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Pop Culture Week in Review: May 31-June 6
June 7, 2013 | Drew TrollerThis week, not a lot of great exciting stuff happened. Lindsay Lohan behaved herself, almost all big TV shows are on hiatus, no studio announced amazing movies in development, and we’ve all forgotten about “Arrested Development” season 4. Now we’re left with some viral videos, depressing news about the state of movies, and even MORE depressing news for the House of Stark.
I’ve got you covered in this week’s Pop Culture Week in Review. Let’s go.
Awesomesauce- Lifehacker
June 6, 2013 | Laura MegoIt’s time. I need to tell you my biggest secret. I’m in love, I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it! … with Lifehacker. Why, you ask? I thought you never would … Read More
Roundtable Discussion: 6er for a First Date
June 5, 2013 | Kathleen MortonIt’s summertime, and with summertime comes summer lovin’. There’s nothing like opening a nice, cold six-pack on a hot summer day. Let’s say you’re in charge of buying a six-pack for a first date. What would you bring to impress the girl/guy?
Ultimate 6er | Game of Thrones
June 5, 2013 | Gabe Bellegard BastosThe season finale for HBO’s Game of Thrones is right around the corner, so what better way to send away some of the best (and worst) people on TV than an Ultimate (Robert Baratheon-sized) 6er? This is a big one, so take it easy or you’ll end up killed by a boar.
May 2013 PorchDrinking Playlist
June 4, 2013 | Scott HoffmanHello again, PorchDrinkers! We’re bringing you the best of May 2013, which featured the return of The Lonely Island and a pre-prison single release from Lauryn Hill (remember her?). There’s … Read More
Stanley Cup Update
June 3, 2013 | Josh Buchanan 1With only four teams remaining, (coincidentally the last four Stanley Cup Champions) there are plenty of interesting story lines to keep track of. The exciting Game 7 finished in the West Coast, with Chicago rebounding from a 3-1 series deficit to overcome the Detroit Redwings, the perennial playoff contender who haven’t missed playoffs in 20-plus seasons. It felt a little reminiscent of their 2011 quarterfinals where they almost dispatched the Vancouver Canucks in identical fashion.
Beerstagrams 5/24- 5/31
May 31, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueWhat would you do for a cold craft beer? I would run a mile.
Pop Culture Week in Review: 5/24 – 5/31
May 31, 2013 | Nik Heimach 4School’s out for summer. Summertime. The boys of summer. Summer girls. Summer love. Summer breeze. Those summer…niiiiIIGGHHTTSS!
Whether you’re enjoying time off between semesters, a break from work, or stuck in the special kind of hell that is a 62º office when it’s beautiful outside, there’s no doubt the dog days are here at last. In any case, stay awhile and get acquainted with the pop culture news and previews you’ve been missing.
Roundtable Discussion: Masters of the Brewniverse – Fantasy beer
May 30, 2013 | Katharine Clark 6A couple of acquaintances of mine decided to make their wedding reception interesting this summer, and they commissioned a custom beer worthy of their Colorado nuptials. This week I asked the PorchDrinking staff to be creative and play brew master to their own custom or fantasy beer; some even had their own event in mind. If you could be Master of the Brewniverse, what kind of beer would it be?
4 Ways to Feel About “Arrested Development” Season 4
May 30, 2013 | Drew Troller 3Safe to say, we here at PorchDrinking are bona fide fans of “Arrested Development” (and four of those stories were written by me). So we were all pretty excited this week at the launch of Season 4 of the show – fifteen brand new episodes all at once! The Bluths are back!
The internet, of course, has had its say. And it hasn’t exactly been a consensus. So I present my (almost entirely) spoiler-free way of processing the complicated feelings you may have. As you ask yourself, “Did I like this? Should I watch it again? What is Netflix getting out of this?” check out the 4 very different ways to feel about season 4 of TV’s best comedy ever.
(Okay, I’ll editorialize. I’m in camp #2 here. Not to be confused with Camp Kissa-Me-Mommy.)
Faking Adulthood | Time Management
May 27, 2013 | Kate StarkOne of the biggest differences we experience in the transition from childhood to adulthood is having more stuff to keep track of. When we were young, everything we “had” to do that day included running around the woods, playing foursquare, and maybe cleaning our rooms. Now it seems like everyone is rushing around to do as much as possible. Not only can that make you frazzled, it can also make you forget to do things. Here are some time management tips and tools to help keep you on track at work and in your personal life.
The Pronunciation Wars- GIF
May 27, 2013 | Laura MegoIn case you hadn’t heard, the longstanding debate regarding the notoriously tricky pronunciation of “GIF” has been settled once and for all. Read More
Beerstagram 5/17- 5/24
May 24, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueThe craft beer world has been a little tense this week- so we’re here to help you relax and make sure everybody can sit back with a brew this weekend. … Read More
Pop Culture Week in Review 5/19-5/25
May 24, 2013 | Admin 2When Harry Met FX
Ok, that doesn’t have quite the same ring to it but anyways- FX has greenlit a comedy starring Billy Crystal to begin shooting this summer. The … Read More
Awesomesauce- #myfriendsaremarried
May 23, 2013 | Laura MegoBeing the old, married person that I am, my newest Tumblr obsession may seem a bit odd to you, but bear with me. We are all familiar with the standard GIF Tumblr layout by now, I’m sure (if for some reason you aren’t, go check out this one and this one right now. We’ll wait until you get back…) Basically, the author gives a scenario, and then presents the reader with a GIF that mirrors their reaction to the situation. For example, this, this and this. Read More
This Is Not Magic Hat #thisisnotmagichat
May 23, 2013 | Tristan Chan 3We found out earlier this week that there has been quite a bit of confusion over the interpretation of some of Magic Hat Brewing Company’s products. Willie’s in Lexington, Kentucky decided to don their good samaritain cap and ensure that there were no further confusions over product branding. Thanks to Facebook user Collin Wallace for posting this picture.
Roundtable Discussion: Favorite Summer Beers
May 22, 2013 | Lindsay Krumel 2 In honor of the season, we asked our staff to reveal their favorite summer beers for this week’s roundtable discussion. So fire up the grill, fill up the pool, and crack open a cold one of these!PorchDrinking Playlist: Summer Road Trip Playlist
May 21, 2013 | Tristan ChanNothing is better than rolling down the back roads with the windows rolled down discovering new locations and taking in the sights and sounds of nature while enjoying the ride to your destination. This summer road trip playlist goes out to those relaxed trips. Hopefully this will serve as the perfect soundtrack to your next adventure on the open road.
Sports Fans Gone Wild
May 20, 2013 | Mike ZollerIt may have happened almost two weeks ago, but the actions of Miami Heat fan Filomena Tobias are still etched in my mind. Sure fans can get rowdy during a game, but when Tobias got into the face of the Bulls’ Joakim Noah with a middle finger the line was clearly crossed.
Beerstagrams 5/10 – 5/17 2013
May 17, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueYou know you’re a craft beer geek when the new addition to your living room is not a love seat or a flat-screen television, but a craft beer shelf. All … Read More
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