General Topics
Everything else discussed on the porch.
Story Time With Hank | The God of Thanksgiving
November 16, 2012 | Hank HenryHello, readers fair and not. I hope your every dream is coming true, unless you’re some kind of sick sonofabitch. Today’s Story Time, as with everything this time of year, is a very special Thanksgiving edition. Enjoy.
Day 15 aka Day 3 A Month of Giving Thanks
November 15, 2012 | Tristan ChanThank goodness for big butts. About this, I cannot lie. I am so grateful for big booties because their either big enough to inspire the most ridiculous 90s pop/rap songs, … Read More
How to be Conversant in ‘Lost’
November 15, 2012 | AdminAs much as I try, even I can’t watch all the television there ever was. Personally, I despise the moments where I admit I haven’t seen a show and the person I’m talking to freaks out. “How can you claim a television obsession and have never seen [Insert title]?!?!” I’m sure you have also had a moment like this and I’m here to help. Here’s everything you need to know to have a conversation with someone about Lost. [SPOILER ALERT]- I would think this is obvious, but I just wanted to cover my bases. Read More
Day 14 (day 2) November, a Month of Giving Thanks!
November 14, 2012 | Tristan Chan 1It is day 14, well since we only started yesterday, day 2 of our month of giving thanks. And today I wanted to shed some light on something I am, and more specifically my tummy are thankful for this time of the year. Thank you Honeycrisp Apples.
Ultimate 6er | It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
November 14, 2012 | Andy ManshelThe latest, and as always, ridiculous It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia continues to a 12th season. And what better show to sit down with an Ultimate 6er for? Well, maybe not the entire six pack since some of these are strictly for the type of… gentlemen… that the series showcases. So here’s to everyone’s favorite show about everyone’s favorite alcoholics.
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PorchDrinking the Playlist: October 2012 Recap
November 13, 2012 | Scott HoffmanNovember a Month of Giving Thanks
November 13, 2012 | Tristan ChanAdmittedly we joined the party a bit late this time around. What seems to be the latest craze in Facebook trends, is posting what you’re thankful for each day during the month of November, because nothing says thanks quite like a shout out on FB! So we thought we’d have a little fun with it by doling out some internet appreciation, as well as some levity. Read More
Pop Culture Week In Review – 11/4-11/10
November 12, 2012 | Drew Troller4 more years! 4 more years! 4 more years of Boy Meets World!
This has been a great week in America, not just because we had another historic election, but because Hollywood has done some cool stuff. So regardless of which candidate you voted for, the future is bright – there’s casting news, performance reviews, and crushes of Drew’s in this article. It’s the pop culture week in review for November 4-10… let’s go!
Post-Election Presidential Quiz
November 11, 2012 | Joe SampsonNow that the election is over, it’s time for a pop Presidential quiz from everyone’s favorite professor, Joe Sampson. Good luck! Read More
Story Time With Hank | The Doctor Romances
November 9, 2012 | Hank HenryHappy November, everyone. I understand that this is the second installment of Story Time to go up this month, but, like a jerk, I forgot to mention it last week. So I’m mentioning it now. Happy November. Did you have a good Halloween? It’s November 9, so I don’t care.
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Awesomesauce- IFTTT
November 8, 2012 | Laura Mego 1While on the younger end of the spectrum, I don’t consider myself to be particularly tech savvy. Let’s put it this way- I may have watched a liveblog of an Apple announcement or two, but I can’t rebuild your hard drive. Despite this, I’m constantly surprised by the number of services I use on a daily basis that not one of my friends or coworkers has EVER heard of. I’m here to show you some of the coolest things you’ve never heard of…yet.
Top Five Election Day Takeaways
November 7, 2012 | Tristan ChanElection Day is always a little bizarre, extremely polarizing and downright tense. Add in the fact that we are now such a socially connected society and you get a whole lot of crazy that emerges. I decided to recap some of the more bizarre, awesome and meme worthy moments from yesterday’s election coverage. Feel free to comment below if we missed any.
Roundtable Discussion: Our Favorite American Presidents
November 7, 2012 | Tristan ChanThank goodness that election is over. No more political ads, no more negativity. And now we can come together as a nation and move forward. However, we thought we’d finish on a good note by sharing our favorite American Presidents historically. Our reasoning may not be the most sound…
Presidential Election Playlist
November 6, 2012 | Tristan ChanI typically reserve Amurrrcuhhh the Playlist for my favorite holiday, Amurrrcuhhh Day. Oh you don’t follow? July 4th. But only every four years do we have the right to elect our President of the United States, and what’s more Amurrrcan than that? Look I realize that many folks have become jaded by all of the ads, attacks, lines, and even politics of this and more recent elections. But lets remember that our founding fathers and mothers fought to bring us all equality in the right to vote. So I remind you to do your part, and exercise that right. Make history count, because your vote certainly does.
Presidential Election: Budweiser vs. Coors
November 6, 2012 | Philip Joyce 1If you’re tired of listening to political attack ads and fall into the category of Americans’ that are undecided in this years most critical election, we analyze two candidates on key issues facing America and break down this years Presidential Election: Budweiser vs.Coors. Read More
Mock Election Face-Off: Jon Stewart vs. Stephen Colbert
November 6, 2012 | Katie ChaffeeWhen a video clip of a toddler bawling her eyes out because she is tired of “Bronco Bama and Mitt Romney” becomes viral, it’s clear the rest of the country must be getting pretty tired of all the election hullabaloo as well. So let’s take a break from the two most talked about men for a second and focus on the two most watched; Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
Sports Week In Review 10/26-11/1
November 5, 2012 | Mike ZollerOctober is really the greatest sports month of the year. You have the MLB playoffs, both college and professional football are in full swing, the NBA gets underway and hockey would normally be a few games into the season. With a plethora of sporting events to watch here are some of the highlights from the past week.
2012 Presidential Election Night Social Media Preview
November 5, 2012 | Drew TrollerStay off of the internet on Tuesday. Don’t log on at all (unless it’s for On the day of the 2012 election, you know what the internet and social media sites are going to offer – a bunch of crap you really don’t want to deal with.
Pop Culture Review – Oct. 28 – Nov. 4
November 4, 2012 | Nik HeimachIn case you missed it (or hate huge news in popular culture), Disney acquired Lucasfilm this week for $4.05 billion dollars. One day later, Lucasfilm announced a new Star Wars trilogy is in the works, with Episode VII expected to release in 2015. For more important details on the matter and why you should care, check out my special Disney-Star Wars Pop Culture feature.
Now, it’s time for all the happenings that don’t involve corporate control, lightsabers, and the (arguably) most important film franchise in our culture. Oh don’t worry, other news, you’re…still…important… Read More
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