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Everything else discussed on the porch.

Pop Culture Week In Review: May 10-16

May 17, 2013 |

It’s been awhile, PorchDrinkers. I have so much to share with you. And I’m not just talking about Star Trek: Into Darkness. I won’t say anything here for fear of spoiling the movie… but let’s be honest, if you haven’t had Star Trek’s “twist” spoiled for you by now, it’s because you haven’t been on the internet at all.

Anyway… some non-JJ Abrams stuff happened this week. Let’s review this week in pop culture! Read More

Summer Movie Preview

May 16, 2013 | 1

When trolling our website (as in ‘looking at our content,’ not ‘writing mean comments on other posts’), this week I found that we here at PorchDrinking haven’t told you what … Read More

Roundtable Discussion: Mom Stories

May 15, 2013 |

Sunday you learned something and you probably didn’t even realize it. You now know what all your facebook friends’ moms look like. In our own version of honoring of those women who helped us survive to adulthood, we asked the PorchDrinking staffers for their favorite mom stories for this week’s roundtable discussion. The results ranged from hilarious to heartfelt.  Read More

Playoff Hockey Returns

May 14, 2013 |

Despite the NHL season having been abbreviated due to the expiration of the existing collective bargaining and profit sharing deal, playoff hockey has not disappointed. Whether it be the … Read More

Instagram, the Sellout?

May 13, 2013 |

Many people mourned the day that Facebook bought Instagram for a whopping 1 billion dollars (to be read in a Dr. Evil voice) a little over a year ago. They saw the sale as the beginning of the end for the independent app, and luckily their fears have been largely unfounded to date. True to his word, Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t changed much about the service in the intervening 12 or so months. That being said, the first signs of Facebook interference…um…influence are beginning to show.  Read More

Beerstagram 5/3-5/10

May 10, 2013 |

Do you ever wonder what heaven is like? For craft beer geeks, it probably looks pretty close to The Tap in Bloomington, IN. In a college town, the expectation for … Read More

Pop Culture Week in Review

May 10, 2013 | 1

They turned the IT Crowd off, but they are turning if back on again

Creator Graham Lineham has confirmed the basement gang of Reynholm Industries will be back one last time.  And … Read More


May 9, 2013 |

As a long-time lover of the MOMA design store for their beautiful, useful gadgets, I was surprisingly hesitant to give a chance.  Both retailers are known for their amazingly (and sometimes famously) designed products, but that is where the similarities end.

Boasting Ashton Kutcher as one of their early investors and a slogan of “Smile, you’re designed to”, is like a lot of other flash sale sites; they feature a select group of products at discounted prices for short periods of time.  What sets it apart from a site like, however, is its variety of products.  While Gilt focuses on luxury and designer goods (that, honestly, I can’t afford, even when they are discounted), Fab focuses on the quirky, the modern, the simple and the useful Read More

PorchDrinking Playlist April 2013 Playlist

May 7, 2013 |

Summer is almost here! Finally (hopefully) done with the winter weather, we can finally turn our attention to the finer things in life – biking, park drinking and outdoor concerts. … Read More

Pop Culture Week in Review 4/27-5/3

May 3, 2013 |

Late Night Wars!

But it isn’t what you think.  Chris Hardwick has been given yet another television show (He already helms the Nerdist on BBC America and Talking Dead on AMC and is developing … Read More

2013 Kentucky Derby Preview

May 3, 2013 |

2013 Kentucky Derby Preview

The job of paring down the derby field to a manageable number of horses to choose from is a daunting task, and, frankly, one that I … Read More

Drinking in Style | How to Make the Perfect Mint Julep

May 3, 2013 | 3

The Kentucky Derby is the king of all genteel parties (and ranks fairly high on the not-so-proper list, as well – just ask anyone spending the first Saturday in May in the infamous infield). And as all PorchDrinkers well know, no party is complete without libations. The Kentucky Derby is evocative of many iconic institutions: lavish hats, faster-than-light Thoroughbreds and, of course, the Mint Julep. After all, no Kentucky party is complete without a bit of Bourbon.

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What to Wear to the Kentucky Derby

May 3, 2013 |

Dressing for the Kentucky Derby is arguably one of the trickiest fashion endeavors of the year. For ladies on Halloween, if the packaging said ‘sexy’ and it was totally inappropriate … Read More

Roundtable Discussion: Derby Horse Names

May 1, 2013 |

As Drew cleverly noted on Monday, sometimes Derby horse names can be downright ridiculous… that and indie band names.  So this week we asked our staff members if they had the chance to name their own Kentucky Derby horses, what that name would be.  As per usual hilarity ensued… oh and apologize to any card carrying members of PETA.

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PorchDrinking Playlist: Kentucky Derby Playlist

April 30, 2013 |

The first Saturday in May is one of my favorite days of the year.  The pageantry, the roses, the horses, the bourbon. Coming from the heart of horse country, the Derby has alway had a special place in my heart.  So to help commemorate the 139th run for the roses I decided to put together a Kentucky Derby Playlist paying homage to my home state.  And they’re OFF!

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Faking Adulthood | Moving Tips

April 30, 2013 |

It’s that time of year again. The weather is nice and everyone is eager to get out. Out of their apartments, I mean. I don’t understand what it is about the stir-craziness that makes people want to leave their current dwelling for something new, but I always find myself near obsessively searching Craigslist around this time each year. As a result, I’ve just finished moving for the fifth time in four years.

The build up to any move is great: new hopes, plans, the promise of a (somewhat) blank slate at your new place. Then you start boxing up things, and reality sets in. I have too much stuff. I have so many places to call. So many errands to run. How on Earth am I going to get my couch up three flights of narrow stairs?

Maybe you won’t move as much as I have, but chances are if you get a new job, a raise, or a significant other that you want to co-habitate with, you’ll move at some point in your adult life. Hopefully, my extreme organization (or OCD, depending on who you ask) can help make your move a little easier.

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Is This The Name of a Kentucky Derby Horse OR an Indie Band?

April 29, 2013 |

The Kentucky Derby is best known for its ageless charm, style, and distinction. Every year you expect to see Derby hats, seersucker suits, mint juleps, and some good old-fashioned gambling. But there’s another tradition that seems more silly than logical – the names of all the horses are ridiculous.

Below is a list of names. 15 of these names belong to the horses running in this year’s Kentucky Derby, and the other 10 are the names of up-and-coming indie bands. See if you can correctly identify which of these are which. Good luck! Read More

Athlete DUIs A Troubling Trend

April 29, 2013 |

Why do the richest always do the stupidest things?

Professional athletes have more disposable income than they know what to do with and spend millions of dollars on frivolous items all the time. However, when it comes time to spend just a few dollars on something as simple as a car service or taxicab after a night of drinking, too often it seems they make the wrong decision.

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Beerstagrams 4/19- 4/26

April 26, 2013 |

New places, new brews. This week’s Beerstagrams show off some highlights from North Carolina breweries. Not only did Foothills Brewing win Best Dressed for the Hoppyum label, apparently the beer inside the bottle was pretty delicious too. David (@tweettypography) and Lara (@larainindy) Brainer-Banker show off some Indy highlights with an amazing beer carrier for your bike –seriously, WHERE did they find that?!–and the local flavor of a new burger joint in town. Hopefully these Beerstagrams will give your weekend the extra Punch that it needs! (<—see what I did there 🙂

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Pop Culture Week In Review 4/20 – 4/27

April 26, 2013 |

Have you ever read one of our Pop Culture Week In Reviews and thought, “Hey, that wasn’t a review. Where’s the criticism and acclaim? The judging and gauging? The hoopla and hollering?” Well, I have, dear reader. Late last night, whilst perusing the dark corners of the internet for my secret pop culture sources, I realized you probably finish these articles with an air of contempt. “This is garbage, I wasn’t told what to think!” you say, contemptibly.

Lucky for you, I care, and while we usually pepper in our opinions with implicative subtext, today is not that day. So here’s me, actually reviewing the most notable pop culture news and happenings of the week.

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