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PorchDrinking’s Weekly Denver Beer Beat | July 5, 2017

July 5, 2017 |

The Denver Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings, etc.
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PorchDrinking’s Weekly Atlanta Beer Beat | July 5, 2017

July 5, 2017 |

The Atlanta Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings and more!

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Brewing News Roundup | Several New Beers Are On The Way

July 5, 2017 |

While we can’t pretend to list every new beer release, here are several tasty tidbits that have come across the desk from around the nation. New beers, new packaging, new collaborations and so much more.

Jump to the beer release(s) from the following breweries:

Avery Brewing | Bear Republic | Bell’s Brewery | Brewery Ommegang | Firestone Walker | Forbidden Root | Fremont Brewing | Green Flash | Great Divide Brewing | Modern Times Beer | Moody Tongue | New Belgium Brewing | Reformation Brewery | Rogue Ales & Spirits | SweetWater Brewing | Terrapin Beer Co. | Hopstix

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Bell’s Brewery | Two Hearted Ale

July 5, 2017 |

ABV: 7% | IBU: 55

For most new to beer, and a sizable number of those well-versed in the various styles beer has to offer, trying an IPA is like sneaking a swig of your dad’s whiskey after everyone has gone to bed. It is an unpleasant rite of passage into the craft beer world that I, simply put, did not agree with. There was too much out there to enjoy without forcing myself to drink something I didn’t enjoy. Read More

23 Craft Beers That Are American AF

July 4, 2017 | 1

Americans feel an immense sense of pride on the Fourth of July as we gather to celebrate our country’s freedom. For the last 241 years, we have been celebrating our independence by proudly showcasing the star spangled banner, our great American flag, with red, white and blue paraphernalia.  While the idea of “independence” is a hot topic in the craft beer world, we can’t help but love to see breweries rocking their American pride on their beers. Check out these 23 craft beers that are American as F*CK!

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Ultimate 6er | Ode to The Star Spangled Banner

July 4, 2017 |

Feature image courtesy of the Smithsonian.

It’s Fourth of July season, which means it’s time for intense patriotism on social and other media. We’ll see slews of posts on the most Americana XYZ thing and guides to finding the most Independence Day-themed stuffs, all the stuffs, out there.

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Beer Shed Building Episode Two: Watch These Guys Turn a Shed into a Bike and Beer Shed

July 4, 2017 |

Feature image courtesy of Parker Bohon.

“What are we calling this episode?” asked Toby.

“What do you mean? It’s episode two,” I said.

“No, no. You called this shed something different. What was that? Beer bike shed?” Toby insisted.

“Oh yeah! Episode two, Bike & Beer Shed!”

Leigh and Abe, who the proud new owners of an excellent Bike and Beer Shed, are cycling enthusiasts. They also do not have a garage, which is why they need to continue to store their bikes in their shed. Since they also wanted their shed to double as an outdoor bar, we decided to have a little fun and do our best to make a bike-themed beer shed. Read More

Fremont Brewing & Perennial Artisan Ales | Unicorn Tears

July 4, 2017 |

Feature image courtesy of Fremont Brewing

Chuck’s Hop Shop, one of Seattle’s beloved bottle shops, was a frenzy last Wednesday. No less than a hundred of eager Seattle beer fanatics squeezed into the Central District’s cozy space in hopes of getting a taste of the release of the moment in the Emerald City: Unicorn Tears, a Bourbon Barrel Aged Imperial Oatmeal Milk Stout with Cherries, a collaboration between Fremont Brewing and Perennial Artisan Ales.

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Brewers Describe the Value of Brewing Independence

July 3, 2017 |

The United States started as nothing more than an idea, a dream and a determination to overcome perceived empire-driven injustices. For the overwhelming majority of breweries, those values presented by our Founding Fathers echo the idea of independent brewing. Sure, there are brewing empires that could lure one to the economic promised land, but the pursuit of “hoppiness” for independent breweries is best served through self-determination rather than corporate funding. As the nation moves toward celebrating its independence, we at wanted to discuss brewing independence with a few breweries who have thumbed their proverbial noses at the King Georges of the world and exercise their freedom to brew.

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Summer Brews to Choose: Seasonal Specialties from Chaffee County

July 3, 2017 |

Chaffee County’s microbreweries each offer something much more intrinsic and intangible than just great beer. All four radiate that laid back, sun shining, day off; everyone’s your friend, nowhere-else-I-need-to-be kind of feeling. Yea, that’s the beer buzz talking, but it’s also about the human factor here. It’s about local brewers and entrepreneurs who create craft beers with that “I get paid for doing this?!” grin on their faces. Their work-hard, play-hard attitude permeates these taprooms. This summer they’re letting the sun shine on their creativity. Drink ‘em while it’s hot. No extra charge for the spectacular mountain and river views. Visit their taprooms and also sample their specialties at the Colorado Brewer’s Rendezvous in Salida, July 8.

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Port Brewing Co. | Mongo Double IPA

July 3, 2017 |

Remember the coastal rap rivalry of the 90s? Well, Tupac and Biggie’s beef is being resurrected. Instead of fresh beats and dope lyrics, craft beer lovers are squabbling over fresh hops and hazy juices. If you’ve been on social media recently, you’ve undoubtedly seen that a line has been drawn. Hop heads still prefer the dank resinous West Coast style IPAs well known for their outrageous IBUs; However, the New England IPA is a little more complex, yet subtler, then to be expected. Most of these “juice bombs” sport intense fruit flavors, soft mouth feel and a much sweeter finishing flavor. You could say that West Coast is the rougher, bitter, more “gangsta” of the two, whereas the New England style is the softer, easier drinking, almost hip-hop of the two.

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Event Preview | Chicago Square Roots Three-Day Beer and Music Festival

July 1, 2017 |

The 6th Annual Square Roots craft beer and music experience in Chicago’s Lincoln Square (July 7 – 9) consists of 40 local craft brews (including special batch and limited release taps), a spectacular collection of food vendors, more than 60 acts on four stages, family activities and the chance to explore the Old Town School of Folk Music.

Craft beer is all about community, and this fest embodies that philosophy. Suggested donations of $10 for adults, $5 for kids/seniors, and $20 for families help fund Old Town School of Folk Music scholarship programs and the Lincoln Square Ravenswood Chamber of Commerce farmers markets and concerts, not to mention every local business attending the festival.

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14er Brewing Opens for To-Go Sales & Taproom Tastings July 1

June 30, 2017 |

Andrew Kaczmarek and Nato Francescato have never been keen on following convention. The two co-founders of 14er Brewing bucked tradition when they launched in the summer of 2016 without a taproom location, focusing solely on contract brewing and canning their beers for liquor store sales for the first year. That gamble proved successful earning the two a gold medal at their very first Great American Beer Festival last October for their Rocky Mountain Saison, a Cilantro Lime Chili Saison, which took home top honors in the Chili Beer category.

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Event Preview | Get Ready for a Rendezvous with Brews

June 30, 2017 |

Most beer lovers assume beer fests are for them. Like the liquid smorgasbord is a thank you gift for being loyal craft beer fans. But the Colorado Brewers Rendezvous wasn’t originally intended for you, the beer drinker. Don’t get me wrong, you’re invited now, you’re more than welcome, but initially it was just an annual membership meeting of the Colorado Brewers Guild. When a bunch of brewers gather to rendezvous, though, it’s going to be a party. And parties are meant to be shared.

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Sour Summer: Five Sour Craft Beers to Beat the Heat

June 30, 2017 |

Featured image courtesy of Braxton Brewing Co.

For most, the hot summer months mean moving to lighter beers. It makes sense that a light, crisp, refreshing beer is better when you are in the sun, but that doesn’t mean you have to default to a light lager or blonde ale. Many other styles fit the hot summer months just as well, such as sour craft beers. And I am not talking about the traditional sours like lambics but rather kettle sours (aka quick sours). There’s been a huge influx of this type of beer and I think they are a great fit for a hot summer day because they offer low ABV, are ideally drank cold, and provide a crisp, refreshing taste that fights off the effects of the hot summer sun.

Here in Cincinnati, we have a lot of great options that fit this style. Plus, these beers are easy to bring along when you are enjoying the outdoors. Here are five of my favorite Cincinnati summer sours.

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Colorado’s Newest Generation of Sour Brewers Shine at Avery’s 7th Annual SourFest

June 30, 2017 | 1

Kyle Carbaugh had no designs on brewing sour beer when he and his wife, Miranda, opened Wiley Roots Brewing in Greeley four years ago. Their best-known beer early on was about as old-school craft beer basic as you can get — an American-style wheat. It won a Great American Beer Festival bronze medal just a few months after the brewery poured its first pint.

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Why DryHop and Corridor Brewery are Embracing the Hazy IPA Trend

June 30, 2017 |

Feature image courtesy of DryHop Brewers

For DryHop Brewers & Corridor Brewery & Provisions head brewer Brant Dubovick, the insight to start focusing on hazy IPAs started when he was in DC for the Craft Brewers Conference with DryHop Lead Brewer Adrian Vidaurre and Corridor Lead Brewer Roger Cuzelis. While there, Brant decided to wait in line for up to 2.5 hours for a Trillium and Bissel Brothers New England-style IPA at a tap takeover. Since then, the haze craze has been front and center for both DryHop and its sister brewery Corridor Brewery & Provisions in particular. Corridor has proven to be a particularly good testing ground to test Chicago’s demand for the hazy IPA, and according to Dubovick, the response has been “amazing.”

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Goose Island Set to Release Four New Beers

June 29, 2017 |

On Monday July 3, Goose Island will have its largest release of the year. Alright, maybe there is a bigger release in November; but Goose will release four new beers into the market on Monday. 

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Brewers of Pennsylvania Releases 2017 Summer Beer Suggestions

June 29, 2017 |

Featured image credit: Brewers of Pennsylvania 

With the heat of summer now descending upon us, the Brewers of Pennsylvania (BOP), the commonwealth’s official brewers guild, has released its 2017 Summer Beer Suggestions. The beers on their list are carefully crafted by BOP members throughout PA, and offer consumers a chance to truly quench their thirst in the brutal Mid-Atlantic summer.
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The PorchCast | Ep 38 Great Divide & The Grateful Gnome

June 29, 2017 |

In episode 38 of The PorchCast we reunited former co-workers Shannon Berner, marketing manager for Great Divide Brewing, and Bess Dougherty, co-founder for The Grateful Gnome Sandwich Shoppe and Brewery. The two former Wynkoop employees when brought together in a confined space typically end up spiraling down into a deluge of inappropriate jokes/noises, and they did not disappoint.

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