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Cantillon Archives – PorchDrinking.com

Top Finds from Snallygaster 2023

October 25, 2023 |

We went. We drank. We got very wet. Snallygaster 2023 is in the soggy books and lived up to its hype as a massive beer festival serving some of the best breweries and their rarest beers. While the picturesque view in front of the US Capitol building was marred by persistent rain throughout the day, spirits were not overly dampened. Great beer and great conversations with the people making the beer define what Snallygaster is all about.

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Cantillon | Kriek 100% Lambic Bio

November 30, 2021 |

Cantillon has been the standard-bearer for the Gueuze and Lambic styles since 1900–before the Theodore Roosevelt administration. In fact, search their brewery on Google Maps and you’ll find it labeled as “Musée Bruxellois de la Gueuze” and to this day each bottle is a seminal exhibit for sour lovers. A bottle of Cantillon is a DeLorean trip back in time and it’s the commitment to preserving the old ways that ensures the quality today. One of the oldest experiments with Lambics was the addition of cherries to the mix and Cantillon’s Kriek 100% Lambic Bio continues to impress into this next millennium.

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Cantillon | Lambic d’Aunis

August 5, 2020 | 2

One of the hardest decisions for the dedicated craft enthusiast has to be how long to cellar a prized bottle. How do you ensure that you see your beautiful bottles reach their final form? The balance of power between #drinkfresh and amassing a cellar so massive it would make the Sun King blush is a wobbly tight rope, indeed. Too often you find yourself paralyzed to open those most revered bottles, worrying that with a particular Cantillon or Side Project or Hill Farmstead we’ll never cross paths again. Or worse, you fear the chiding from fellow Ahabs for not inviting them along to take down the white whale.

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What We’re Drinking | April 17, 2020

April 17, 2020 |

Most people in the country are a month or more into social distancing and stay at home orders, and have completely lost track of time and social norms. Is it acceptable to have a coffee stout at breakfast? Or a beer at lunch when working from home? I think we all know the answers to these questions, but as cabin fever and the groundhog day effect sets in, people start venturing into the unknown to save their sanity and prevent complete boredom. Good luck to everyone out there—stay safe, stay healthy and support your local breweries! This is What We’re Drinking. Read More

PorchDrinking’s Weekly Denver Beer Beat | September 24, 2019

September 25, 2019 |

The Denver Beer Beat is a weekly roundup of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings, and more happening in the Front Range and beyond. Be sure to check in each Wednesday to discover anything and everything happening around Colorado’s beer scene. Now let’s get to this week’s can’t miss beer events. Read More

Preview | Poland’s One More Beer Festival Features Heavy Hitters

September 16, 2019 |

One More Beer Festival. The rallying cry I often tell my aching liver is actually the name of one of the coolest international beer festivals out there. Starting September 20, beautiful Krakow, Poland, will host two days and three sessions of incredible brews, with more than 180 beers from over 30 to taste.

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What We’re Drinking | September 13, 2019

September 13, 2019 |

Football season is officially in full swing! Tailgating, viewing parties, cookouts–doesn’t get much better than that. Hopefully if you’re attending any games this weekend, you’re going to a stadium that has a good craft beer selection. If you’re watching at home, why not have a little bottle share and watch the game with friends? Either way, take a page out of our book and have some delicious local craft beers. This is what we’re drinking.

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Craft Beer Highlights from Four Unique European Cities

October 30, 2018 |

I was lucky enough to attend Oktoberfest, but that’s only part of the 11-day beer journey I took across four cities in early October. Outside of the Bavarian beer fest, Munich has a bunch of awesome beer history, quaint beer gardens and famed beer destinations like Hofbrauhaus. Much like Munich, the Belgian capital of Brussels is steeped in brewing tradition thanks to its array of world-renowned trappist breweries and Belgian beer bars like the Delirium Cafe. These two beer-fused cities offer an embarrassment of riches to any beer lover, but it’s the beers and experiences I had in the other two cities I visited: Budapest and Amsterdam, that really opened my eyes to just how diverse and vibrant the beer scene is in Europe. From beer baths in Budapest to a craft brewery situated under a picturesque windmill in Amsterdam, my beer experience in Europe was amazing. Here are my main takeaways from the unique beer scenes in each city I visited.

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PorchDrinking’s Weekly Denver Beer Beat | September 26, 2018

September 26, 2018 |

The Denver Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings, etc.
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The Weekly Buzz | September 21 – 28

September 29, 2017 |

Between all the Oktoberfest celebrations, beer festivals and Zwanze day, there were dozens of events this week, and there are even more coming next week. Have you heard about this GABF thing? Apparently it’s starting to get pretty big! I also found a few job listings, photos from hop harvest and more than one made up holiday. Strap in, dear readers. This is The Weekly Buzz.
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Vinyl & Beers | Top 25 Artists That Went Solo

July 6, 2017 |

As we recover from celebrating the 241st anniversary of the original Brexit, I think it’s appropriate we honor those who fought for musical independence. These brave soldiers fought against egos, narcotics, less-talented band mates and guaranteed paychecks so they could feed their own ego, recruit their own band and cash larger paychecks. Like America before them, these music makers could not be shackled by their oppressors and, like our whale-friend Willy, broke free triumphantly to the sounds of sweet music.

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What We’re Drinking | March 3, 2017

March 3, 2017 |

No matter what your views on climate change are, there is no denying that spring is arriving ridiculously early in many parts of the country. Perhaps it was brought on by the unseasonable warm weather, but the PorchDrinkers enjoyed quite a few IPAs this week. That wasn’t all we drank, though! There were sours for fun, flights for variety and a little something special at the end. If you spent your whole week at work (or laid up with back pain like me), prepare to live vicariously through us. This is What We’re Drinking.

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What We’re Drinking | October 14

October 14, 2016 |

For many Porchdrinkers, the second week of October has brought hardship and struggle (except for those jerks who were having a blast at GABF). The ingenious inventor of the #Bovapose evacuated her home before a Hurricane. Many struggled to keep their sanity during a bizarre presidential debate. I caught a cold. It’s now time to celebrate our collective coping mechanism and explore What We’re Drinking. 

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What We’re Drinking | September 9th, 2016

September 9, 2016 |

Did you wake up this morning, look at the calendar and wonder if it is actually Friday today? Luckily, you’re not alone. One of the many rewards of a Monday holiday is a shorter work week. Some PorchDrinkers traveled over the holiday weekend, some stayed home, and unfortunately some had to work. Despite these differences, we all had one thing in common this week: we enjoyed a delicious brew. Check out what we imbibed in this week’s edition of What We’re Drinking!

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Ultimate 6er | Must-try Beers from Belgium and Beyond

December 2, 2015 | 1

About three weeks ago we touched back down on U.S. soil after a whirlwind trip through Germany and Belgium. Against our better judgement, we managed 7 bottles of Belgian beer (both large and small) through 6 airports. It was a heavy experience, toeing the weight limit line on several occasions, and it was a moment of relief to unpack each intact, fizzy bottle in our kitchen. The trip was a fantastic one that we’re so grateful for. As a craft beer lover, most trips conveniently seem to involve a brewery or two, but the trip to Belgium was the king of all brew-centric journeys.

To those who want to take the trip – it may be closer within reach than you think. A flight to Europe is undoubtedly a financial setback, but traveling, eating and drinking your way around Belgium is fairly cheap, and the country is so small you can digest it all in a week or less, no problem. You will find yourself overwhelmed by amazing beer options at a price that is unfathomable for such rare gems.

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Brasserie Cantillon | Iris

November 24, 2015 |

Style: Unblended Lambic | ABV: 5.0%

Most people have a favorite flower, and mine just happens to be the iris. The iris flower is also the symbol of the Belgian city Brussels. This magnificent European metropolis was built on marshes and swamps, where fields of yellow irises grew in abundance. The yellow iris flower is even on the city’s flag. Brasserie Cantillon, founded in 1900, is located in Brussels, the Belgian capital.

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My Night at Eleven Madison Park | A Lesson in the Do’s and Don’ts of Fine Dining

September 7, 2015 |

There are moments in a cook or food junky life that one will never forget – those moments we have been planning for so long that when the occasion finally arises you simply don’t know what to think. Two years ago, I had one of those “pinch me” moments in New York City. I was about to eat at Eleven Madison Park, a three Michelin star restaurant currently ranked No. 5 in the world on the prestigious San Pellegrino Top 100 Restaurants List. As a complete nerd about food and the total dining experience, for me this was Mecca! Add on top of that a beer cellar that rivals many of the best beer cafes in the world and you have one hell of a night ahead! Let’s just say I was a little too excited.

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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

February 9, 2015 |

This week I have some very important craft beer news that you must read. First, the law makers are a movin’ and a shakin’ to make some changes for the craft beer community in Wisconsin and Alabama. But guess what? The breweries are a movin’ and a sprayin’. Yes, you read that correctly. Urban Chestnut is ‘moving’ by expanding distribution to Chicago and Cantillon is literally spraying the insides of it’s new facility with beer. Get the details to these stories and more in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.

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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

August 18, 2014 | 1

There’s always something new happening in the craft beer world…and that’s why it’s so fun! Palmetto has a new tasting room, Country Boy is releasing new cans, and new breweries have been added to the list for Zwanze Day 2014. Unfortunately, this Growler Fill also brings some sad news – Surly Brewing is putting Surly WET on hiatus and Corona Extra had to recall certain glass bottles. Read on to get your fill of this week’s craft beer news.

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Cantillon Fou’ Foune

February 12, 2014 | 2

Cantillon Fou’ Foune

ABV: 5.00 %

I attended the Shelton Brothers Post-Litigation Celebration last Friday at the Louisville Beer Store. If I’m honest, I didn’t go “because of Fou’ Foune,” exactly: I actually didn’t know much about Cantillon’s apricot lambic until the drive down. A friend told me it was a rare drink. LBS were selling bottles and pouring drafts, so why not go try it?

Beer geeks may be chewing their tongues right now.

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