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General Topics

Everything else discussed on the porch.

Pop-Culture Week in Review – September 29 – October 5

October 7, 2012 |

Throughout the week, I try to catch some sort of pop-culture phenomenon that can help lead off my review.  In order to make the cut, the idea needs to be equal parts strange, funny, quirky and somewhat relevant to interesting events in entertainment.  So, luckily during the presidential debate, the folks at Touchstone Pictures decided to air this trailer.  Watch it.

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Story Time With Hank | Story Time With Coyote, Part 4

October 5, 2012 |

Happy day, children. The end is nigh. Part 4 is the long-awaited final chapter in the magical epic that has been, “Story Time With Coyote.” It started with a lost bet and ends…well you’ll have to read it to find out. Read More Getting a Makeover

October 4, 2012 |

So we never really do things in the most orthodox manner.  So when Chris, our web designer asked if we could shut down the site for the next three days to completely revamp our look and feel… well I just said go right on ahead.

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Week 5 Fantasy Football Preview

October 4, 2012 |

I’m sure that, like me, some of you were bitten by the monsters that were masquerading as the San Francisco and Chicago defenses last week.  Sometimes you just have to throw your hands up and remember that fantasy football is a cruel, unapologetic beast, and that’s on a good day.
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The Official Presidential Debate Drinking Game

October 3, 2012 |

Tonight, the two men running for President will go head-to-head in Denver for a televised debate on domestic policy issues. According to the latest popular vote polling, it’s a dead heat (although according to the electoral vote, it’s already a landslide). While this campaign is not as exciting as the “Hope-And-Change,” “I-Can-See-Russia-From-My-House” quotes of 2008, the presidential debate tonight promises us a unique opportunity to see democracy in action and discern the ideological rifts between our candidates and our nation.
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PorchDrinking the Playlist: September 2012 Recap

October 2, 2012 |

There were plenty of amazing releases in the month of September. Avett Brothers, Mumford & Sons, Kanye (kind of?) and Grizzly Bear each debuted new albums. So sit back, relax and enjoy the soothing update to our PorchDrinking monthly playlist.
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News in Review | Apple Maps, Florida Voter Fraud, Puppies for Productivity

September 30, 2012 |

If You Haven’t Updated Your iPhone Yet… Maybe Don’t

What Apple was calling the ‘Most Powerful Mapping Service Ever’ has proven to be one of its biggest gaffs to date. The company rolled out a new Maps app as part of the iOS6 system update this week. The new app, however, reportedly contains many geographical errors and doesn’t include public transportation options in routing.
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Pop Culture Week in Review 9/21-9/28

September 28, 2012 |

So I’m pretty sure we’re all over the Emmy’s at this point.

Many of you may be thinking, “Oh yeah, I forgot that just happened.”  And I don’t blame you because they were a total snooze.  Here are the only important parts:
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Fantasy Football Weekly Preview

September 28, 2012 |

I never thought I’d be SO HAPPY to have the regular officials back, but after watching countless replays of the “Inaccurate Reception” from Monday Night, Ed Hochuli and his traveling gun show I’ll be a sight for sore eyes this weekend.  I hope everyone read last week’s column and followed my advice, as there was a minimum of 100 points scored between the players I recommended you take a look at.  If you branched out on your own, it’s okay, I’m not offended.  We’ve just met and trust takes a long time to build.  Let’s just hope that you come around before your fantasy football team is mathematically eliminated from play-off contention, eh?
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Story Time With Hank | Story Time With Coyote, Part 3

September 28, 2012 |

Afternoon, folks. Hope you’re having a good one. And if you weren’t before, that’s all about to change. We’ve got the third installment in the epic of Coyote all written out in words and ready to be read. Read More

New Music Showcase: The Bundys

September 27, 2012 |

The Bundys are the newest in the line of folk/Americana up and coming artists to keep an eye on. Originally from Cincinnati, but now based in the music hotbed of Nashville, the sibling trio bring catchy harmonies and soulful upbeat instrumentals. Similar artists include Elephant Revival, The Civil Wars and Lady Antebellum. While they are still relatively new to the music scene, they’ve already got four fantastic samplings available and we can expect even more to come in the near future. Give them a listen.
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Roundtable Discussion: I Love the 90s

September 26, 2012 |

This past weekend my housemate Shane turned 26 and as a result we threw him the most ring poppy, most gushered, squeez-it filled 90’s style birthday party to commemorate his glory days.  As such we rocked a 90’s playlist as detailed last week, had plenty of 90’s style treats… Lunchables aren’t as great as I remembered them being.  So this week we posed a trip down memory lane to our PorchDrinking Staff about what their favorite memories were of the 90s! Read More

Ultimate 6er | Greatest Action Movie of All Time

September 26, 2012 |

One of my favorite conversations, and I think one of the most contested arguments throughout history, is that of the best action movie of all time. I have watched friendships end and new ones begin during the heated exchanges of Running Man versus Commando; Predator or Die Hard; Lion King or Aladdin?

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Summer Concert Playlist

September 25, 2012 |

It’s been said before, but this summer I went to a lot of concerts. Honestly I’m not repeating this for the sake of boasting about all of the sick shows I saw. OK maybe just a tad. More so the purpose of this summer concert playlist is to highlight the amazing shows that I hope you also get the opportunity to see to see in the near future. I’ve actually recently encountered a few people aren’t entirely into seeing live music and there have been times when I could sympathize. But if there was any major take away from this summer’s musical binge, it would be that live music has the capacity to change your entire perception of a band and in some cases change your life in general. So for this week’s PorchDrinking Playlist I bring you a few samples from the shows that I attended. On the whole I chose the best songs performed during the show, and in some cases those might not be the most popular or most well known tracks so hopefully they’ll add become a pleasant new addition to your listening catalog. Read More

Sports Week-in-Review: Football in Full Swing Edition

September 24, 2012 |

I haven’t had cable television in over a month. No Gossip Girl, no Say Yes to the Dress, and worst of all, no SportsCenter or live sports. In that month I’ve moved, gotten a new roommate, and worst of all, was asked to write about the current events in the Sport-o-sphere. How am I going to do that without television!? I need that feeling of an unnecessarily large remote in my hand (seriously, does anyone even use the back half of that thing?), needlessly flipping back and forth between channels; otherwise watching the NFL isn’t truly watching the NFL.

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News Week(s) in Review: September 10-22

September 23, 2012 |

In my last Pop-Culture review, I wrote that we live in trying times. Perhaps that was a bit premature, because in the weeks since, the world’s gone a bit crazier than normal.

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Pop Culture Week-In-Review 9/14-9/21

September 21, 2012 |

TV Is Back! … I Didn’t Say Good TV.

This is actually my scaled back fall TV preview. I was lucky enough to participate in’s first ever Google hangout, where our pop culture team discussed fall TV at length. I’ll spare you most of the things we said there and end my plug with that.

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Porchdrinking Fantasy Football Weekly Preview

September 20, 2012 |

I’ve finally finished traveling the country in search of the most up-to-date information on the fantasy football circuit. The good news? I’m back and can share this information with all of you. The bad news? The only bad news is for your opponents. You’re going to want to bookmark our page (you mean you haven’t done so already?) and make this part of your weekly preparation ritual. Not doing so is basically spotting your opponent a lead before the week’s games have even begun.

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PorchDrinking Fall TV Preview Video Roundtable

September 19, 2012 |


Now that summer is coming to an end it’s time for Americans to return to their comfy sofas, sit on their butts and watch TV once again. Cmon’ working out is overrated. So to help our TV fans get caught up on all of the new shows hitting the airwaves this fall we assembled our all-star line up of Pop Culture gurus to give you a Fall TV preview. So if you’re at work go ahead and plug in those ear buds and press play.

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Inaugural Avery IPA Festival Recap

September 17, 2012 |

Here’s the challenging aspect of taking notes while drinking—the more you drink, the more incomprehensible and terse your notes become. You start out detailed, taking into account every distinct characteristic. After several beers, the notes become more brief. Maybe they’ll just list your first impression, if you’re lucky. Several beers later, you’re fortunate to have a listing of the beer you’ve tried. Read More