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Everything else discussed on the porch.

The TTB Wants Your Feedback About Unfair Trade Practices

November 28, 2022 |

Back in July of 2021, the Biden Administration issued Executive Order 14036, addressing competition in the beer, wine and spirits industry. The goal of the executive order is to uncover the challenges that suppliers face in entering the industry. After an extensive request for information (RFI) period open to the general public and industry members alike, the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), Federal Trade Commission, Secretary of the Treasury, and the Attorney General of the United States determined that unlawful trade practices need to be a more prominent focus for lawmakers if they want to level the playing field for new and existing beverage brands.

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Colorado Springs Beer Community Fundraises for Club-Q Shooting Survivors

November 23, 2022 |

Last week a shooter opened fire at Club Q, an LGBTQ bar in Colorado Springs killing five people. Richard Fierro, an Army combat veteran and co-owner of Atrevida Beer Co., was one of the two men who subdued the shooter, preventing further casualties.

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FIRST LOOK | Public Offering Brewing Opening on South Broadway

November 18, 2022 |

As a resident of West Wash Park for the past 16 years, Cody Higginbottom feels a deep kinship with his neighborhood. But that communal bond will be further deepened today when he officially opens Public Offering Brewing at 1736 South Broadway.

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2022 Midterm Election Night Drinking Game

November 7, 2022 |

It may not be a presidential election year, but it feels like the stakes are higher this year than any other midterm election year in recent memory. With highly combustible perspectives on initiatives like reproductive rights, immigration, inflation, gun violence, and election fraud all weighing heavily on the country it feels like a major turning point for the country.

With as stressful and anxiety-ridden as this election might be, we thought we’d lighten up the room a bit by reviving our Midterm Election Night Drinking Game. If anything, pour yourself a few glasses of something nice and easy-drinking and find solace in the fact that you now have a two-year reprieve from political mailers, robocalls, and SPAM texts.

So kick back, take a deep breath, and enjoy a bit of levity with our 2022 Midterm Election Night Drinking Game. Keep in mind, that we in no way recommend that you actually adhere to the rules presented below as you would assuredly require a trip to the hospital. This post was meant as a parody. Please drink responsibly.

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Ultimate 6er | Thriller Edition

October 28, 2022 |

‘Tis the season for mind bending flicks. If you’re anything like me, though — big movie thrills satisfy your taste year-round. Whether you’re a year-round thrill seeker or more of a seasonal viewer, check out the list below for movies (and beers of course!) to queue up this weekend.

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BREAKING | New Laws Bring Relief to California Breweries

October 11, 2022 |

The end of September brought great news out of Sacramento, California, as Governor Newsom signed the final bills of the ’21-’22 congressional session. Among the various bills signed were AB 2301 and 2307, which have removed several hurdles for the ever-expanding brewery industry in California. The first added some nuance to the three-tiered system to allow breweries some self-governance, and the second allowed breweries to continue to expand the communities they serve.

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Dry Dock Brewery Celebrates Hop Workers Through Art

September 7, 2022 |

Starting Friday, Dry Dock Brewing in Aurora, CO, celebrates the unsung heroes of the craft beer industry — hop workers. The brewery will showcase the artwork of Christie Tirado, which focuses on the Mexican migrant and immigrant workers who facilitate this critical beer ingredient. These workers toil under often-difficult conditions to plant, trellis, train and harvest hops in the Yakima Valley, Wash. Read More

South Asian Heritage Month | Why It Matters To The Beer Industry

August 9, 2022 |

Being a South Asian in beer within the diaspora can be a lonely business. As per Brewer’s Association data from 2021, just 2% of US breweries are owned by Asians, with no available information on South Asians specifically. With so few South Asians involved in the beer industry, taking time to reflect on and celebrate South Asian Heritage Month* (July 18 -August 1**) offers an opportunity to amplify our presence, support one another, and reach out and share our culture through the medium of beer, our chosen career or interest.

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Ultimate 6er | Reality TV Show Roundup

August 3, 2022 |

A guilty, or not-so-guilty, pleasure of mine has always been finding and binging the next great reality TV show. From falling in love to questioning “not but really… is it cake?”, this TV genre tackles it all. For reality TV, just like beer, there is surely a show and a style for everyone. The following are Colorado specific beers that pair perfectly with some reality tv show favorites. Read More

The Craft Beer Industry Has A Labor Problem

July 19, 2022 |

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” – Mark Twain

For most craft beer industry workers, this couldn’t ring more true. The idea of turning a homebrewing hobby or a passion for craft beer into a flourishing career seems like a dream scenario. The way other people’s eyes light up when someone mentions they work in craft beer is priceless. Feeling like you have a job that others outside of the industry can only wildly dream about makes beer folks feel as though they have something really special, but are things really that great, or is the beer labor force being gaslit by the false pretense of job satisfaction, security and just plain fun? As the industry matures and evolves, being one of the “cool kids” in the beer industry isn’t all backslaps and beer shots, it’s become more about workers’ rights, workplace safety, and earning a living wage.

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California Craft Beer Week Returns This July

July 14, 2022 |

California craft beer week returns! Craft beer guilds across the state have come together to bring California Craft Beer Week (CCBW) to fruition. Read More

College Names Brewing Lab To Honor Charlie Papazian

June 23, 2022 |

Metropolitan State University of Denver (MSU Denver) will soon begin construction of the Charlie Papazian Brewing Education Lab. The lab is named in honor of Charlie Papazian, the retired founder of the American Homebrewers Association, the Great American Beer Festival and the Brewers Association. Papazian is recognized as the Godfather of homebrewing and the resulting craft beer industry. Read More

Ultimate 6er | Six Beers for Six The Musical

May 11, 2022 |

The love of Broadway runs deep and being able to see my first Broadway show while out in New York City recently was exciting, to say the least. While having spent a lot of time watching theatre, none of the shows were actually on Broadway. How to pay homage to Six: The Musical? By pairing each woman with a beer thoroughly enjoyed in New York City, of course!

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Dry Dock Brewing Expands to Kansas

May 10, 2022 |

After 16 years of exponential growth, first in the Denver area and later across Colorado, Dry Dock Brewing of Aurora, CO, is sharing the love with its eastern neighbors. Kansas craft beer lovers can now find Dry Dock beer at retailers, restaurants, and bars. Read More

The Complete Guide | Best Breweries in New Orleans

March 31, 2022 |

Welcome to New Orleans, one of the most culturally rich and unique cities in America and the world. While you’re most likely here to take in the Men’s College Basketball Final Four, the city offers much more than the ideal location to host large sporting events. New Orleans has a rich tradition of alcohol innovation as the home of the Sazerac and Hurricane drinks, but the emphasis has historically been on cocktails as opposed to beer.

The beer scene has undoubtedly improved in the last decade with the arrival of many breweries and expanding interest in craft beer, and today there are a plethora of options for the beer nerd to satiate their needs in the Big Easy. With my knowledge having lived in the city 2017-2021 and current resident Katie de la Rosa’s expertise, we have assembled a guide of the best places to drink beer in New Orleans along with some extra tips on food and entertainment.

This guide was co-written by Britt Antley and Katie de la Rosa

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Competition in the Beer, Wine & Spirits Industry

March 4, 2022 |

Back in July 2021, the Biden Administration issued Executive Order 14,036 focused on “Promoting Competition in the American Economy.” An Executive Order is a broad directive from the Executive Branch that sometimes can act as an immediate law. The goal of Biden’s EO last year was to draw attention to consolidation and competition in various industries in order to provide benefits to consumers in the form of better service, more product choices, and lower prices, as well as provide guidance for regulatory agencies to provide a more level playing field for small businesses. In this instance, Executive Order 14,036 specifically addresses competition in the beer, wine, and spirits industry.

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“The Book of Boba Fett” | How an Action Figure Comes to Life

February 22, 2022 |

When I was in elementary school, my favorite Star Wars toy was the R2-D2 action figure. It had more points of articulation than most of the human characters, and translucent plastic at the top and front of his domed head made it look like his little eyeball-light thing was illuminated whenever I’d shine a light on him.

Star Wars toys were at the center of a lot of playtime in my childhood. R2-D2 and the Luke Skywalker action figures (which, by the way, bear only the vaguest resemblance to Mark Hamill) were always on the lookout for Stormtroopers on top of my dresser, or hiding from bounty hunters under the desk, and sometimes plummeting from the top bunk into the chasm between the bed frame and the wall. When our family’s golden retriever chewed the leg off a Han Solo action figure, my brother stated as a matter of fact that Jabba’s rancor had done it.

There’s more creativity and imagination in a young kid’s playroom than in most Hollywood writer’s rooms. Read More

Modern Times Beer To Close Four Locations

February 18, 2022 |

Modern Times Beer announced on Monday via their Instagram accounts and a blog on their website that they will be closing four of their satellite taprooms. Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, and Santa Barbara will all be closed for good after Friday, Feb 18.

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Downloadable 2022 Super Bowl LVI Bingo Boards

February 11, 2022 | 1

Aside from the glorious return of PorchDrinking’s 2022 Super Bowl LVI Bingo Boards, there’s quite a lot to celebrate during this Super Bowl Sunday. Firstly, we’re finally free of a Patriots / Buccaneers / Tom Brady Super Bowl. And this marks the first time in over 30 years that the Bengals will be making an appearance in the big game.

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New Belgium Challenges Winter Olympic Sponsors to Put Climate Action Before Ads

February 4, 2022 |

As the 2022 Winter Olympics begin this Friday, February 4, New Belgium Brewing is pushing all sponsors of the games to have 2030 Climate Action plans. Furthermore, to generate awareness amongst beer drinkers New Belgium is producing a limited-edition, charity-fundraising Fat Tire Point of Snow Return, a Dark Helles brewed with spruce tips.

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