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Everything else discussed on the porch.

Pop Culture Week in Review 1/11-1/18

January 18, 2013 |

So I’m sure you are either tired of hearing about the Golden Globes or forgot they happened already.

But bear with me whilst I do a brief recap told mostly in video and picture form.  There weren’t any really horrible moments that didn’t involve Anne Hathaway or Claire Danes, so I’ll just run you through my favorites/first five I could think of. Read More

Awesomesauce – StumbleUpon

January 17, 2013 |

StumbleUpon is an extension for most web browsers that allows you to discover some of the coolest sites you’ve never heard.  Billed as a “discovery engine,” StumbleUpon’s goal is to find amazing content on the internet that you’ll love.  How, you ask? Read More

Roundtable Discussion: Awards Season

January 16, 2013 |

Awards season is in full swing so we decided to ask our staff members if they had the opportunity to be recognized for an award, any award whatsoever, what would it be, why, and what would their acceptance speech sound like?  This is what our group of crazies came up with. What award would you want to win?  Share your thoughts in the comments section

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PorchDrinking Playlist: Amazing Female Vocals

January 15, 2013 | 7

I’m going to make a bold claim here by saying that we might be living in the most prolific age of female vocals in the history of music. Sure Motown had Gladys Knight, Aretha Franklin, The Supremes and all of the bands that ended in ‘ettes. The 80s had the immortal Whitney Houston and Madonna, Pat Benatar and Stevie Nix. And who could forget the 90s with the Christina, Mandy and Britney… well, perhaps we can forget the 90s. While this era may not have the star power of previous decades, I don’t think it should be counted out just yet. I’ve compiled a playlist showcase the awesome female vocals of the past 10 years… OK fine, we kicked things off with Aretha just because she is the original Queen.

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Who’s Worthy for Cooperstown Now?

January 14, 2013 |

Many might not have realized it, but January 9th will be a day that changed the future of professional baseball in America forever. For just the 8th time in the history of the Hall of Fame voting, no players were elected into the HOF in Cooperstown. But if it’s happened before why is this time more significant? It’s simple and can be summed up in two words – steroid era.

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Justin Timberlake The 20/20 Experience and More

January 13, 2013 | 8

UPDATE* It was announced last night that JT will in fact be releasing a new album titled The 20/20 Experience, which is being produced by Timbaland.  To hear the just released single Suit & Tie featuring Jay-Z check out this post from Hip Hop n More.

Attention world. Justin Timberlake is ready. And now we wait.  The music world, no, the entirety of the internet, nay all of humanity came to a screeching halt Thursday morning when JT dropped a little nugget via Twitter, which hinted at his potential return to music.  In a video titled “I’m Ready”, the 21st century renaissance man agonizes that music means more to him than anyone else in the world, that he is obsessive over his craft, and general that he wouldn’t be proud to just put anything out, that you have to wait for it.  The dramatic voice over culminates with a solitary shot of our hero in a music studio announcing to the world “I’m Ready”.  While this doesn’t overtly indicate that a new album is nearby, one can assume what the world has been waiting for… Justin Timberlake is returning to music.

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Golden Globes Live Blog

January 13, 2013 | 6

Hey there folks! Join us tonight as we live blog the Golden Globes!  We’ll be joined by our PorchDrinking Pop Culture team who will bring the hilarity and snark! Blog starts at 8 Eastern on THIS thread.  Feel free to add your comments in the comments section. Read More

Pop Culture Week in Review 1/5-1/12

January 12, 2013 |

This week, nominations came spilling into and over our collective consciousness for every film and television show we wanted-to-but-didn’t-get-the-chance to see.  But for all of the Hollywood hoopla, leave it to Piers Morgan and CNN to finally get the most of our attention.  In an interview with radio sensation Alex Jones, Piers sought what many journalists have since the shooting sprees of late: debate about gun control.  Instead, he got screamed at, mocked, threatened, and flabbergasted by a certifiable lunatic seeking to deport him.  OoOoOoOoooo!  Entertainment!

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Beerstagrams 1/4- 1/11

January 11, 2013 |

Whether you’re in Colorado, Indiana, or anywhere in between, the good news is–  it’s almost the weekend! This week’s Beerstagrams are sure to get your palate excited for another Friday happy hour. First, Sonny Chan sends us on a mini-tour of Black Shirt Brewing in Denver. This place has some serious ambiance- it’s even too hip for photo filters. Country Boy Brewing shows some love, and the Midwest keeps it’s title of the Happiest Beer Drinkers as Quincy and I show off our love for our homeland.

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Oscar Nomination Predictions (UPDATED!)

January 9, 2013 |

In perhaps my least snarky PorchDrinking article to date, I’m going to take some shots in the dark and guess who will be nominated for the Academy Awards. PD is looking forward to bringing you some great Oscars coverage, but here now is one guy telling you what he thinks (and hopefully having something to brag about once nominees are announced tomorrow). I’ve marked movies I’ve seen with ***asterisks***, so you can know I’m not full of it. Watch nominations come out, then keep coming back to for more Oscars coverage from our team of amateur pop-culture experts.

UPDATE: Oscar nominations were announced this morning (Thursday). A few surprises, especially in the directing category. I’ve added some additional commentary, partly in the interest of giving you the most information possible, and partly because I’m proud of how close I was in a lot of cases.

Below, I’ve bolded the predictions that were accurate.
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PorchDrinking Playlist: December 2012 New Music

January 8, 2013 |

There weren’t a lot of new releases to close out the year, but there were plenty of fantastic reissues. Check out the December 2012 PorchDrinking Playlist as we bring back a bit of nostalgia with tracks from Interpol and The Smashing Pumpkins. Speaking of nostalgia, Green Day and Lifehouse each released new albums. Enjoy!

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A Shameless Plea: Watch Cougar Town

January 8, 2013 | 1

I love Cougar Town.  Please hear me out.  I know, the title sucks.  No one is arguing that.  But other than the shit title, what do you really know about the show?  You might say, “Well, its about cougars.”  This is the point where steam comes out of my ears, I slap you in the face with a fish and yell, “NO ITS NOT YOU STUPID FACE. YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING.” Then I apologize and get you the alcoholic beverage of your choice.

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PorchDrinking Best Movies of 2012

January 7, 2013 |

Our PorchDrinking staff wanted to take a look back on the best movies of the year. 2012 proved to be a fantastic year for movies, with the conclusion of Christoper Nolan’s Batman franchise and the first comic book film to make the Hulk interesting and fun (thanks, Joss Whedon!) leading a huge summer. While The Dark Knight Rises was easily the PD staff’s favorite movie of 2012, the rest of the top 5 was only separated by a few votes. See our list below and leave yours in the comment section!

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Perception Beats Reality In New Jersey’s Showdown Over Sports Gambling

January 7, 2013 | 1

Every week in his gambling blog on, “Cousin Sal” Iacano recommends creative prop bets for readers tired of betting over/unders or picking against the spread. Because sports gambling is illegal pretty much everywhere, Cousin Sal counsels his readers to place their bets using something he calls “Jermajesties”—an imaginary currency named after Jermaine Jackson’s fourth son, Jermajesty Jackson. While naming your son Jermajesty is arguably less absurd than Cousin Sal using the term to advocate illegal gambling without actually advocating illegal gambling, this practice begs the question: why bother?

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What Happened the Last Week of 2012?

January 6, 2013 |

Does 2012’s expiration give anyone else a wave of relief? We’ve been buffeted by current event waves throughout an entire chaotic and historic year. This will be our send off to a year which brought us a highlight real of tragedy and jubilation, history and triviality, mundanity and fun. But she’s not out yet, so we’ll give her her due. 2012 crashes its last upon our temporal shores. We’re soaking wet, sandy and sore but there’s one final wave, so we might as well ride it. Read More

Beerstagrams 12/28-1/4

January 4, 2013 |

Welcome to our newest weekly segment where we bring you our collection of our instagram’d beer pics, aka beerstagrams,to help get you ready for happy hour!  This week’s Beerstagrams feature a melange of beers that were acquired from trips back home, a trip to Copper Kettle, a sneak peak of Fate Brewing Company which will open at the end of the month and one of the coolest garages/breweries you’ll ever encounter when  Tom Horst of Crystal Springs brewing showed us around.

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Pop Culture Week In Review – Welcome to 2013!

January 4, 2013 | 3

Hope you all had a healthy, happy, fun New Year’s Eve! The world of entertainment certainly did. Here are some of the highlights for our last 2012 pop culture week in review. Enjoy, and we hope to see a lot more of you in 2013!

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PorchDrinking Best Songs of 2012

January 4, 2013 | 1

I was sorting through the nominations I received for the best songs of 2012, and I quickly realized – we’re an eclectic bunch. Beyond a clear number 1 (The Lumineers – Ho Hey), the rest of the list would essentially be a huge second place tie. Never has it made more sense to create a playlist.

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PorchDrinking Best of 2012: Albums

January 3, 2013 | 9

Happy New Year, folks! Just because we’re officially moving on to 2013 doesn’t mean we can’t continue to reflect on the fantastic year that was 2012. Please join us in our recap of the BEST moments, events and releases of the past year.

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Awesomesauce- BadLipReading

January 3, 2013 |

Move over Gossip Girl, there’s a new queen bee in town.

While Gossip Girl can be cutting, BadLipReading never fails to elicit a laugh.  The YouTube account’s owner has released a series of videos that embarrass politicians, musicians, and the occasional movie star in equal measure.  The anonymous creator takes video clips from the internet, television, and movies and overdubs the dialogue or lyrics to comic effect. Read More