General Topics
Everything else discussed on the porch.
Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 3
September 17, 2013 | Alex Cadice 1Happy Tuesday everyone! Welcome back to the InterNEAT! I was hoping to have something catchy about how the world has changed over the past week, but I can’t think of … Read More
AJ McCarron: The College Quarterback We Should Be Talking About
September 17, 2013 | Mike ZollerThere is a quarterback in the SEC that has unbelievable talent, command of his offense, the ability to make a huge play every down and he’s humble – so it’s not Johnny Manziel.
Faking Adulthood | Just Stop …
September 16, 2013 | Kate Stark 1Instead of going through how to fake an adult-like skill this week, I decided to compile a list of things you can stop doing to help cultivate an aura of maturity, intelligence and worldliness. We can all use a little help there. Read More
Beerstagrams 9/6- 9/13
September 13, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueNow that football season is in full swing, approximately 94% of craft beers consumed in America will be consumed in front of a television. Ok, so we might not have … Read More
Pop Culture: Week In Review Sep 4 – Sep 11
September 13, 2013 | Liz Riggs 1Well, as always, it has been another hectic week on the cultural radar. It seems I’m always weighing in on pop culture when Miley Cyrus releases a new video, and … Read More
Awesomesauce Top 5- The BBC
September 12, 2013 | Laura MegoIt should come as no surprise to some of you that I’m a bit of an Anglophile – I will own a MINI Cooper some day when I’m grown up and can afford it; I woke up at 4:30 in the morning to watch the royal wedding live; and (I swear I’m not making this up) I own a coffee cup celebrating Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee. It follows, of course, that I love me some British television. And, when I realized that Time Warner carried BBC America, it was all over. Between good ole’ channel 225 and the staggering array of BBC content available on Netflix, it truly is surprising that I venture out of my house to make a living. The main reason being is the Beeb has been putting out some seriously superior content lately. If you’ve never watched some of these shows, now is the time to start.
Yanks Marching in Columbus – USA v Mexico
September 12, 2013 | Jason Behler 2“Oh when the Yanks, go marching in. Oh when the Yanks go marching in. I want to be in that number, when the Yanks go marching in.”
A picturesque sunset … Read More
Roundtable Discussion – Expectations & Anticipation
September 11, 2013 | Jason BehlerIf you are like me you spent last Sunday sitting in front of the couch paying homage to that golden American idol known as the NFL. The beginning of every … Read More
Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 2
September 10, 2013 | Alex CadiceHappy Tuesday and welcome to the InterNEAT! There is less than two weeks left in summer. So why not take another 10 minutes inside to read this article?
5. Will … Read More
September 10, 2013 | Mike ZollerWith the NFL season kicking off this past weekend, our sports writers discuss who they would want as their head coach if they played football.
PorchDrinking Playlist: Zoo Animals Playlist
September 10, 2013 | Tristan Chan 1In honor of this week’s upcoming Brew at the Zoo, I decided to compile a playlist of songs relating to zoo animals. Our top three songs obviously featured Lions, Tigers and Bears but from there on we’ve got everything from Crocodile Rock to bands like Elephant Revival.
6 (Ill-Advised?) Predictions for the (Rest of) the NFL Season
September 9, 2013 | Patrick Murray
With the NFL season underway for most of the league, and my undefeated Chicago Bears having taken their first step to an appearance in Super Bowl XLVIII this February, … Read More
Beerstagrams 8/30- 9/6
September 6, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueComing back from a long weekend usually means one of two things: the week goes quickly since you only have 4 days, or those 4 days feel like the longest … Read More
Pop Culture Week in Review 8/30-9/6
September 6, 2013 | Admin 1True Blood will end at seven seasons
I’m going to be honest with you bro- I jumped off TB when Sookie was suddenly a [SPOILER KIND OF] fairy. I was … Read More
Blurred Lines: The Uneasy Relationship Between Sex and Pop Culture
September 5, 2013 | Nik Heimach 4Sex and pop culture are two of the most easily discernible, yet confounding of all foundational aspects in American society. Pop culture (and all cultural expression) helps dictate the national … Read More
Roundtable Discussion | Favorite Internet Animals
September 4, 2013 | Kate Stark 3We’re so excited to have Alex Cadice rounding up the most entertaining online items each week in InterNEAT—so excited in fact, that we decided to do a roundup of our own.
Here are our staffer’s favorite Internet animals! (Click the images to visit the site they came from. We can’t post all the good ones here, but we can link you to them for hours of entertainment.) Read More
Who Prevails as BCS National Champs?
September 3, 2013 | Mike ZollerAsk most college football experts and they already have Ohio State taking on Alabama for the national championship come January. But are there any other teams out there they might be able to challenge either of those teams and take their spot? sports writers sound off.
Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 1
September 3, 2013 | Alex CadiceHappy Tuesday everyone, and Welcome to the InterNEAT! I’ll be compiling neat things found online every week for your viewing pleasure. Read More
Faking Adulthood | Swanky Accessories
September 2, 2013 | Kate Stark 1Do you watch Sherlock? I’m thinking specifically about the corpse Sherlock examines on the banks to the Thames in “The Great Game”. He’s able to figure out where the man worked based on what he looks like, is wearing, and what’s in his pockets. Although I’m not suggesting there’s an arsenal of Sherlocks running around, try people watching one day. You’ll never know whether you’re right or not, but you’ll probably be able to formulate a story about people based solely on what they’re wearing and what they look like.
If you’re going to fake it til you make it as a big kid, you’ll need to look the part. If you want to dress to impress, there are a few swanky accessories that class-up any outfit, even if you got it from Goodwill. Read More
Beerstagrams 8/23-8/30
August 30, 2013 | Tristan ChanAs summer winds down we celebrate the final dregs of true porch drinking season. This week’s collection featured contributions from Kentucky, North Carolina, and of course Colorado. Porch Drinkers unite to tie a few more back before the leaves begin to change colors. Share your beerstagrams by tagging us on instagram: @porchdrinkingco
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