Meet Eugene – Revolution Brewing Eugene Porter
September 28, 2013 | Michelle AndrianoABV: 6.8% IBU: 28
Lately as the Fall nights have set in, I find myself wanting to sit out on my deck, throw on a hoodie, and cuddle up with … Read More
Ultimate 6er – NYC Borough Tour
September 11, 2013 | Marie DeAethOn this, the 12th anniversary of 9/11, I thought it appropriate to show some love to New York City. So for this Ultimate 6er, I am taking you on a … Read More
Shipwrecked Peninsula Porter
August 29, 2013 | Marie DeAeth 2ABV: 4.5%
If you are itching for a tour of Davey Jones’ locker, the Shipwrecked Peninsula Porter can take you there. Wait, does ‘Davey Jones’ locker’ apply to Lake Michigan … Read More
Pop Culture Week In Review: 8/6-8/13
August 16, 2013 | Liz RiggsIn a world where Justin Beiber’s nude guitar playing for his grandma is news, what else is there to really report on, guys? But really! Check this out! That oughta take the cake for pop culture this week.
Awesomesauce – First Chair Clothing
August 15, 2013 | Laura MegoMidwest transplant, PorchDrinking.com supporter, and First Chair Clothing founder Carmen Mazzocco first set foot in Denver in 2007, and immediately took to the local sporting culture like a fish to water. She answered some questions for us about her company, herself, and (of course) her favorite beer:
Ultimate 6er – Beers to Enjoy with Your Political Scandal: A Tribute to Carlos Danger
August 7, 2013 | Erin PetreyAh, the Internet, that glorious repository of all things fantastic and frivolous. But as many of us know, the Internet never forgets. Sadly, there are those out there who missed … Read More
Porch Trivia
July 27, 2013 | Jason Behler 4In an effort to interact more with our legions of loyal readers, we are going to start a weekly trivia post on Saturdays. The trivia can range from questions about … Read More
Q&A with Mad Fox Brewing
July 22, 2013 | Stacey GoersBill Madden has set much of the pace of the craft brewing scene in the Virginia-DC-Maryland region for the past few years. As the CEO and the executive brewer for … Read More
Roundtable Discussion: What do you love about America?
July 3, 2013 | Katharine Clark 4For this week’s Roundtable Discussion and in honor of the 4th of July Thursday, I asked the PorchDrinking staffers ‘What do you love about America?’ Many have a penchant for meats (of any kind), other food items and Big Bird. Do you agree with their answers?
Finch’s Beer Co.: threadless India Pale Ale
July 2, 2013 | Erin Petrey 3ABV: 6%
IBU: 90
On Friday afternoon, I popped into my neighborhood Whole Foods to pick up something new to drink for the weekend. DC summers are a swampy mess … Read More
PorchDrinking’s Actual 1 Year Anniversary
June 25, 2013 | Tristan ChanIt’s been a while since my last sappy retrospective post, but given that TODAY is the actual 1 year anniversary of our existence, I hope that you can indulge me once more.
Flying Dog – Single Hop Series: Citra
June 14, 2013 | Erin PetreyFlying Dog – Single Hop Series: Citra
ABV: 10%
IBU: 70
One of the best places to enjoy fun new brews in Washington, DC is Pizzeria Paradiso. This week, I … Read More
Getting a Woody – Cascade Brewing The Vine
May 29, 2013 | Will DozierBackground
Cascade Brewing The Vine Style: American Wild Ale ABV: 9.73%
Welcome and prepare to get a woody. This installment of Getting a Woody we will look at Cascade Brewing … Read More
The Pronunciation Wars- GIF
May 27, 2013 | Laura MegoIn case you hadn’t heard, the longstanding debate regarding the notoriously tricky pronunciation of “GIF” has been settled once and for all. Read More
Stone Espresso Imperial Russian Stout 2013 Odd Year Release
April 26, 2013 | Erin PetreyBeerstagram 4/12- 4/19
April 19, 2013 | Lizzie BourqueWhen God closes one beer drinking door, he makes sure to open a window. It might be the end of March Madness, but with that comes the beginning of baseball … Read More
Pop Culture Week In Review: March 23-29
March 29, 2013 | Drew Troller 4You get a reboot! You get a reboot! Everybody gets a reboot!
Every show and movie you love is finding new life, and I’ve got news (and of course a bunch of sarcastic commentary) on all of that. Plus Ashley Judd is NOT running for Senate, Breaking Bad had a security breach, and America doesn’t know which NBC mainstay to hate more: Jay Leno or Matt Lauer. All of that in this week’s pop culture week in review for March 23-29.
Uinta Brewing Dubhe Imperial Black IPA
March 28, 2013 | Cory PelcABV: 9.2%
IBU: 109
SRM: 110 (apparently blacker than the blackest black times infinity)
It’s like riding a chocolate wave of star-dust through floral hop galaxies. Taking on the Uinta Brewing Dubhe Imperial Black IPA is a journey through the stars that is dry yet refreshing, malty yet hoppy, light yet bold. Shit is crazy, brah. The beer pours a rich, malty black with a rocky tan head. Is this a fucking stout? Is this a porter? What the shit is going on in my glass? I was expecting a big, hop-heavy aroma with the five hop varietals in this brew but it comes off as a malty, sweet beast. There is a floral ester coming in before the first sip and most of that must be the hemp seeds? That first quaff is creamy and thick, with chocolate malts and a slight bitter punch coming mid-palate to fight off any cloying, bitch-ass malts trying to hang out on the tongue. Malt goodnesses AND hops galore. Wicked. Read More
Roundtable Discussion – Daylight Savings Time Travel
March 6, 2013 | Tristan ChanDaylight savings time begins this Sunday, March 10, meaning that we’ll soon be getting an extra hour of daylight. This bizarre bi-yearly occurrence of time manipulation led our scifi obsessed minds to spin wildly out of control. We asked our staff what they would do if they had the power to control time. Post your responses on what you would do with time control powers below in the comments section!
West Sixth Amber Ale
March 5, 2013 | Jason Behler5.5% ABV
Formerly known as the Deliberation Amber, Lexington’s West Sixth Brewery is canning its second beer now simply known as the Amber Ale. This beer has been on tap at the brewery since its inception, but February marked an expansion in both where and what they distribute.
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