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#beerandfood Archives –

Roughhouse Brewing | New Day Navroz Mango Lassi Sour Ale

April 8, 2024 |

Across the world, over 300 million people, not far off the population of the U.S., celebrate the spring vernal equinox festival of Navroz, also known as Nowruz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nooruz, Navruz, Nauroz or Nevruz, all of which mean “new day” and signify the first day of spring. The festival is embraced in multiple countries across South and Central Asia and the Middle East, with roots that trace back over 3,000 years to the Zoroastrian religion in ancient Persia, and is usually celebrated on or around March 21st.

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Level Beer | Steamed Hams Lager

May 25, 2023 |

Would you like a beer to go with those steamed hams? …Um, these are hamburgers… Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up by having you watch this short clip.

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Event Preview | Cape Fear Craft & Cuisine

March 31, 2022 |

Craft Beer Week is upon us! That is, if you’re near Wilmington, North Carolina. The Cape Fear Craft Beer Alliance, through their Craft on the Coast initiative, is continuing the annual, week-long event. And, this weekend, craft beer fans can attend the unique Cape Fear Craft & Cuisine, held at the North Carolina Aquarium at Fort Fisher

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Events Recap | Brewmaster Dinner Series at The Eddy

March 15, 2022 |

Walking into The Eddy, I’m greeted by the wagging tail of the adorable four-month-old Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, Aspen. The Eddy Taproom & Hotel, which opened in Golden, CO in 2021, offers an atmosphere bustling with furry friends, vibrant local beers on tap and great conversation with friends old and new. The Eddy also hosts a variety of unique experiences, from wine tastings to Meat Smoking 101 classes. And for the beer lovers out there, they have recently launched a Brewmaster Dinner Series. This four-course beer dinner and reception is hosted by Eddy Executive Chef Ben Shapiro and partners with a rotating cast of local brewing legends.

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PorchDrinking Writers Discuss Their Favorite Snacks (with Beer)

March 1, 2019 |

Did you know February was national snack month? But, let’s be honest and admit that every month is snack month for beer drinkers. So, we will not be boxed in by some arbitrary month. Now that it is March, we will rebel and celebrate it now, and we will celebrate it forever. I think it was Aristotle who said, “All people by nature desire snacks.” (Source: various fancy-looking memes on Google Images, which I’m sure are accurate.)

Who among us hasn’t gotten the munchies when sipping a beer? So, I asked a few PorchDrinking writers about their favorite snack to pair with beer and decided to post the results of that (highly scientific) conversation. How would one go with your friends? What’s your favorite snack? Let us know.

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Eating & Drinking | Heavy Riff Brewing Company

January 20, 2017 |

I’ve been noticing a new trend – how many of our best and up-in-coming city neighborhoods are being anchored and supported by the local beer community.

One I want to talk about today is Dogtown. Dogtown, bordered by Manchester in the South, Hampton on the East, McCausland in the West and Oakland in the North – has been a part of the fabric of the city for more than 100 years. And while the spiritual center of the neighborhood will always be St. James the Greater School, the beer epicenter is Heavy Riff Brewing Company (6413 Clayton Ave. Saint Louis, Missouri 63139).

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SAVOR Event Preview | Adroit Theory Beer & Cheese Pairing Salon

June 2, 2016 |

If you’re in the DC area or headed into town this weekend, you are in luck. There are a plethora of craft beer drinking options at your fingertips courtesy of … Read More

Festival Recap | 2015 Inaugural Fort Love Brewers Jamboree

May 19, 2015 |

Well, if you weren’t there, you missed it. There were no lines for beer, there were celebrity and aspiring brewers pouring their own wares, and there were many-a-food-tent setup with tasty nosh for pairing. Rhymes With Paste’s Inaugural Fort Love Brewers Jamboree boasted lots of brewer cameos. I had the father of sour beer in America, Peter Boukeart of New Belgium lore, pour me a NBB Love. Then we joked around while we tasted his life’s study, his hard work. He poured his livelihood into a glass for me to imbibe and then talked about how it was made. The goal of the this festival was to bring attention to the craft brewing industry as a whole. This festival did that and so much more.

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Beer and Food | American Pale Ale

May 29, 2014 |

Welcome back to the delicious world of beer and food. We’ve spent the first half of the month focusing on lighter options for morning/daytime activities, while the heat of the day is … Read More

Roundtable Discussion | Beer Pairings

May 21, 2014 | 1

We all know food loves beer and beer loves food. And beer and cocktails have a love affair all their own.

So, we asked our staffers: what is the best pairing– beer-food or beer-cocktail– you have ever tried? Here are their answers. Judge for yourself whether they are delicious or not.

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Beer and Food – American IPA Food Pairings’

March 17, 2014 |

Welcome back to the delicious world of beer and food. Hopefully last weeks pairing was as inspirational for you, as it was very exciting for us. In case you missed last week’s article, the New Belgium Wild 2 Dubbel we paired with Oak at Fourteenth was a great precursor to the meal we are enjoying at The Golden Eagle Inn this week. That meal pairs perfectly with the American IPA.

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