5 Questions With…Creature Comfort’s Director of Community & Culture, Matt Stevens
June 18, 2019 | Taylor LaabsA brewer’s influence can expand well beyond the beer you buy in a taproom or the cans you see on shelves. Craft brewers today realize that their presence in their local communities can inspire positive change and network effects that help their neighbors and taproom regulars alike. Athens, GA-based Creature Comforts Brewing Co. is one of the breweries defining what it means for a brewer to be authentically connected to their community. In early 2018, Creature Comforts hired Matt Stevens to be their Community and Culture Director; his job description includes running their Get Comfortable and Get Artistic charity initiatives.
Kentucky’s Country Boy Brewing is Growing into a Regional Power
June 6, 2019 | Tristan ChanTo most Americans, Kentucky is known primarily for bourbon, basketball, horse racing and fried chicken. However much like the rest of the country, one of the Bluegrass state’s fastest growing commodities is a result of the recent rise of craft beer. In just the past decade alone, brands like Lexington’s Alltech Brewing, Country Boy Brewing, West Sixth Brewery, and Northern Kentucky’s Braxton Brewing have emerged as formidable players in the state, all producing over 14,000 barrels of beer in 2018.
Unseen Creatures Brewing & Blending | To the Earth we Return
May 31, 2019 | Thirsty_Samurai_PiggyAs the years go by, Marco Leyte-Vidal, owner and head brewer of Unseen Creatures Brewing & Blending, has found himself returning to the Earth by focusing more on family, friends and exploring his creativity. Marco has worked to remove the clutter and noise that so easily surrounds us, sought peace in simplicity and has grown in the quiet moments of his life. It was returning to this analog way of life that inspired Marco to create “To The Earth We Return.”
Ultimate 6er | Tampa Bay Breweries You Can’t Miss
May 29, 2019 | Michelle ThomasIt’s time to take a vacation and hit the beaches! The beaches in Tampa Bay are known as some of the best in America. If you’re planning a trip to the Tampa Bay area anytime soon, you’re surely going to be seeking out some of the breweries to get your hands on some of the local craft beer offerings. Here are some of the breweries I think you just can’t miss if you’re around:
Edmund’s Oast Brewing | Order of Magnitude
May 27, 2019 | Eric Griffin 2As spring comes into full swing, summer is next in the order and quickly approaching. The scope of what beer people want is changing with the seasons. So many breweries are switching it up and releasing new and exciting styles and experiments. Edmund’s Oast Brewing (EOBC) is no different. Read More
Collective Arts Brewing | Jam Up the Mash
May 16, 2019 | Anna DacostaCollective Arts is combining two things that many can all appreciate: beer and art. If you also appreciate sour and hoppy flavored beers, you’re in for a special treat. This brewery is keeping the art fresh on the cans, too, by allowing artists to submit their work to be featured on the cans. Unique events are always happening and you can catch ones like a launch party of Series 12 that is also a dance party. I see events like these and wish I didn’t live so far! Lucky for me, I do get access to some of their beer on the shelves here in Florida.
2019 Tampa Bay Beer Week | Foeder for Thought
May 8, 2019 | Michelle Thomas2019 marks the sixth year that Green Bench Brewing Company held Foeder for Thought, a craft beer festival centered around fermentation-forward beers and beer education. Brewers assembled from around the nation to Green Bench, and bring their funky, sour, wild, rustic, and all-around amazing beers with them to pour at the event. Some participated in panel discussions, led by Michael Kiser and the team over at Good Beer Hunting, bringing insight into the brewing world and educating the consumers about all things funky and Foeder. It continues to be one of the most highly-anticipated events during Tampa Bay Beer Week.
Here’s How Thor Ended Up Drinking Creature Comforts in Avengers Endgame
May 2, 2019 | Tristan ChanIn an alternate timeline of the Marvel comics, Thor, the God of Thunder, could have become the God of Craft Beer. Craft beer nerds who’ve also seen Avengers Endgame, might have noticed several cameo appearances by one of craft beer’s fastest rising brands, Athens, GA’s Creature Comforts Brewing, and now we know how that all came to be.
Brewery Bhavana | Patina Gold #1
April 26, 2019 | Christopher HilliardRegret is hard to live with, especially when that thing was right in front of you. My story begins at Brewery Bhavana in downtown Raleigh. My wife and I attended one of their private parties where they served up some of their signature dishes and drinks. Edamame and ginger dumplings, pork and mushroom bao, an open bar featuring many of their core brews and if that weren’t enough, at either end of the room they popped bottles of barrel-aged beauties. To try it all, you either had to be super lucky or a pushy jerk. For better or worse, I was neither. So, I missed out on a beer that I thought would be gone forever: Patina Gold #1, a peach and apricot sour aged for four months in a Cabernet foeder.
Fortunately, Bhavana had the good sense to produce more. Even more fortunately, I found a bottle of Patina Gold sitting in the dusty back room of Chapel Hill’s Bottle Rev. Given the price ($14 a bottle), I had to think twice about buying it, but only twice. The regret from earlier, missed opportunity was gnawing at me.
How Brewers Build Flavor Through the Solera Aging Style
April 23, 2019 | Taylor LaabsThe nice thing about the craft brewing industry is that there’s always something new to drink and learn. Both happened to me at Allagash Brewing’s Saison Day at Off Color Brewing’s on April 6, 2019. I wasn’t expecting to find a beer on tap with a hazy color and a viscous texture that would showcase the bright and colorful Saison and Farmhouse ale creations from the likes of Off Color, Allagash, Side Project and Brasserie Dupont. But there I was, savoring every drop of Birds Fly South Ale Project’s Rustic Sunday, a deliciously savory yet fruity Farmhouse ale created via the Solera aging style. I had never heard of Solera aging before but after having one of Birds Fly South’s (BFS) brews, I knew I had to find out more.
2 Days 2 Nights | The Florida Keys
March 14, 2019 | Paul LewisMarch is here; and by this point many of us in cold weather states have gotten sick of the sub-zero temperatures, potholes, and unseen sheets of ice that cause us to fall on our ass. Rather than reaching a breaking point and going postal, it may be a better option make your way towards southern Florida for a short getaway in weather that teeters between the mid-70s to mid-80’s to get some much needed vitamin D.
2019 Tampa Bay Beer Week | Events At-a-Glance March 2-10
March 4, 2019 | Michelle ThomasIt’s time for the most-anticipated beer event in Tampa, Fla.: Tampa Bay Beer Week. Beer lovers in the Tampa Bay Area get to enjoy amazing beer and celebrate the craft beer scene all week. Here’s a rundown of what is happening: Read More
Orange Blossom Brewing | Orange Blossom Pilsner 2
March 1, 2019 | Anna DacostaUsually a crazy, spontaneous weekend starts with a beer. In this case, it ended with one… or two. During football season, an unplanned game was the last move of the fun weekend, and tailgate time was cut short so a quality beer was needed stat! Orange Blossom Pilsner 2 was found through the crazy rush to make it to the game and since then, it’s been a staple in my fridge.
Bull Durham Acquired by R&D Brewing
February 15, 2019 | Christopher HilliardOn January 10, 2019, Bull Durham Brewing Company came under new ownership. And R&D Brewing, located on Capital Blvd in downtown Raleigh, became the proud new owners.
Before we get into that, let’s talk about Durham and its minor league baseball team, the Durham Bulls. Thirty-odd years ago, the Durham Bulls became part of popular culture with the release of the Susan Sarandon/Kevin Costner/Tim Robbins film “Bull Durham.” If Rotten Tomatoes can be believed, it’s safe to say people like it. I would say it has its moments.
Aslin Beer Company | The Implication
February 11, 2019 | Scott JohnsonThe reckoning of New England IPAs is going to come. After years of the milkshake beer being the new kid on the block, trends are slowly switching back to old school pale ales and even hopped lagers. I don’t think the NEIPA will fully go away, but when every brewery jumps on the trend it just loses it’s panache. I thought I had tasted every kind of juice box imaginable … until trying The Implication from Aslin Beer Company.
Stem Ciders Acquires North Carolina’s Black Twig Cider House
February 7, 2019 | Mike ZollerJust weeks after Stem Ciders celebrated their 5th Anniversary, they’re about to embark on another major milestone. The Denver-based cidery announced yesterday that they have acquired Black Twig Cider House in Durham, N.C and will be re-branding the location as The Northern Spy, named after an apple varietal often used in Stem’s line of ciders.
Event Recap | Maple Bacon Coffee Porter Festival 2019
January 31, 2019 | Anna DacostaStarting off the year by attending a beer festival is the best way for any beer enthusiast to set themselves up for success. The idea of unlimited beer sampling from a stellar brewery, along with over 50 local and regional breweries is heavenly. Add that with a solid time with friends enjoying food and music and you have the Maple Bacon Coffee Porter Festival at Funky Buddha Brewery.
2019 Craft Beer Predictions | The Changing Face of Beer
January 28, 2019 | Eric Jackson 1If you’re looking back at 2018 as if you were Biggie in 1994 and saying to yourself, “it was all a dream” (or nightmare), wake up! NEIPAs, Milkshake IPAs, Milk Stouts, and Massively Fruited Sours/ IPAs aren’t going anywhere. In 2018 we witnessed not only The Brewer’s Association recognizing the Juicy or Hazy IPA as an official style, but we saw exploding fruit bombs, more breweries expanding their taprooms (Reformation Brewery, Lickinghole Brewery) and more diverse beer festivals, like the Fresh Fest in Pittsburgh, Beers With(out) Beards in NYC, and the Dames and Dregs Beer Festival in Atlanta just to name a few.
However as you probably deciphered from the title, this article isn’t about what happened last year, but it’s predicting the craft beer trends for 2019.
Oskar Blues and Cigar City Announce First CANarchy Collab
January 9, 2019 | Karen MillsWith the passing of each new year, it’s natural for beer fans to wonder what new innovative beers are in store for the next 12-months. And now we’ve got the first big offering from two major industry names in Oskar Blues and Cigar City. It comes in the form of Bamburana, a collaborative beer between these two CANarchy Collective owned breweries. Not only does it mark the first widely released collaborative release within the CANarchy family, but it’s also the first nationally distributed collab beer for the two as well.
Untitled Art Brewing Angry Chair Brewing Collaboration | Gas Station Coffee Imperial Stout
December 31, 2018 | Constance Del RioIt’s the holiday season and everyone is buzzing around trying to find the best beer to share with friends and family. Most of us are also traveling to visit family—which means planes, trains and automobiles (like the movie, but hopefully less crazy). I personally took Amtrak to Grand Junction, Colorado, to visit family and it was great! What I did miss was the gas station coffee during pit stops. Thankfully, I was able to get the flavor without the hectic drive from California to Colorado!
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