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Porchdrinking New Year’s Playlist
January 2, 2013 | Tristan ChanSo we’re about a day or two late. But hey NYE fell on a Monday so really the calendar was a little early because our playlists always go up on Wednesdays. Come on calendar… you know better. Plus we may or may not have been nursing a beer hangover just like the rest of you all. Here’s a list of songs to help you ring in the New Year, just in case you didn’t get enough Auld Lang Syne.
The Year of the Rookie Quarterback
December 31, 2012 | Mike ZollerWith the NFL regular season winding down, it’s time to reflect on the past 16 weeks. There has been a lot of controversy this season with replacement refs and Bounty Programs just to name a couple of issues. But there have been bright spots. One of which is the play of this year’s rookie quarterbacks.
PorchDrinking Gives Thanks for 2012
December 31, 2012 | Tristan ChanIt has been a crazy ride for us this past 6 months. In June of 2012 we set out to create a fun side project for our group of friends as an excuse to write again, and more importantly drink beer. What has transpired is a group of nearly 60 writers, editors, and staff members who have volunteered their time to create something truly amazing.
Story Time With Hank | Back Room Dealing
December 28, 2012 | Hank Henry“Here it is, kid. As promised, see?” He leveraged one foot into the air with tremendous effort and, twisting his whole body to generate the requisite torque, THUMPed it against the side of the stoic, wooden chest.
The chest did not deign to respond. It sat on the cold concrete, amidst the dank and the dust and the chittering bugs, and pretended we weren’t there.
Its black varnish shone with a malignant inner warmth separate from the light cast by the single exposed bulb dangling at the end of a long cord from the ceiling overhead, spinning slightly in a draft I couldn’t feel.
The chest had no clasp or keyhole that I could see, no adornment at all save for a plain, silver orb, like a globe bisected neatly from North to South pole, that bulged tumor-like from its front. Read More
Pop Culture Week in Review 12/21-12/28
December 28, 2012 | AdminThe end of the year is my least favorite time for pop culture. TV shows go on hiatus. News outlets are only doing their “Best Of’s” and not reporting any news. Though unless you count what Demi Lovato is getting her mom for Christmas as ‘news,’ there really isn’t anything to report as people are spending time with their stupid families instead of working. The only good thing to come out of all this is the movies released on Christmas Day. But you can really only see one on Christmas. So then you get a huge backlog of movies you have to see and spend $13 per ticket (in New York- I hear there are magical places that charge less than $10 for a movie ticket but I don’t believe they exist) to see. But you can’t really afford to see them because you just dropped a ton of cash on DVD box sets for the whole family. Hang on, I need a cookie.
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Saul vs. Saul | A Matchup Between Fan Favorites on Homeland and Breaking Bad
December 27, 2012 | Drew TrollerIf you’re not watching Homeland, shame on you. If you’re not watching Breaking Bad, shame on you. These are two of the BEST shows on television right now—so good that even as they get more and more insane and less and less believable, I still find myself more addicted with every episode. Read More
PorchDrinking Playlist: Happy Chrismukkah!
December 25, 2012 | Scott HoffmanMerry Christmas from the folks at Porch Drinking! As promised, here is the BEST Christmas playlist you’re likely to encounter, featuring a variety of standards you’re likely familiar with as … Read More
Celebrity Christmas Wish Lists
December 24, 2012 | Drew TrollerMy buddy Santa hooked me up with a look at some of the letters he received from celebrities this year. Let’s see what was on their celebrity Christmas wish lists this year!
How To Celebrate Festivus
December 23, 2012 | Nik Heimach 5With each passing holiday, it seems more and more like American consumerism knows no bounds. Every superstore begins their holiday-hyping months in advance, and the majority of American consumers spend exuberant amounts of cash fulfilling every advertised need. From thousands of Christmas lights perfectly choreographed, to beating your neighbors bloody for the last honey-glazed ham, it would seem Americans love spending money on holidays almost as much as businesses love exploiting them. The mere opportunity of Black Friday deals turn regular people into riotous mobs, with incidents of trampling becoming commonplace each year. But it was in a similar moment of impassioned consumerism when Frank Costanza, after raining blows upon a rival buyer, realized there had to be another way. Soon after, Festivus was born. “Festivus for the rest of us!”
Terms of Servicepocalypse- Instagram Edition
December 23, 2012 | Laura MegoA week ago, we took a closer look at Facebook’s proposed changes to their terms of service. This week we’ll examine a similar story- Facebook is now ruining Instagram too! Read More
Pop-Culture Week In Review: 12/16 – 12/23
December 23, 2012 | Nik HeimachYes, this post is later than you’re used to. What did you expect? THE WORLD WAS SUPPOSED TO END. Did you think I would spend my final hours hunched over a computer, slaving away with research and delicate prose to deliver you the best pop-culture bits of the week?
….well, I did anyway. You know, just in case.
New Star Trek Villain: An Examination and Reveal! (Maybe)
December 21, 2012 | Nik Heimach
I am a nerd: to begin with. If you haven’t suspected from some of my articles, there is no doubt about that. If there’s one thing you will take from going forward, it is that inescapable truth. Now, a nerd wouldn’t (and shouldn’t) claim this fact, for true nerds need no social verification. We are born of an individual and insatiable passion which we may or may not choose to share among likeminded enthusiasts. But if unknown to you, dear reader, it must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come from this speculative story.
Story Time With Hank | A Very Cloying Christmas
December 21, 2012 | Hank HenryWhen I was a kid, I was a Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer man. I watched—and loved—all the schmaltzy Christmas specials—your Charlie Browns, your Garfields, your Frosty the Snowmans—hell, I watched Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey once, and didn’t even kill myself after—but Rudolph was my favorite. I bet there’s an Angelfire website that would tell me what that says about me as a person.
How To Prepare For The Apocalypse
December 20, 2012 | Drew TrollerHOW TO PREPARE FOR THE APOCALYPSE
In case you hadn’t heard, there are a few people out there who really and truly believe that we’re all going to die on Friday, December 21st. And a lot more people who don’t truly believe it but ironically prepare for the end of the world, foretold by the ending of the Mayan calendar.
Maybe you’re preparing for the impending apocalypse, or maybe you just think it’s funny to joke about the end of days. In either case, it’s useful to know how to prepare for what will happen when the world falls apart. Here’s your guide to how to get through the apocalypse. Good luck! If I see you in the fallout, let’s get a beer.
Awesomesauce- Incredible Things
December 20, 2012 | Laura MegoDo you need someone to help you find the coolest stuff on the interwebs (besides us, obviously?) Your prayers have been answered! Look no further than Incredible Things. Read More
PorchDrinking Playlist: Apocalypse Now
December 18, 2012 | Tristan ChanSo the Mayans think it’s the end of the world. Well I have news for you… that already happened back around the time when they stopped making Dunkaroos, cancelled Arrested Development, when Bob Barker retired, and Justin Timberlake stopped making music. Yes the alleged apocalypse is upon us this Friday and so we thought we’d round up a list of tunes to help ring in the end of days.
Five Bowl Games to Watch This Season
December 17, 2012 | Mike ZollerDecember is a great month for sports. You have the NFL in the home stretch and just about to start the playoffs, basketball and normally hockey are in full swing and maybe the best part of the month – college football bowl games.
Starting on the 15th and going all the way until January 7, 35 bowl games will be played across the country. While the debate goes on if there are too many games and if many are meaningless sponsor-driven events, it’s still fun to watch teams from different conferences play each other for nothing but pride.
This year provides a slate of great match-ups from day one until the national championship in Miami on the 7th. Here are five games all college football fans should settle down for and watch in their entirety: Read More
Story Time With Hank | The Donnish Deviant
December 14, 2012 | Hank HenryI’m out with a friend at a bar that I hate. I mean I’m not really, not right now, obviously, but I’m in a present tense kind of mood so bear with me, please. I’m out with a friend at a bar that I hate. I’ve never been in this bar before today, but I know immediately that I hate it. The walls are black with purple trim and purple-framed pictures of skeletons and women in torn clothing and skeleton-women in torn clothing hang every two feet exactly. The bartenders are tattooed women in bikini tops. The ceiling fans are skeletons. In every seat is a middle-aged man in a Harley Davidson t-shirt tucked into jeans; in every parking space outside is a Nissan Sentra. Read More
5 Movies to See and 5 To Skip This Holiday Season
December 14, 2012 | Nik Heimach 1
I hate mediocre films. I hate them so, so much. I hate them even more than terrible movies. Why? Because unlike those drenched in passable mediocrity, bad films get punished. More often than not, awful films bomb at the box-office because anyone with moderate observational talents can see them coming from a mile away (exhibit A: Mediocre films, on the other hand, slip by, make millions, and tell studio execs, “Hey, this isn’t too shabby! Let’s do more of this, because real talent costs money, and MONEY IS OUR GOD.”
TV Shows You Really Should Be Watching
December 13, 2012 | Admin 3I know we all only have so much time in the day. We hit the grind all the live long day and seemingly only have a few minutes to ourselves before we hit the hay and start the process all over again. But if you find yourself in need of something to do on a certain night of the week, I suggest filling the time void with some good old fashioned television.
You might think I’m crazy with the following list of TV shows, but please hear me out on these shows you should be watching but probably aren’t. Read More
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