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Everything else discussed on the porch.
PorchDrinking Playlist | Schlager From Another Mother
November 11, 2016 | Dan BortzWith the days growing shorter and the mercury dropping in the glass, it will take something more than your standard Top 40 hit to bring joy and energy back to your soul. Meet Schlager. It’s widely considered to be one of the cheesiest pop music forms in the world, but middle-aged Germans and Austrians still consume it with vigor. With danceable beats and cliche lyrical themes, you may wonder why I’d concoct such a playlist…
PorchDrinking Playlist | Folksy Standard Time Season Vibes
November 8, 2016 | Holly GerardThe clocks have been moved back to standard time for fall and the days are growing shorter and the nights certainly much longer. With the darker and chillier days you need some tunes to get you through until Daylight Savings Time comes again. Folk music is one of those things that seems to go hand in hand with this time of year. Cozy up with this playlist, light some candles or a fire, and enjoy it all standard time season long.
2016 Election Night Drinking Game
November 8, 2016 | Tristan Chan 2Well folks it’s finally here: National Drink Until This Mess is Over Day! Oh you thought I was referring to the election? Well, that too. After what seems like two straight years of political ads, debates, annoying mailers and robot calls we have finally reached the end of the proverbial tunnel. But to emerge through this last, most treacherous stretch, you’re going to need a good sense of humor and an even greater supply of alcohol. To help ease this traverse we bring you the 2016 Election Night Drinking Game. Please drink responsibly.
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How Is That Legal?! Legalizing Marijuana Volume II
November 5, 2016 | Tristan ChanPlease let it be known that we intentionally tend to avoid discussing politics and or marijuana on PorchDrinking unless it involves parody, humor, or more commonly drinking games and the occasional 4/20 weed and beer pairing. But this election cycle has certainly been anything but ordinary.
Beerstagram | October 27 – November 3
November 4, 2016 | Holly GerardSomehow it is suddenly November! Where did October go? Did you have a good Halloween? We are so close to the political madness being over and for the holiday season to begin, are you ready?! Do you need to look at pretty photos of beer to calm you’re nerves? Well, good. Then you are in luck because there were some good shots to share for this week’s Beerstagram. Cheers!
Election 2016: The Issues We Care About
November 3, 2016 | Drew TrollerThis voter is very disappointed. The 2016 Presidential election has been all about scandals and “temperament” and personalities of the candidates. There’s been a dearth of serious discussion on serious issues. It wasn’t until the third debate that a candidate brought up climate change. Women’s health has been largely ignored. And we haven’t heard enough about what Trump or Clinton will do to keep social security from crumbling.
PorchDrinking Playlist | Fall Y’all
November 1, 2016 | Sarah BoisenHappy fall, y’all! The weather has finally taken a turn for the chilly and pumpkin spice flavored everything has made its return to basic greatness. We’re here to spice up the cozy months ahead with yet another seasonal stockpile of sounds that are old, new and pumpkin optional.
PorchDrinking Playlist | Basic Witches
October 31, 2016 | Sarah BoisenBout that time again folks, the season of spook is upon us! Ghosts are waiting to be busted and basic witches near and far are happily sipping on their nonfat pumpkin spice lattes in between capturing the ultimate fall foliage selfies.
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Beerstagram | October 20 – October 27
October 28, 2016 | Holly GerardThe World Series kicked off this week, are you excited?! We aren’t picking sides over here at PorchDrinking since we have writers from all over the country, so it is hard to choose. Also, Halloween is coming up and it seems like many breweries are celebrating this weekend. Are you dressing up as anything? This week’s Beerstagram is a bit of a mixed bag subject-wise but these photos do all have one thing in common: they are pretty (and have the essence of beer in them). Be sure to keep tagging us, you know the drill. Until next week, folks!
Ultimate 666er | Horror Flicks
October 27, 2016 | Chris & Sylvia HollandsHooray for the spooky chill in the air. Besides the overwhelming benefits of better sleep in a cool bedroom, it’s Halloween time! One of our family’s favorite holidays. Bring on the autumn beer and horror movies!
PorchDrinking Playlists | Songs White People Love Volume III
October 25, 2016 | Tristan ChanWith racial tensions higher than ever, and an election cycle that exacerbated those riffs to an even greater degree, it’s time to bring us back down to Earth and just laugh a little, sing a little, awkwardly dance a lot. That’s right white folks, Songs White People Love is back for Volume III, and it’s more awkward than ever.
Beerstagram | October 13 – October 20
October 21, 2016 | Holly GerardWhew, what a week and now with all of the Presidential debates behind us we can again focus on what matters… BEER! But really, this election cannot come soon enough, am I right? Anyways, what have you been sipping lately? Any stellar standouts to mention? This week on Beerstagram, we have a wide variety of options and locations to choose from. They are all looking good. Be sure to keep tagging us at @porchdrinkingco for a chance to be featured on next week’s installment of Beerstagram!
Beerstagram | October 6 – October 13
October 14, 2016 | Holly GerardHard to believe it has already been a week since GABF 2016 kicked off! Where did this week go?! Did you all enjoy it?! All of us over here at PD are still recovering from all the events from last week–whew! It was so much fun though! What have you all been up to this week? Did you get to pop open some good bottles or visit some good breweries? From the looks of this week’s Beerstagram, it looks like some of you did! I will meet you here again next week, cheers!
Ultimate 6er | Presidential Election
October 13, 2016 | Brad HartsockI think we can safely say that our Presidential election is in the Tyson Zone.
On the one hand we have Hillary Clinton. I’ve heard some folks don’t like her. (That’s a real story about a presidential candidate in 2016.)
Beerstagram | September 29 – October 6
October 7, 2016 | Holly GerardIt’s GABF week!! We are having a hard time containing our excitement over here, can’t you tell?! This week’s Beerstagram is of course dedicated to the almighty Great American Beer Festival. Cheers!
Ultimate 6er | New Girl
October 5, 2016 | Hannah CarlsonAs everyone knows, we are in the midst of truly, trying times.
The political landscape is forcing us to drink on end. 2016 robbed us of our heroes. Celebrity couples are making us doubt if love is real. Really – we can’t even stand the thought of what could be next.
PorchDrinking Playlist | GABF 2016
October 4, 2016 | Holly GerardAre you ready? It’s coming… the 2016 Great American Beer Festival and it kicks off on Thursday, October 6th! I admit, this Beer Drinking Playlist crosses all genres and contains general goofiness in … Read More
Beerstagram | September 22 – September 29
September 30, 2016 | Holly GerardWhat did you get up to this week? Beer drinking we hope! Are you looking forward to malty beer season again with the arrival of cooler temperatures? The leaves are starting to change and we found a few autumny beer scenes to add to this week’s Beerstagram roundup! Be sure to keep tagging us at @porchdrinkingco for your chance be featured! Cheers!
PorchDrinking Playlist | Proper Brewing Co.
September 27, 2016 | Chris & Sylvia HollandsThis place really is an adult playground. Looking to the left, we see Bill & Ted and to the right, we’re greeted by Wayne & Garth (all tanks have been given names of pop culture icons.) In the middle of it all, Jack is making beer on a home brew setup and today is in charge of the tunes at Proper Brewing Co. In between watching the boil, he takes a moment to set the next song. Read More
2016 Presidential Debate Drinking Game
September 26, 2016 | Hannah CarlsonImage courtesy of
Unless you’ve been in a coma for the past six months, you’re well aware that this has been the most absurd, controversial, heated and passionate election cycle that this country has ever seen. In recent months, the country has heard about Donald Trump’s, er, hand size, exhausted the topic of Hillary Clinton’s inbox, and experienced major deja vu at the Republican National Convention. I would say that it has been a roller coaster of a season, but the comparison does not do justice to the madness. Read More
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