General Topics
Everything else discussed on the porch.
Ultimate 6er | Chicago Beer Pairings for the Golden Globes
February 24, 2021 | Rachel MorrisonNo, Emily in Paris is not included in this list. For starters, it’s not a film. Additionally, it has no place on the list of nominees for the Golden Globes altogether. If you for whatever reason would like a recommendation to pair with the show, reach for whatever brewery is currently releasing exploding cans to the public.
North Carolina Beer Scene’s Biggest Stories from 2020
February 12, 2021 | Aaron Gore2020 was a bad year for the craft beverage industry. A global pandemic, civil unrest, an economic recession and inadequate government aid set the stage for declining sales and desperation. Nonetheless, breweries and cideries from across the nation found creative ways to survive and to adapt, and to recommit to supporting and sustaining the communities in which they exist.
Ultimate 6er | Female Friendships to Celebrate
February 10, 2021 | Emma WargoletCelebrating friendships has always been extremely important, even more so after experiencing the trash fire of 2020. Galentine’s Day is a favorite holiday of mine, as it is a day where I can bake and craft and celebrate the incredible women in my life. I spend more time preparing for Galentine’s Day than I do most things, so knowing that this year will need to be postponed just equals more time to make celebrating female friendships extra special.
BREAKING | Boulder Beer Rolls Out Updated Look, Brand Refresh
February 8, 2021 | Scott Grossman 2Boulder Beer Company has opened another chapter in its long and storied history with a relaunch and refresh of the brand. This includes new can designs, realignment of the beer portfolio and a new partnership to help roll out the refreshed brand.
Boulder Beer will reduce core beers from six to five and eliminate its seasonal program to make the lineup more accessible to distributors and consumers. It will also resurrect old favorite Buff Gold as SKO – Buff Gold and introduce a new crossover brew named Bubbly by Nature. Read More
Downloadable 2021 Super Bowl LV Bingo Boards
February 5, 2021 | Tristan ChanIt’s time once again for PorchDrinking’s annual 2021 Super Bowl LV Bingo Cards for Super Bowl 55. In addition to the entertainment of seeing who can inhale the most combinations of cheese dips in one sitting, we’ve created bingo boards for your party-goers’ enjoyment. Each square should be crossed off as they occur. And sure, since this is PorchDrinking, take a drink each time you cross off a square.
Mental Health Is Not a Competition | A Conversation With Hope for the Day
January 25, 2021 | Jason LeyMessage from the author: This story discusses suicide and other sensitive themes concerning mental health in an adult manner. While the intent of this reporting is to help destigmatize conversations about mental health, its content may be sensitive to some readers. In addition, it includes dialogue that contains explicit language, which has been left unedited out of respect for the authenticity of the interview that was conducted.
Please take this into consideration before reading.
Ultimate 6er | So Your Team Didn’t Make the Playoffs: Bitter Beers for Salty Tears
January 20, 2021 | Seth GarlandNo one really had a “great” sports experience in 2020. But for die-hard fans, sports was one of the pieces of normality (fake crowd noise and all) that kept us hanging onto sanity by tiny little threads. The kind of threads that fray from knock-off jerseys ordered on Wish. The kind of threads that protrude from a worn-out pair of pajamas you’ve been wearing for three days straight. Now that we’re just a couple weeks out from the Super Bowl, why not reopen some old wounds and take a look back at 2020?
Rake Beer Project Dragged Over Coals for Reppin’ Michigan’s Gov. Whitmer
January 7, 2021 | Jason Ley 15Rake Beer Project, in Muskegon, Michigan, is less than two years old, and whether you love them or hate being told to stay home to help curb a relentless global pandemic, they’ve probably slowed your newsfeed scroll at least twice in 2020. And, like it or not (trigger warning): they’re about to do it a third time.
At the onset of Covid-19 flipping Earth into The Upside Down, Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer was unfazed after being slapped with a belittling nickname, “That Woman From Michigan,” by (three guesses) “That President From New York.” Twitter deflected the shade and clapped back on her behalf: Photoshop helped place a pair of Cartier sunglasses (known as “Buffs” in Detroit) on Whitmer, and The Michigangster was soon rebranded “Big Gretch.” In a public display of support for the governor’s Stay at Home Order, Rake joined the party, threw a non-red hat in the ring, and made a beer in her honor.
Nate’s Top 10 Albums of 2020 and the Beers To Pair With Them
January 4, 2021 | Nathan JahnsTurns out, staff sometimes have hobbies outside of beer. Weird, huh? For me, that’s listening to newly released albums and painstakingly ranking those albums to assemble the Top 10 albums of 2020. Okay, I guess I drank beer from the great state of Colorado while doing this, so it’s not a completely separate interest. I’m hoping you’ll enjoy my top 10 albums of 2020 and the beers to pair with them.
Ultimate 6er | The Bounty Hunters Hunt Down Great Beer
December 23, 2020 | Marc BeckleyBounty Hunters may like to consume more than Blue Milk. It’s also possible they enjoy some mystical ale fermented on Endor with its unique natural yeast and microbiota that must add a unique flavor to the ale not seen on planet Earth. The Bounty Hunters fill Star Wars lore and their stories have given us fantasy and fascination with the likes of characters such as the Mandalorian. Freelance Bounty Hunters must enjoy our planet’s exquisite craft beer on special occasions (never when piloting their aircraft!) and this is what we have chosen based on their backgrounds and personality. For the uneventful weekday an easy-drinking Lager, such as the Big Yellow Truck by Territorial Brewing, might commonly be found in the bounty hunter ships in the beer fridge or cooler.
Ultimate 6er | Beers To Drink While Reading Dune In Preparation For The Movie
December 16, 2020 | Nathan JahnsDenis Villeneuve-directed movies are not for the light-hearted. I’ll bet you never heard anyone say, “Tough day at the button factory, honey, let’s relax and watch Sicario,” or “My boss is such a jerk, I need to clear my head by watching Arrival.” Complex storylines, heavy themes, experimental and ambient scores, and ominous cinematography, are not just common, they are the rule. Put simply, you have to be in the right headspace to get the most out of his movies.
The Table is Set | Creature Comforts Brewing & Giving Kitchen Collab
November 24, 2020 | Brandon CohranIn lieu of the old adage, “have your cake and eat it too,” this year’s motto for Creature Comforts Brewing Company in Athens, GA should be: “drink your beer and do good, too.” This holiday season, grab a physical or virtual seat at your dining table with Creature Comforts’ Table Beer.
Table Beer, a Belgian-style Session Ale, is refreshing and floral, yet light and subtle. Even though the body is light and the ABV is low, there is an earthy balance and a peppery bite behind a hop-forward aroma and flavor. The finish is dry and cleansing, as the delicate mouthfeel readies your palate for another sip, soup or salad. At 4.2% ABV, Table Beer is an incredible pairing no matter what holiday meals you enjoy.
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Ultimate 6er | Fantasy Football
November 18, 2020 | Brandon CohranWe’re getting ready for playoffs in most Fantasy Football seasons, and despite how your record looks, I’m sure that you could use a beer or six to finish out the season. Some of us are blitzing through our schedule with no issues, while others of us are cursing because of bad luck with matchups despite the points you consistently score. Read More
Lakewood & Intrinsic Breweries Collaborate on “Zombieland”-Themed Halloween Stouts
November 17, 2020 | Ruvani de SilvaOne takeaway from 2020 is that when it comes to surviving an apocalypse, we all need a reason to keep going. For many of us, beer has been a saving grace in this most trying of years but back in 2009, cult horror-comedy movie “Zombieland”’s Tallahassee (aka Woody Harrelson) got his motivation in the form of a Twinkie – the classic American cream-sponge cake produced by Hostess. These “spongy, yellow, delicious bastards” have, in turn, inspired a Halloween tag-team brewing project from Lakewood Brewing and Intrinsic Smokehouse and Brewery – a salute to the “Zombieland” opening scene in their home town of Garland, TX. In the “Zombieland” franchise, the Twinkie acts as a beacon, a signifier – a sign that survival is indeed possible. And when the world is coming to an end, there are certainly worse things to do than hunt for your favorite snack.
Ultimate 6er | The Gloom Index of Radiohead
November 11, 2020 | Seth Garland“We live in strange times,” Thom Yorke said to Stephen Colbert in 2019. “It’s not my fault.”
If you’re a Radiohead fan to any degree, please read on. You may be fond of this article, but not in love. Calm. Read at a better pace; slower and more calculated. Become an informed member of society. No longer empty and frantic. Be prepared to nerd out.
2020 Election Night Drinking Game
November 3, 2020 | Tristan Chan 2Looking for the 2022 Midterm Election Night Drinking Game? Head Here!
Can you hear it? That’s the sweet, sweet sound of silence on the horizon. We’ve finally arrived at election day, which means by tomorrow the barrage of political ads will be all but a distant memory. Until then, we thought we’d help make election day a little more entertaining with a 2020 Election Night Drinking Game.
Tired Hands I VOTED TODAY Beer Encourages Craft Beer Drinkers to Vote
November 2, 2020 | Kindsey BernhardIt is no secret that the 2020 Presidential Campaign is an unprecedented one. There has never been such an emphasis on people exercising their right and democratic duty to vote. Everyone from athletes, to singers and actors, to craft breweries are encouraging the public to vote this election season.
To encourage craft beer drinkers around the country to vote, Tired Hands Brewing in Ardmore, PA created the I VOTED TODAY nationwide voter awareness beer initiative.
Election 2020: Reminding Myself “The West Wing” Isn’t on the Ballot
October 28, 2020 | Drew TrollerQuick aside, so my editors don’t have to put a note in: I speak only for myself in this post. PorchDrinking staff and contributors do not have any official political stance that I’m aware of, and I have no animosity for people on this site or in our country who respectfully disagree about matters of policy. Also, sorry to die-hard “West Wing” fans if I do the show a disservice. All that said… go vote.
A millennial is about to write 1,000 words arguing that a television show from 21 years ago isn’t real life. It’s the kind of groundbreaking content that’s going to save this country. You’re welcome, America! Read More
Beers For Gaming | Second Self Game Night IPA
September 29, 2020 | Brandon CohranVideo games and board games were a huge part of my life as a kid. Some of my earliest memories are from picking Bulbasaur in any color varietal of Pokémon on Gameboy Color. Games like Sorry! and TROUBLE led to a lot of frustrating losses to my older siblings. These experiences inevitably shaped my competitive nature as an adult. The countless worlds, boss battles and memories forged throughout my adventures continue to influence my gaming whims to this day. A beer in my hand is the only difference.
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903 Brewing’s Voted Beer Series | A Bipartisan Call-To-Action
September 29, 2020 | Ruvani de SilvaWith National Voter Registration Day just behind us and a mere seven weeks until the 2020 Presidential Election, there couldn’t be a more appropriate time for a brewery to highlight the need for all U.S. citizens to get out and vote. 903 Brewing, based in Sherman, Texas, is in the process of brewing its second bipartisan call-to-action I Voted beer. The blueberry-raspberry-cherry Berliner-Style Weisse follows the raspberry-blueberry sweet Cream Ale that kick-started the project during the May Primaries.
The I Voted beers sport equally red-white-blue packaging and are designed to encourage voters of all persuasions to make themselves heard on Election Day. With the original batch of I Voted having sold out swiftly, 903 is releasing an expanded run of its new Berliner-Style Weisse. The latest release will hit supermarket shelves in mid-October in time for early voting, and should be available for Election Night consumption.
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