#BarrelAgedBeer Archives – Page 3 of 3 – PorchDrinking.com
Event Recap | Noon Whistle Brewing Second Anniversary (Chicago)
January 19, 2017 | Mathew PowersNoon Whistle Brewing | Photo Credit: Mathew Powers
Suburban Chicago’s Noon Whistle Brewing is located in an old strip mall and barely visible from the main road; a location unlikely to garner a passing grade in a Business 101 class. Makes no matter because in the craft beer world, it’s not location, location, location that’s essential; it’s libation, fermentation, innovation.
The beer emerging from Noon Whistle Brewing pulls throngs of thirsty patrons through its doors. And that is why when I arrived a few minutes after the noon hour on a Friday — the first of two days dedicated for its two-year anniversary — I was far from the only person ready to indulge in a parade of special releases. By the time I left that night, the place was packed.
Founders Brewing Company To Release Frootwood
January 9, 2017 | Dan BortzAs Founders Brewing Company enters its 20th year of brewing, they have announced the release of the first beer from their 2017 Barrel-Aged Series. Frootwood is a cherry ale aged … Read More
Denver Beer Co. | Drama Queen Saison Aged in Wine Barrels
December 8, 2016 | Jared HardyABV: 8.3%
I don’t mean to be dramatic, but I think they’ve named this beer wrong. With a name like, “Drama Queen”, you’d expect this 8.3% barrel-aged saison to be too boozy, quick to fly off the handle with overly pronounced flavors. No, she is far too balanced to be called a drama queen.
The Festival of Barrel Aged Beers | FoBAB 2016 Awards
November 12, 2016 | Mathew PowersThe world’s largest barrel-aged beer competition, held at the Festival of Barrel Aged Beer (FoBAB) in Chicago, is underway. However, the FoBAB 2016 awards are now official, and our Chicago/Midwest editor, Mike Zoeller was there. Here are the results — congrats to all the winners!
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