Cougar Town Archives –
A Shameless Plea: Watch Cougar Town
January 8, 2013 | Admin 1
I love Cougar Town. Please hear me out. I know, the title sucks. No one is arguing that. But other than the shit title, what do you really know about the show? You might say, “Well, its about cougars.” This is the point where steam comes out of my ears, I slap you in the face with a fish and yell, “NO ITS NOT YOU STUPID FACE. YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING.” Then I apologize and get you the alcoholic beverage of your choice.
TV Shows You Really Should Be Watching
December 13, 2012 | Admin 3I know we all only have so much time in the day. We hit the grind all the live long day and seemingly only have a few minutes to ourselves before we hit the hay and start the process all over again. But if you find yourself in need of something to do on a certain night of the week, I suggest filling the time void with some good old fashioned television.
You might think I’m crazy with the following list of TV shows, but please hear me out on these shows you should be watching but probably aren’t. Read More
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