are available. Some lucky football fans, however, get to drink college-licensed beer brewed by a local craft brewery. Here are six college-licensed beers for which any college football fan base could be proud.
PorchDrinking Playlist | Free Will Brewing Company
August 29, 2017 | Dan BortzLocated in Perkasie, Pennsylvania, Free Will Brewing Company has been brewing delicious, high-quality beer since 2012. With two locations in southeastern PA, Free Will has garnered lots of attention for their sour beer and barrel-aging programs. So, why don’t you go grab some headphones (I’ll wait), and get ready to listen your way through a tasty beer portfolio.
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National Dog Day: The Dogs of PorchDrinking
August 26, 2017 | Stacey GoersPorchDrinkers love their dogs just like they love their beer. In honor of #NationalDogDay on August 26, we wanted to show you the puppers that deserve a blop or two and are h*ckin’ good pets.
Meet the adorable dogs of PorchDrinking.
Have a pup of your own? Tweet us at @PorchDrinkingCO
Beerstagram | August 17 – August 24
August 25, 2017 | Holly GerardHey, hey Beerstagram followers! That Total Eclipse earlier this week was pretty spectacular wasn’t it?! Did you have a beer while watching it? If you didn’t I hope you’re still soaking in these last few weeks of summer by enjoying a brew in the great outdoors. From this looks of this week’s roundup it seems like many of you still are. Cheers to that! See you back here again next week.
PorchDrinking Playlist | Brand New
August 24, 2017 | David ThompsonAbout 14 years ago, on a mix CD made up of songs downloaded by my buddy solely from Kazaa, I listened to Sic Transit Gloria … Glory Fades for the first time, and I was introduced to Brand New, the Long Island Emo/Punk Pop band. Immediately, I fell in love with everything they were about from their counter melodies to their feud with Taking Back Sunday (another band I loved at the time … and still enjoy quite a bit). Their early music captured all the suburban angst a wannabe punk kid from Montana like me could muster.
Beerstagram | August 10 – August 17
August 18, 2017 | Holly GerardWelcome to Friday, Beerstagram friends! How are we already half way through August?! I know I have said this again and again but summer really needs to slow itself down. We always love a good brew with a good view over here at PorchDrinking and this week we have plenty of brews with views. Nice photographing this week, everyone! Be sure to keep tagging us @PorchDrinkingCO and we will see you back here again next week. Cheers!
PorchDrinking Playlist | Summer Road Trip
August 15, 2017 | Holly GerardMaybe you have already been on a road trip this summer, but if you haven’t yet, this playlist suits the road well. Turn it on, turn it up and cruise along! It’s only August, and there is still plenty of weekends before summer ends to get out there and enjoy a quick getaway. Even if you aren’t planning anymore getaways this summer—this is a good playlist for a weekend spent hanging out or, hell, do I even mention doing chores?! Nah, go do something way more fun than chores and take this set of songs along with you. Read More
Beerstagram | August 3 – August 10
August 11, 2017 | Holly GerardHey Beerstagram, followers! Happy Friday! How did the week treat you? Hopefully not too bad and now you can celebrate because it is the weekend. Cheers to that! Do you have any fun plans for this August weekend? Hopefully porch sitting and beer drinking is on your list. See you back here again next week!
Beerstagram | July 27 – August 3
August 4, 2017 | Holly GerardHey Beerstagram fans! How is the first week of August treating you? Did you have a good IPA Day?! Seems like many of you had a few IPAs or two from the looks of the ‘grams this week. Thanks for always taking such great photos to be featured. Cheers! Be sure to keep tagging us @PorchDrinkingCO.
Beerstagram | July 20 – July 27
July 28, 2017 | Holly GerardHello there Beerstagram followers! We are already approaching the last week of July, can you believe it? What the heck! There was quite a nice collection of images to choose from this week. Some people are just so creative with their beertography, I love it! Also, how cute is that can with a parrot?! Keep on taking those sweet shots everyone. See you back here again next week, cheers!
PorchDrinking Playlist | A Day at the Pool
July 25, 2017 | Taylor LaabsSummertime is in full swing, which means that there are a multitude of outdoor activities to participate in. Whether you’re going on a boat, hosting a BBQ or heading to the pool, all of summer’s greatest moments have one unifying factor: a great playlist.
One of my favorite summer pastimes is a relaxing day at the pool. As I’ve aged, pool time has become more about lounging (and drinking beer) and less about swimming. My taste in music while chilling in a plastic seat poolside has subsequently changed to include a good mix of country, top 50 hits and eclectic jams that cover all of my musical bases. Read More
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