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Everything else discussed on the porch.

NCAA Selection Show Live Blog

March 17, 2013 | 2

Join us at 6 p.m. Eastern 4 p.m. Mountain time as we cover the NCAA Selection show.  We’ll break down the biggest snubs, seedings and surprises from the committee’s selection.  Be sure to join in on the conversation when we launch the chat option in our live blog!  Also get your tweets onto the live blog by using the hash tag #pdselectionshow

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Pope, or Nope?

March 17, 2013 |

In an increasingly connected and digitally literate world, some things remain old-school.  Which is part of the reason that ABC, NBC, CNN, the BBC, and seemingly EVERY news outlet ever was obsessed by conclave this week.  Read More

Beerstagrams 3/8- 3/15

March 15, 2013 |

So now that we’ve recovered from Green Beer Day, it’s time to move on to St. Patty’s Day! Too much green beer never hurt anyone…. right?….

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March 14, 2013 | 1

Classified as “a human –powered discovery engine for interestingness” brings you “the things you didn’t know you were interested in- until you are.”   Maria Popova, a self-titled “interestingness hunter-gather and curious mind-at-large” curates the site full of intelligent and insightful articles.  While the content can be a bit highbrow at times (she is an MIT Futures of Entertainment Fellow, after all,) the site provides a welcome change to the usual “10 people on Facebook you should Defriend” articles and pictures of cats that you usually find Stumbling around the internet.
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PorchDrinking Playlist: St. Patrick’s Day Playlist

March 12, 2013 |

It’s time to celebrate lucky charms, shamrocks and that other Green Beer Day, yes, this Sunday is St. Patrick’s Day.  And in honor of the Irish day of debauchery we put together a St. Patrick’s Day playlist replete with traditional Irish jigs, Boondock-y goodness, and the color green.  Enjoy!


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Funeral for a Friend: Big East Basketball

March 12, 2013 |

Editorial update: Notre Dame has reached an agreement with the Big East to leave the conference and join the ACC on July 1st.  ND will remain an independent in football but will play 5 ACC teams each season starting in 2014.

Its a funeral for a friend this March in New York City. The service will be held over five days and roughly 100,000 people will stand witness. You won’t hear a formal ceremony starting off in a similar tone as “We come here to celebrate the life of…” because it is tacit knowledge to the attendees. But this eulogy will most likely bring attention to the lives touched by the Men’s Big East Basketball Conference Tournament. Rather than focusing on the quantitative (16 teams will always have its critics), it was the quality. For recent generations, its the 2009 6OT title game between Uconn and Syracuse (for your viewing pleasure); its the performance of Gerry MacNamara or Kemba Walker, it can even be the time Allen Ray almost lost his eye from Karl Krauser…ok too fatalistic, I apologize.

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Bad Luck Brian: Over Night Internet Celebrity

March 11, 2013 |

The world that we live in today is often referred to as “The Information Era.”  Just 50 years ago the first computers were the size of a house, phones were attached by cords, and mail was written by hand. With technology advancing so rapidly, it’s crazy to think about all the technological breakthroughs I have experienced. I remember being introduced to dial-up internet, to my dad’s sweet car phone that was the size of a brick, and to Gameboy’s that allowed me to take my video games everywhere. Now we have laptops, iPads, iPods, smart phones, and thank god, the internet.  It’s amazing how far technology has come. According to inventor and author, Ray Kurzweil, “A kid in Africa with a smart phone has more access to information than the U.S. president had 15 years ago.” To save you a Google search, that president was Bill Clinton. And if smart phones were around back then, we probably would of found out about Monica Lewinsky a lot sooner.  Read More

Beerstagrams 3/1- 3/8

March 8, 2013 |

Chances are if you’re reading this you’re not one of the thousands of Miami students headed down to Panama in a packed Jeep for Spring Break, head still thumping from alcohol withdrawl after the most epic day of the year. For anyone who doesn’t know about Green Beer Day, don’t worry- Tristan wrote a story about it so you can educate yourself on this amazing tradition. Several of us here at are Miami Alums, and may have confused our co-workers yesterday when we arrived to work wearing a green t-shirt from 2007 and shouting “IT’S GBD!!!!!!!” Luckily, I worked at the same company last year so they knew what to expect. But for us graduates of the official work-hard-play-hard school (it’s in the recruitment video, no joke), GBD in the real world is really about finding ways to connect back with fellow Miami grads and have a few moments of nostalgia. So even if you aren’t headed to a beach for a week off of work, at least take your weekend to celebrate the good things in life:  good traditions, good friends, and of course- good beer.

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Pop Culture Week in Review 3/2-3/8

March 8, 2013 | 4

Hi. I think we all know there’s really only one thing I want to talk about, but for the sake of trying to pretend to care about other people’s interests, let’s get some other things first. Read More

Spring Playlist

March 5, 2013 |

Happy March! We’re well on our way to Spring, and what better way to welcome in baseball and tournament time then with another installment of our monthly playlist?

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Faking Adulthood | Hangover Cures

March 4, 2013 | 1

So, you’ve arrived in your 20s (or 30s or 40s… we’re not ageist here) and now it’s time to be an “adult.” Whatever that means, along with it comes this expectation that you suddenly, magically just know how to do things. Maybe you’ve led a life full of experiences already, or maybe Mom and Dad took care of everything for you as a kid and now you’re discovering that you don’t actually know how to function on your own; regardless, I’ll endeavor to find some key adult-type skills to help you at least pretend you’ve got your shit together. This week: hangover cures. (It just wouldn’t be fair of a beer blog to tell you about all the tasty drinks you can have without helping you to get through the next day.) Read More

Ban Home Plate Collisions

March 4, 2013 |

In baseball contact is frowned upon. Any contact except for the ball hitting the bat is discouraged and can include discipline if it is severe enough. So why in a sport that steers away from collisions do we have one of the most violent incidences in professional athletics?

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Mayer’s Sheen Wears Off

March 3, 2013 |

When she was first hired as Yahoo’s CEO in July of 2012, Marissa Mayer was seen as a role model for modern working women.  She was the first female engineer at Google.  While pregnant, she was hired as CEO at Yahoo and took on the huge task of overhauling and revitalizing the dying tech giant. She reportedly only took a few weeks of maternity leave, and worked through most of it.  She also had more money than most of us would know what to do with, and a pretty darn good looking spouse to boot.  Many women viewed her as the anti-Anne-Marie Slaughter; the rare woman who was able to manage a new baby, a home life, and an amazingly demanding and rewarding  job.  Read More

Pop Culture Week In Review: February 23-March 1

March 1, 2013 |

A bunch of stars won Oscars, we lost a Pope, and Justin Bieber is 100% officially a douche. All of that and more happened in the last week of February. Let’s recap!

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Avery Strong Ale Fest Preview

February 28, 2013 | 2

Here at we love festivals. We are festivarians. Beer festivals, music festivals, bacon festivals, you name it! The opportunity to rub elbows and share stories and experiences with like-passionate people makes us giddy. On the horizon this weekend is the Avery Strong Ale Fest in Boulder, Colorado. The beers will be big and our smiles will be even bigger. Join us on the porch in preview!

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Awesomesauce- Flipboard

February 28, 2013 |

If you’re like me, you have a bit of social media overload.  Between checking my Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram feeds, AND making sure I’m caught up on my Google Reader, I can’t keep up with everything that’s going on.  That all changed when I discovered Flipboard Read More

Roundtable Discussion: Spring Forward

February 27, 2013 | 1

Believe it or not, and judging by the fact that half the country is covered in about a foot of snow I’m guessing not, spring is almost near. In fact Daylight Saving Spring Forward is just a little over a week away.  So we asked our staff what they were looking forward to most about spring!  Tell us what you’re looking forward to most about spring in the comments section below

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PorchDrinking Playlist- Whistling Songs

February 26, 2013 |

I’m the annoying guy who actually whistles while he works.  It’s only exacerbated by songs that actually incorporate actual whistling.  But you know sometimes when you’re sitting on the dock of the bay, it just feels so right.  This week I decided to compile a list of songs that showcase whistling, and I got a little help from my friends Josh Evans and Josh Kan.

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Oscars Live Blog 2013

February 24, 2013 | 1

We may have broken the internet the last time we tried to live blog an awards show, but this Sunday we’re going to win the internet with our Oscars Live Blog. Join us Sunday at 7pm eastern, 5pm mountain (which is now less than an hour away) for a live blog to end all live blogs.  We’ll bring the snark, we’ll bring the wit, and we’ll have complete coverage of this year’s Academy Awards!  With our new format you’ll be able interact with us in real time.  See you Sunday!

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