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Cleophus Quealy Beer Company | Frambozenbier

January 27, 2020 |

Barrel-aged, sour and fruited beers seem to intimidate people. And Cleophus Quealy Beer Company conjured up a magical elixir of all three: Frambozenbier.

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Beer School | An Overview of the Country’s Best Beer Education Programs

January 16, 2020 |

Beer School is officially in session. To ease your nerves on the first day, I’d like to remind you why you’re here – for the love of beer, of course. No matter how technical beer school can get, just keep that in mind.

Today is about answering some questions about yourself. What do you want to do with beer? Why are you here? Is this something that you’d like to use as a future fun fact about yourself during an awkward work ice breakers or would you like to use beer school as a stepping stone for your future in beer? Let’s get started.

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OpenTap | A Beer App That Breaks the Mold

January 13, 2020 |

For nearly every beer nerd or active barhopper, they have at least one type of beer-based application on their phone. In most cases, it’s Uptappd, as it’s easily the most downloaded and widely used beer application. But there are others worth taking note of, including another big name, Taphunter. And with the influx of so many craft breweries, it’s hard to keep track of everything. This is where the OpenTap app is trying to change the game a bit. This particular application focuses on only California breweries, so we reached out to the founder to learn more about his unique perspective.

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PorchDrinking’s Best in Beer 2019 | Pacific Region

January 6, 2020 |

With the enormous multitude of breweries in California, not including some of our other states in the Pacific region, it comes as no surprise this was a hard list to … Read More

Russian River’s Pliny the Younger Going into Bottles For the First Time

December 24, 2019 |

Christmas has come early for fans of Russian River Brewing’s wildly hyped Pliny the Younger Triple IPA. Last night as beer fans around the world were hanging their stockings with … Read More

Anchor Brewing | Christmas Ale 2019

December 17, 2019 |

Few breweries have the storied past of Anchor Brewing in San Francisco, California. Brewing beer since 1896 and bought by Fritz Maytag in 1969, Anchor has been a staple in brewing history for more than a century. One of their longest-running beers is the seasonal Christmas Ale, available from November to early January.

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Christmas Classics | Sierra Nevada Brewing Celebration Fresh Hop IPA

December 13, 2019 |

As I was using a plastic snow shovel to chip away at the glacier-sized chunks of hardened ice in my driveway the other day, I was reminded of just how much I loooove the holiday season. And what’s not to love? Dry, cracked hands that look like a relief map of the Mojave Desert? Check. General sense of terror every time I walk in public because no one got the memo about covering their coughs and sneezes? Double check. But at least there’s good beer.

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Anderson Valley Brewing Company Sold to the McGee Family

December 4, 2019 |

The holiday shopping season is underway, and it seems that breweries are a hot item. In a matter of weeks, we’ve witnessed the acquisition of New Belgium Brewing by Kirin’s … Read More

Kings & Convicts Brewing Co-Founder on Today’s Ballast Point Acquisition

December 3, 2019 |

When Ballast Point was sold to Constellation Brands in 2015 for $1 billion it made big news. It made even bigger news this afternoon when tiny Chicagoland brewery, Kings & Convicts Brewing announced they had purchased the San Diego-based brewery.

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BREAKING | Small Chicago Brewery Acquires Ballast Point Brewing

December 3, 2019 | 1

Well it seems the billion-dollar Ballast Point experiment with Constellation Brands is over. The maker of Corona and Modelo which first purchased the California-based brewery in November 2015, announced today, … Read More

BareBottle Brewing | Secret City IPA

November 14, 2019 |

BareBottle Brewing Company has quickly risen to one of the trendiest breweries in Northern California. Opened by three friends that started as homebrewers, BareBottle pushes the limit with super popular hop combos and beer styles. One very unique aspect of BareBottle is that they give a nod to their homebrew experience by providing a 5-gallon recipe for all of their packaged beers directly on the bottle or can. That way you can take a shot at brewing any of the beers that you enjoy from them. Truly an ingenious idea!

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Firestone Walker Brewing | Coconut Merlin and Molé Merkin Milk Stout

November 13, 2019 |

The seasonal transition from summer to fall not only means a shift to shorter days and cooler weather but can also be seen by many of our beloved milk stouts hitting the shelves. This fall, Firestone Walker released two milk stouts created from the base of their seasonal Velvet Merlin Oatmeal Stout that yielded two very different and phenomenal beers.

Velvet Merlin Oatmeal Stout was originally created in 2004 under the name Velvet Merkin. The name was rebranded as Velvet Merlin years later when the beer was packaged for distribution. Velvet Merkin resurfaced in 2013 as the barrel-aged version of Velvet Merlin. In 2015, Velvet Merkin was tweaked again with the incorporation of milk stout.

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HenHouse Brewing Co. | Best Life Extraordinary Everyday Beer Blond Ale

November 7, 2019 |

We all want to live our Best Life and HenHouse Brewing Company brewed a Blond Ale that embodies that exact state of being. The Chicken Gang is at it again brewing up some straight magical elixir to brighten your day and help you to accomplish all your goals. *Disclaimer: might not accomplish all your goals but doesn’t everything seem better if you do it with a beer in your hand?!

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Resident & Moksa Brewing | Baby Sips Pastry Stout

October 31, 2019 |

Baby Sips, a “pastry stout,” is a new Imperial Stout from Resident Brewing, in collaboration with Moksa Brewing and Mostra Coffee. This is a very limited release of only about 350 bottles. There will also be a release party on Friday, November 1st where the collaboration will be on tap for patrons to try out!

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Event Preview | San Diego Beer Week

October 29, 2019 |

There is nothing better for the local community of beer lovers in San Diego than San Diego Beer week! Although advertised as a “week,” this year it will take place over the course of 10 days, November 1-10, all throughout San Diego. For the most comprehensive list of events, pairings, beer releases and dinners, go to the SDBW website, but here we’re going to be talking about some of the cool events happening, where they will be and then you can decide which ones you are going to try and make! Be sure to check if events are ticketed, shown by 🎫 Read More

Beer Event | Collabapalooza Recap

October 22, 2019 |

This past weekend was one of the most highly rated beer festivals in Southern California: Collabapalooza. The ethos of the beer festival is a sense of community within the beer industry–in most cases, all of the breweries involved were friends with each other and the brewers were all trying each other’s beer while talking shop. As we got to talk to several breweries in the preview article on the beers they were bringing, we got to experience the selection of a ridiculous tap list contributed by all the breweries. Here are some standouts.

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Collabapalooza Beer Fest Returns to San Diego

October 14, 2019 |

Collabapalooza is one of the top-rated beer festivals in southern California. On Saturday, October 19, more than 30 breweries will overtake the backlot of NorthPark Observatory to showcase a plethora … Read More

The PorchCast Ep 63 | Ken Grossman – Sierra Nevada Brewing

October 4, 2019 |

In episode 63 of the PorchCast, the whole squad sat down with Ken Grossman, founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing, at the dawn of the Great American Beer Festival to talk about their 40th Anniversary.

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Modern Times Beer | Blanc On Blanc On Blanc On Blanc

September 13, 2019 |

In a craft beer market that’s ever-growing and becoming harder and harder to stand out from the competition, Modern Times continues to find ways to push the envelope and garner massive interest. It definitely helps attract customers when you have creative, out-of-the-ordinary beer names and one-of-a-kind label/can art. Modern Times isn’t the only brewery out there that can come up with clever names and awesome art; however, not all of those breweries can back up those aspects with a high quality beer—over and over again. One of their beers that checks the box on all of those categories is Blanc On Blanc On Blanc On Blanc. Read More

New Glory Craft Brewery | Hopaway Beach

September 10, 2019 |

There are not many breweries in the Sacramento, CA area that have a better track record of brewing IPAs than New Glory Craft Brewery. When you check the “about us” section of their website, the first sentence reads: “We reject the mainstream concept of ‘flagship’ or core beers.” A quick look at their current tap list includes 24 beers; 15 of them are either a Pale Ale, IPA, Double IPA or Milkshake IPA. I’m not sure how many different IPAs and hop-forward beers they’ve turned out since 2014, but it’s safe to say they’ve worked every angle of the style.

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