General Topics
Everything else discussed on the porch.
PorchDrinking Playlist- New Music January 2013
February 5, 2013 | Scott HoffmanIs the Super Bowl back up yet? Yes? OK, well, we’re back with the playlist for new music January 2013. There have been a surge of amazing artists releasing albums and singles this month. David Bowie? JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE? Local Natives? It’s been a good month.
Super Bowl Commercials Recap
February 4, 2013 | Drew Troller 2Aside from the epic Superdome blackout of 2013 and, y’know, that football game, February 3, 2013 was all about commercials. Whether you’re one of those people who obsessively watches the ads or a football fanatic who went to the bathroom during commercials and missed all the action, here we are to present the recap of the best (and worst) Super Bowl commercials of 2013.
PorchDrinking Super Bowl Roundup
February 3, 2013 | Tristan ChanAll week we’ve had your complete Super Bowl coverage, featuring game previews, recipes, bingo boards, and do’s and don’ts for the game. Here’s a complete Super Bowl round up of our entire week of coverage just in case you missed anything from earlier. Enjoy tonight’s game, go (insert team you’re rooting for), have an awesome Sunday Funday and be safe out there.
Super Bowl Recipes Pinterest Board
February 2, 2013 | Laura MegoStill trying to figure out what to bring to impress all of your friends for the Super Bowl party? We’ve put together a handy Super Bowl Recipes Pinterest board chock full of amazing treats to help you prep for the big game. So don’t show up at your friends’ house with a box of Doritos Locos Tacos or a half eaten pizza… well, do show up with a box of half eaten pizza, that’s actually pretty funny. But if you really wanna knock it out of the stadium create something gourmet. Oh, and be sure to follow us on Pinterest.
Beerstagrams 1/25- 2/1
February 1, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueThis week’s Beerstagrams are keeping it simple. No Breweries. No Selfies. Just Beer.
But man are they good ones! Whether you’re looking for a sour, IPA, stout, or porter- we have highlighted a few stand outs for you to try during your weekend’s festivities. Crazy Mountain coffee stout might actually be too pretty to drink- so we made sure to get a picture first. Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout from Odell Brewing is not quite as amazing as the leftover milk at the end of a bowl of Cocoa Puffs… but then again, what is?! And Trinity Brewing’s Slap Yer Mammy IPA is picture perfect (foam mustache sold separately). So get out there and find a new favorite- Happy Friday!!
Pop Culture Week in Review 1/26 – 2/1
February 1, 2013 | Nik Heimach 1Let me start by stating this for the record: J.J. Abrams is a fantastic choice to direct Star Wars VII. I know, it’s “old” news by now, but come on. Freaking J.J. Abrams! Directing a script written by an Oscar winner, supervised by Lawrence Kasdan (the guy who wrote Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi)! How is this NOT the only pop culture happening that matters?!
Because it happened five days ago, and wonton crowds of shameful hooligans have already begun droning, “Ugh. Move oonn already! Star Wars, Shmar Shmwars!” Well, luckily for you, vermin, there’s pop culture freshness to be had.
Beginners Guide to Watching the Super Bowl
February 1, 2013 | Tristan ChanLets face it, not everyone is an avid football fan. Heck even the most diehard football fanatics may not be fully into this game, and for good reason. For some, the Super Bowl can be considered a religious experience, and for most it’s an excuse for a Sunday Funday with mildy entertaining commercial breaks. But no matter what, you dont want to be that “guy” who ruins the party. I’ve comprised a list of do’s and don’ts to make sure you aren’t the odd one out while watching the Super Bowl.
Awesomesauce- Dogshaming
January 31, 2013 | Laura is the funniest Tumblr you’ve never heard of. Elegant in it’s simplicity, Dogshaming is devoted to just that- owners shaming their pets for their misdeeds. Owners with dogs to be shamed submit photos of their pups immediately following (or sometimes in the middle of) their crimes. Read More
Super Bowl Commercials Bingo
January 31, 2013 | Kate StarkBe sure to check out our updated bingo boards for this year’s big game between the Broncos and the Seahawks!
Earlier this week, Mike Zoller brought you downloadable bingo cards for the big game. However, if you aren’t really into football, chances are you’ll still be watching the Super Bowl, if only for the commercials. A lot of companies have already released info about their planned ad campaigns, and we’ve used that info along with trends from previous years to piece together a second set of bingo cards for this Sunday.
PorchDrinking Playlist: Songs Used in Commercials
January 29, 2013 | Joshua KanSo you’re sitting on your couch checking your Facebook during commercials and a catchy tune snaps you out of your lull only to catch the last few seconds of the ad. Back to your phone as you Google the fragments of lyrics that you can remember, then to Spotify to confirm your findings, and just like that you’ve got your latest batch of great new songs.
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Super Bowl Bingo
January 29, 2013 | Mike Zoller 1Be sure to check out the 2016 Super Bowl 50 version of our Super Bowl Bingo Boards.
With the big game less than a week away there always seems to be so much more to talk about than a football game. The Super Bowl has people talking about commercials, celebrities, half time shows and the most unique and obscure bets a person can make.
You have your typical football bets on the actual game, but for the Super Bowl, bookies will take everything from how long the national anthem will take to sing to how many tweets will be sent about the game. Basically anything is fair game when it comes to the most watched sporting event of the year.
So at your Super Bowl you might participate in football squares or a variety of other betting games, one other popular one is Super Bowl Bingo. For those of you that want to play but don’t want to make your own board, has created a great board for the game Sunday.
Super Bowl Super Preview
January 28, 2013 | Adam Reeves 2Monday kicks off our week of coverage leading up to Super Bowl XLVII here at Today, Adam Reeves reviews the matchups on the field and the storylines off it. Tomorrow, Mike Zoller brings you Super Bowl Bingo.
On Sunday, February 3, the San Francisco 49ers and Baltimore Ravens will kick off the forty-seventh edition of America’s biggest holiday—the Super Bowl. In the week leading up to the big game in New Orleans, every fact, statistic, angle and storyline will be hashed, re-hashed, and then hashed some more. For those readers lacking the stamina needed to sort through all this hype and hyperbole, don’t fret, this article is for you. Whether you’re a concussion-hardened football fanatic or just watching for the commercials, this article will tell you everything you need to know to enjoy the game, impress your friends, and avoid saying embarrassing things like “wait, are those coaches related?”
Call The Locksmith!
January 26, 2013 | Laura MegoIf you ever want to unlock your smartphone, you have mere hours left to do it. Effective today—Saturday, January 26, unlocking your smartphone in the US will be illegal. Read More
Beerstagrams 1/18- 1/25
January 25, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueThis week’s Beerstagrams are an ode to none other than– The Beer Glass. No matter what form it may take, there’s just something about a good pour that makes any brew better. I know that even when I sit down for a beer in my own apartment, I always reach for my favorite Colts pint glass I conveniently “borrowed” from a local bar. We can all appreciate fancy labels and witty comments on a good beer bottle, but at the end of the night what we really want to “borrow” is the glass they poured it in. Special appearances by Great Divide Yeti Imperial Stout, New Belgium Springboard and Avery Depuceleuse. While you’re at it, don’t forget to check out some awesome behind-the-scenes shots of the Vine St. Pub. So everyone raise your beer glass- and cheers to Friday!
Pop Culture Week in Review 1/19-1/25
January 25, 2013 | Admin 1Look, a lot of things happened this week. I know what you guys really want to talk about, but we really have to address some things first. Important things. Like Doctor Who important.
A Netflix Addict’s Cry for Help
January 24, 2013 | Drew Troller 6I am writing this piece at my computer during one of the rare free moments when I’m not consuming media. About four and a half years ago, while sitting in my freshman college dorm’s common area, I heard someone mention Two years ago, my cousin bought me a trial of something called Netflix.
Since discovering these (and other) ways to enjoy movies and TV, they’ve become a huge part of my life.
And I’m not sure whether that’s a great thing.
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Roundtable Discussion: If I Were President…
January 23, 2013 | Tristan Chan 1With this week’s Presidential Inauguration we thought we’d task our writers to share what their first (non-political) act would be if they were elected president of the United States. Of course this meant living out a number of ridiculous childhood dreams as well as the conversation spinning out of control into a West Wing love fest. Let us know what your first presidential move would be in the comments section below!
PorchDrinking Playlist: Random New Music Roundup
January 22, 2013 | Tristan Chan 1This week’s playlist doesn’t really have a specific theme but is more so a collection of new music that I’ve come across over the recent months that have really resonated and found a recurring role in my consciousness. This week’s New Music (I use that term lightly) Roundup features several tracks from Bronze Radio Return, and the Oh Hellos. I’ve also really gotten into Aloe Blacc after being introduced by Danielle from Chicago. And finally after attending the Father John Misty and Walkmen show last night I can attest that both are fantastic live. If you have any awesome somewhat indie/up and coming tunes that you’d like to contribute, feel free to comment below the post!
Caveat Emptor! Lance, Manti and Believing the Sports Media
January 21, 2013 | Adam ReevesIf you happen to take your inspiration from sports figures, last week was not your week. First, Lance Armstrong confessed that his Tour de France titles were fueled by blood doping and performance enhancing drugs. Next, reported that the most “heartbreaking and inspirational story of the college football season” was a hoax. Turns out Manti Te’o’s deceased girlfriend Lennay Kekua, to whom the Notre Dame linebacker dedicated much of his play this season, was never real. These revelations are shocking to be sure—Armstrong’s for the sheer duration of his previous denials and Te’o’s for the sheer weirdness. The idea, however, that these revelations will make the sports media change the way it reports them is as much an illusion as Kekua herself.
Beerstagrams 1/11- 1/18
January 18, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueThis week’s Beerstagrams belong in a create-your-own-six-pack. First, Tristan and friends show us around the Big Beers Festival. Vail isn’t just for skiers anymore– the beer connoisseurs put their snifters to work checking out the latest from homebrewers and industry gurus. Special appearances by Dry Dock, Caution Brewing, Elevation Brewing and (of course) Avery Brewing. Next, take a trip across the pond as my company pays tribute to our resident Brit. Yes– we drink at work. Yes– you should be jealous. Yes– Robby’s homebrew was delicious. And finally, good luck not drooling all over your keyboard when you check out the beer inspired dessert submitted by Allison Hardy (sous-chef at Circle City Sweets in Indianapolis, IN).
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