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Everything else discussed on the porch.

PorchDrinking Playlist | Music in the Movies 2016 Edition

February 2, 2017 |

Award season is upon us. We are a couple weeks removed from the Golden Globes, and the Academy Award Nominations were just announced. 2016 was an amazing year for music in movies. From the awards-darling La La Land (nominated for a record tying 14 Oscars), to the uber charming and my favorite movie of the year Sing Street, the movies of 2016 produced some extremely streamable music.

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Ultimate 6er | Six Atlanta Beers For the Big Game

February 2, 2017 |

If you haven’t heard, there’s a big football game on Sunday. (Dear Roger Goodell, I will adhere to licensing rights and avoid using the name of said game, but I think the game will be super!) Let’s face it, for most of us whose teams failed to make it this far, the game featuring New England and Atlanta is secondary to the food, our squares, the commercials, and of course the beer.

So, for those of you rooting for the Falcons, here are six ATL brews that pay homage to the Peach State’s Dirty Birds.
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SweetWater and Sam Adams Bet on the Big Game

January 31, 2017 | 2

As Atlanta heats up in advance of this Sunday’s big match-up in Houston, everyone in the city is catching Falcons Fever. The affectionately nicknamed Dirty Birds head to the game for only the second time in the storied 51-year history of the Big Game and the city is convinced this is the year the Falcons will bring the iconic Lombardi Trophy home. Read More

Beerstagram | January 19 – January 26

January 27, 2017 |

Happy Friday! Whew what a week, how did it go for you Beerstagram fans? This past week I heard January referred to as the “Monday of months” and I couldn’t agree more, but now it is winding down and February is right around the corner. Enjoy the last few days of the month and be sure to enjoy something tasty this weekend, friends. Cheers!

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PorchDrinking Playlist | 2 Row Brewing

January 24, 2017 |

Utah’s own 2 Row Brewing just released two highly anticipated beverages to the eager public. The first is a follow up to their recently heralded venture into the hazy IPA game. The second is possibly the highest ABV beer made in our state by a production brewery.

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Beerstagram | January 12 – January 19

January 20, 2017 |

Oh, hey! How is it going this week Beerstagram lovers?! I seemed to have rounded up a few images this week that have animals in the them, look how cute that Icelandic horse is and the Jack Russel Terrier. Awww… it’s fun to see animals enjoying the company of a craft beer drinker. Until we meet again next week–cheers!

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Ultimate 6er | NFL Conference Championship Weekend

January 18, 2017 |

As Chiefs fans continue to complain about officiating and Cowboys fans wait yet “another year,” it is time for the rest of the country to gear-up for the NFL Championship games. The Green Bay Packers take their cheese-loving selves to Atlanta to face the “Dirty Bird” Falcons while the Steelers will be waving their terrible towels at Gillette Stadium against the Patriots. To celebrate the championship games I have built the Ultimate 6er showcasing some of the best beers that represent these sports town cities. Included are two brews that will keep us looking forward to the Super Bowl and into next season.

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PorchDrinking Playlist | My Girlfriend’s Car

January 17, 2017 |

Featured Image from

My girlfriend Laina and I have been together for more than three years. We live together, have a child together, and love each other a lot. It’s not all rainbows and unicorns, though. Just like in most relationships, disagreements arise. Our fifth-largest bone of contention is control of the car stereo. In my car we listen to brilliant podcasts. My girlfriend’s car stereo is almost always tuned to the country station.

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Beerstagram | January 5 – January 12

January 13, 2017 |

Hey everybody! How is January treating you so far? This week’s Beerstagram has a variety of very nice photos from across the internet beersphere. What is your favorite brew you’ve already tried in the New Year? Be sure to keep tagging @porchdrinkingco for your chance to be featured! Meet you back here again next week, cheers!

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Mikerphone Brewing’s Upcoming Taproom

January 12, 2017 |

Featured image courtesy of Mikerphone Brewing

4,000 square feet, custom wooden table recently stained grey, black chairs, brown cardboard boxes and a small palate wrapped tight in shrink wrap – all carrying the recent additions to Mikerphone Brewing’s upcoming taproom.

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Ultimate 6er | Star Trek: The Next Generation

January 11, 2017 |

Cover Photo Courtesy

The world of Star Trek: The Next Generation is nearly utopian. It is a post-scarcity world, where war, famine, and disease have been almost completely wiped out on Earth. People are free to pursue any profession they please, without the pressure of making ends meet. This leads to a boom in cultural and technological advancements.

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The Franklin Myth | “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy”

January 11, 2017 | 1

Ben Franklin never wrote, “Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.” Despite numerous sources, such as Pinterest, Twitter and your local tee shirt guy, the quote — now this may shock some of you — started on the Internet and then numerous people shared it without bothering to check for its accuracy. WHOA! What’s next, fake news stories? Say it ain’t so, Internet Joe!

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Beerstagram | December 29 – January 5

January 6, 2017 |

Welcome to a brand new year! With this brand new year, we should drink some brand new beers, right?! We hope you rang 2017 in with style (from the looks of this week’s Beerstagram, it seems you did) and have many exciting plans for the months ahead! Cheers!

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Rick Astley (Yes, That Guy) Launching His Own Beer

January 4, 2017 |

There’s a new name in the world of beer: Rick Astley.

Yes, Rick Astley. The “Never Gonna Give You Up” guy. The Rickrolling dude. He’s gonna make his own beer. Read More

PorchDrinking Playlist | City of Brotherly Love

January 3, 2017 |

Philadelphia is the City of Brotherly Love. It’s a city of underdogs, fighters and (very) occasionally, champions. In the colonial days, it was home to Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, hosted … Read More

Beerstagram | December 23 – December 29

December 30, 2016 |

It’s almost 2017 and we are winding down the holiday season with some great photos on this week’s Beerstagram! Cheers to a new year! See you next week!

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45 Events and Moments That Made Us Drink in 2016

December 29, 2016 |

Image courtesy of NPR

There is no doubt about it: 2016 has been a year.

I would say that it has been a rollercoaster, but the cliche does not do it justice. This year has not been a rollercoaster. This year has been a journey through the entire amusement park  – with that park being haunted by ghosts, designed by aliens, and operated by zombies – all the while being secretly funded by the next President of the United States. Oh – and on top of all of this, there is no escaping the park because they have locked the gates, thrown away the keys, and sentenced you to misery by playing MMMBop by Hanson on the park speakers on repeat. It never stops. There is no stopping the bop.

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PorchDrinking Playlist | Happy New Year, Ya Filthy Animal

December 27, 2016 |

Photo credit: Josh Boot (Unsplash)

Given the series of tumultuous world events that was 2016, I think we can all collectively agree that it’s been one helluva year–and we’re more than ready to turn over a new leaf. Luckily, New Year’s Eve gives us an excuse to do just that. For one night, let’s kick back with a few solid beers, listen to some carefree jams and look forward to a fresh start with our best friends. Put on your party pants, get thee to your house party or watering hole of choice and let loose. Happy New Year from all of us here at!

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Beerstagram | December 15 – December 23

December 23, 2016 |

It’s Christmas week! How are you celebrating? From the looks of this week’s Beerstagram it looks like all sorts of styles were enjoyed this week, cheers to that! Have a great holiday!

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