General Topics
Everything else discussed on the porch.
Roundtable Discussion | Favorite Football Teams & The Beers That Represent Them
October 30, 2013 | Lindsay KrumelSince we’re right around the halfway point of the 2013 NFL season, I decided to ask our staff who their favorite football team is, why, and if they had to choose one beer to represent their team, which would it be. Some of our finest gents rose to the occasion. Read More
Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 9
October 29, 2013 | Alex CadiceGood day, everyone! October 29. What a day, ya know? No need to sleep it away.
Let’s do something awesome.
5. Starting the day, where do you … Read More
Faking Adulthood | Ordering Wine
October 28, 2013 | Kate StarkEven the beer snobbiest of beer snobs will likely order a bottle of wine at some point in their adult life. If you’re not accustomed to the process it can seem a little daunting, but it’s simple enough once you know to expect.
The Nuances of Baseball
October 28, 2013 | Jason BehlerThe official Major League Baseball Rules Book is a 125-page document that explains everything from how to play the game to how to keep statistics. Outside of that document there exists a set of unwritten rules that players, managers, and umpires use to govern the gray areas. This post season the legitimacy of some of these rules both written and unwritten have been called into question in regards to their legitimacy and their ability to affect the outcome of a game. Read More
Awesomesauce- Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee
October 24, 2013 | Laura MegoQuick, name the first comedian you can think of who LOVES cars….besides Jay Leno.
Ok, so I was thinking of Jerry Seinfeld. The car lover in question resurfaced in 2012 … Read More
Whales Eating Fish: Duvel Buys Boulevard
October 23, 2013 | Jason BehlerEarlier this week it was announced that Belgian-based craft brewery Duvel would combine their American operations with Kansas City-based Boulevard Brewing. A) Can this be compared at all the the AB-InBev … Read More
Which Athlete Would You Want To Meet?
October 22, 2013 | Mike Zoller 1This week’s roundtable question asked each sports writer to think about which athlete, living or dead, they would want to meet. Here are their answer:
Jason Behler: I am going to … Read More
The Cardinals Way: Infuriating Success
October 21, 2013 | Patrick Murray 2Early last month, the Porch Drinking sports gang was asked to predict the World Series winner. I thought about it for a few minutes, and then realized that the answer … Read More
Pop Culture Week in Review: Open Letter edition
October 18, 2013 | Drew Troller 3Recently, it seems open letters – writing to a celebrity but letting the media read it – is in vogue. Sinead O’Connor wrote a letter to Miley Cyrus about avoiding the pressures of marketing at the expense of art. Sufjan Stevens also wrote Miley a letter about her grammar. And then (Academy Award-winning actor) Anthony Hopkins wrote to Bryan Cranston about how much he loves/loved “Breaking Bad.” So, in the tradition of these celebs… I present my pop culture week in review as a series of open letters, addressed to the makers of pop culture from October 12-18. Here goes. Read More
Beerstagrams 10/11- 10/18
October 18, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueHave you recovered from GABF yet? I’m not sure we have either. I know a few PorchDrinkers who were claiming a hiatus from beer after the weekend of craft beer heaven. For the record, the hiatus lasted about 12 hours. There were bottle shares and brewery tours, but most importantly, lots of good times and good drinks. Tristan shared a few drinks and played question master with Stone Brewing’s Greg Koch. Let’s all cheers to another amazing (however, maybe a tad more relaxing) weekend!
Hear Me Out: Why I’ll be Watching CW’s Reign
October 17, 2013 | AdminI know, I know. A period drama on the CW? Sounds like a horrible idea that will be (or should be) cancelled immediately. But I will be watching and I am not even the slightest bit ashamed. First, if you are for some reason unfamiliar with a show that hasn’t premiered yet, here is the trailer. Read More
Roundtable Discussion | 2 Truths and a Lie
October 16, 2013 | Kate StarkIt’s high time you all got to know us a little better. We’re playing 2 truths and a lie, so you have to pick out what are factoids about us, and what are totally false statements. And as Justin put it, “Man, either y’all lead the most interesting lives or you guys can BS a BS’er…” Read More
What Has Been The Biggest Disappointment In The NFL So Far?
October 15, 2013 | Mike ZollerWith week six in the books for the NFL, the sports writers for PorchDrinking take a look at what has been the biggest disappointment thus far. Read More
Octobrew Playlist
October 15, 2013 | Josh BuchananNow that we have quite the list of beers to try out thanks to the fantastic team effort at GABF this past week, we need some tunes to pair with those tasty selections. This playlist combines new albums and new collaborations from the liked of Deltron with his follow-up album to the Deltron 3030 with Event II. Read More
Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 7
October 15, 2013 | Alex CadiceHappy Tuesday everyone, and welcome back to the InterNEAT! Did you realize that Santa takes flight 10 weeks from today? If that doesn’t warm your heart, maybe some of these treats will… Read More
Hockey Week 1 Review
October 14, 2013 | Josh BuchananUnleash the Zambonis, it is hockey season! It has been quite exciting with Philly taking the spotlight once again. Starting out the worst than in the league, losing their first 3 games, not to mention only scoring as many goals in that stretch. Craig Berube, former Flyers bruiser and Assistant Coach, will be the interim coach, and completes the cycle for Philadelphia coaching changes this year, with every head coach getting the axe from the previous post, because heaven forbid it is actually the fault of our owners and general managers (yes, I am looking at you Ruben Amaro, Jr. and Ed Snider). Read More
Beerstagrams 10/4- 10/11
October 11, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueCOME ONE, COME ALL! GABF IS HERE AND IN FULL SWING! Yes, it deserves all caps. We kicked things off Wednesday night with Beyond The Beer 2013 panel discussion and … Read More
Pop Culture Week in Review 10/4 – 10/11
October 11, 2013 | Nik HeimachOctober is such a wild month. In all regards, it starts with relative ease. Only a slight chill to the weather, only a budding budget squabble in Washington, only flowery decorations on your neighbors porch. But the deeper we fall down October’s rabbit hole, the more madness consumes us. I’m talking about fall frosts, a government shutting down, and terrifying(ly awful) cotton cobwebs and sheet-ghosts on every corner. But hey, at least our popular culture is safe. It’s not like we’re slowly marching to a holiday that metaphorically AND literally celebrates this horror, one that completely consumes the collective culture of everything pop and pulp. Oh, wait.
Awesomesauce- WhiteWhine
October 10, 2013 | Laura MegoAs you can probably tell by a few of my previous posts, there’s nothing I like more than a snarky comeback or witty remark. Add in a little dose of … Read More
Roundtable Discussion – Pairings
October 9, 2013 | Philip JoyceWhile a lot of breweries are now stating suggested food pairings for their beers on either the bottles or their website, we here at PorchDrinking have decided to make similar pairing suggestions, but this time with activities. So we polled our staff: “What are your favorite beer and activity pairings?” Read More
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