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Beerstagram | July 13 – July 20

July 21, 2017 |

Hey hey, Beerstagram followers! Somehow it’s already Friday again. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? This week we have a nice mix of photos to share with you. From cityscapes to gardenscapes, these beers got out and about this past week. Be sure to keep tagging us @PorchDrinkingCO for your chance to be featured right here. See you back here again next week. Cheers!
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PorchDrinking Playlist | Sister Act

July 18, 2017 |

Recognizing a dire lack of new music to play on sun-sparkled highways and in the background of Sofia Coppola nature scenes, HAIM came out with a new album this month. The sisters Danielle, Este and Alana have been celebrated for their evocative California cool aesthetic before. “Something to Tell You” has been credited for its callbacks to acts like Fleetwood Mac and Bonnie Raitt. However, I still haven’t seen anyone tackle the interplay of the sisters’ vocal. Almost all the choruses are sung in unison as well as many other portions, voices mixing into one. The “close harmony” distinctive sounds of the 30’s and 40’s were dominated by sister acts. Since those early days, bands were comprised in whole or part by sisters and have played a dominate role in the music of the day. Read More

Beerstagram | July 6 – July 13

July 14, 2017 |

Woah, July really needs to slow down don’t you think Beerstagram fans?! We have a lot of beers with some very pretty views to feature this week…great shots everyone! What are your plans for this weekend? Soaking in some more views, perhaps? I sure hope so! See you back here again next week! Cheers!

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Brew Gentlemen

July 11, 2017 |

Braddock, Pennsylvania was once a thriving borough in Pittsburgh’s eastern suburbs, but the decline of the steel industry in the 1980s forced businesses to close and people to leave. Today, there are still more empty storefronts than occupied ones, but in the former electrical supply store at 512 Braddock Avenue, the lights are on and business is bustling. That building is now occupied by Brew Gentlemen, and this brewery is definitely drawing visitors to Braddock.
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Beerstagram | June 29 – July 6

July 7, 2017 |

Hey Beerstagram fans! Did you all have a good 4th? I hope you celebrated well and enjoyed some time off. What are you up to this weekend? Hard to believe it is already Friday again. Be sure to tag @porchdrinkingco in your next beer adventure for your chance to be featured the following week. See you then. Cheers!

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Vinyl & Beers | Top 25 Artists That Went Solo

July 6, 2017 |

As we recover from celebrating the 241st anniversary of the original Brexit, I think it’s appropriate we honor those who fought for musical independence. These brave soldiers fought against egos, narcotics, less-talented band mates and guaranteed paychecks so they could feed their own ego, recruit their own band and cash larger paychecks. Like America before them, these music makers could not be shackled by their oppressors and, like our whale-friend Willy, broke free triumphantly to the sounds of sweet music.

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Brewers Describe the Value of Brewing Independence

July 3, 2017 |

The United States started as nothing more than an idea, a dream and a determination to overcome perceived empire-driven injustices. For the overwhelming majority of breweries, those values presented by our Founding Fathers echo the idea of independent brewing. Sure, there are brewing empires that could lure one to the economic promised land, but the pursuit of “hoppiness” for independent breweries is best served through self-determination rather than corporate funding. As the nation moves toward celebrating its independence, we at wanted to discuss brewing independence with a few breweries who have thumbed their proverbial noses at the King Georges of the world and exercise their freedom to brew.

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Beerstagram | June 22 – June 29

June 30, 2017 |

Hello Beerstagram friends! We have a long holiday weekend ahead! What are you most looking forward to: camping, grilling, fireworks, fishing, going to the pool, baseball, fireworks, a craft beer?! Probably all of the above because they all sound amazing. We wish you a safe and festive Fourth of July. See you back here again next week, cheers!

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Red Rocks Summer 2017

June 29, 2017 |

Red Rocks Amphitheater just outside of Denver, Colorado is one of those very iconic places bands love to play at and fans love to go to for concerts. Each Spring, Summer, and Fall they host numerous bands of all genres and most of the shows end up selling out, because why not? With these lineups it is hard to pass any of these shows up! We’ve put together a playlist to get you ready for your big concert-going season at the famous outdoor venue.

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Grill Greatness

June 27, 2017 |

Summer is officially here which means that the sky is out, thighs are out and dad bods draped in RompHims have officially taken up residence at the grill. As Ron Swanson once pointed out, “since mankind first set meat atop fire, it has been perfect.”  If you too share this sentiment and are hoping to take your flame game up a notch this holiday weekend, you’ve come to the right par-tay. Read More

Beerstagram | June 15 – June 22

June 23, 2017 |

Happy Friday Beerstagram friends! We welcomed the offical start of summer this week, hooray! What summer styles are you currently enjoying? From the look’s of this week’s roundup it seems like these beertographers were enjoying some tasty brews as well as taking in some pretty spectacular views. I’m a sucker for a craft beer amongst a lovely landscape setting. Cheers folks, see you back here again next week.

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PorchDrinking Playlist | A Night At The 90’sbury

June 22, 2017 | 1

I’ve been feeling strangely nostalgic lately. The combination of summer’s impending zenith and a recent trip to visit my adolescent stomping grounds stirs up all sorts of memories, and for me those memories are always tied to a soundtrack. And while it takes a lot to admit this publicly, the current flashback montage in my brain happens to be set to a thumping bass rhythm, some heavy synth, and heads violently nodding sideways, 90’s club style.

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Bonn Place Brewing Company

June 20, 2017 |

Feature Image Credit: Jim Trocchio via

Of all the breweries in the Northeast, it’s likely that there is no better PorchDrinking Playlist subject than Bonn Place Brewing Company. As a relatively young addition to the growing beer scene in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, music plays a central role in every aspect of the brewery’s operation.

Bonn Place Brewing Company opened its doors in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania on July 31, 2016. Bonn Place’s Grand Chancellor and brewer Sam Masotto claims that he has loved beer since he turned 21, but this answer may just be a ruse to throw the cops off his trail. As a brewer he tries not to take himself too seriously. When asked about his brewing philosophy, Masotto simply replied, “Get over yourself. Your yeast does all the work anyway.” Read More

PorchDrinking Playlist | Taylor Swift Comes Back to Spotify

June 19, 2017 |

Feature image courtesy of (Shirlaine Forrest/Getty Images)

Back in 2014, Taylor Swift said “We are never ever getting back together” to free music streaming sites like Spotify. As of midnight on June 9, 2017, just three short years later, her musical repertoire was added back to Spotify and T-Swift fans around the world are rejoicing.

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Beerstagram | June 8 – June 15

June 16, 2017 |

Hey, hey Beerstagram fans! How has the week treated ya? It’s been a toasty week here in Denver and I am LOVING IT! Hooray summer! It looks like many of you enjoyed some beers outdoors again this week, cheers to that. If you’re sitting on your porch, patio or pool this weekend and snap a photo of that tasty brew, be sure to tag us @porchdrinkingco. See you back here again next week!

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Beerstagram | June 1 – June 8

June 9, 2017 |

Hey Beerstagram friends, how was your first full week of June? We have a very outdoors-inspired photo lineup for you this week! It’s going to (officially) be summer soon, woohoo! Keep cracking some good beverages and sitting on those porches and we will see you back here again next week! Cheers!

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Ultimate 6er | NBA Finals

June 9, 2017 |

Did any other team besides the Cleveland Cavaliers or Golden State Warriors even have a chance this year? Is it even possible to ignore the legacy Lebron James has installed on the NBA finals over the past seven years? Can you think of another player who has a more beautiful 3-point shot than Steph Curry?

Whether you are a basketball fan or not, the NBA finals are always an excuse to partake in some beer drinking. Here is a 2017 NBA Finals 6er with beers from Oakland, California and Cleveland, Ohio.

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Ultimate 6er | Twin Peaks

June 8, 2017 |

“Agent Cooper, I’ll see you again in 25 years.” This was the opening scene in the first episode of the Twin Peaks Showtime relaunch. A 25 year hiatus. Was this the plan all along? Who knows. Either way after watching the first episode on May 21, I’m completely sucked back into the strange and curious world of Twin Peaks. The show made its debut back in 1990 and ended shortly after two seasons, but its quirky characters and eerie imagery got people hooked. We’ve seen a few familiar characters (the Log Lady is back!), but can’t wait to see what others make an appearance. Twin Peaks is such a bizarre show, it is likely that you’ll need to watch and re-watch the episodes to fully understand what is happening. To help you get through all of the episodes, check out these 6 beers that pay homage to this peculiar cult classic.

laura palmer twin peaks


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The James Comey Testimony Drinking Game

June 7, 2017 |

Thursday’s James Comey testimony before the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence could end up being one of the most watched live broadcast court case since the OJ trials. The former FBI Director’s court appearance has generated such a buzz that several D.C. based bars already have plans to open early to broadcast the testimony.

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Jesus Christ Pose

June 6, 2017 |

Feature image courtesy of

The morning of May 18, 2017 started out like most mornings usually do. I generally wake up early, take a quick shower and get ready for the day (never forgetting to brew a fresh pot of coffee). However, this day turned out to be significantly unusual for this music lover. Jumping into the daily morning Facebook feed, I read a startling comment from a fellow music lover. She mentioned in a post that she “never thought [she] would write down these words until [she] was much older.” I didn’t even read the entire post. I knew if this friend was heartbroken, I was going to be affected in some way too. I jumped to my news app and instantly swiped past the Trump news of the day to the shocking news of Chris Cornell’s ‘sudden and unexpected’ death following a show in Detroit just hours before. This was such a punch in the gut! Read More