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What We’re Drinking | February 5, 2021
February 5, 2021 | Brandon CohranThere seems to be little signs of slowing down as the new year is already a month behind us. This week has been a long one, but there’s an exciting end in sight. We can do it. For millions of Americans this Sunday features a “Big Game,” but let’s just all raise a glass and hope or pray that the team from down south doesn’t get the win. No one — not a single person — needs to see Number 12 win another damn championship. Here’s to hoping for a miracle and maybe some snow will come down in Tampa. While I continue to bet against Tom, here is What We’re Drinking.
Ultimate 6er | PorchDrinkers & Their Pets
February 3, 2021 | Brandon CohranQuick, think about the best thing to pair with a beer. No, it’s not a medium steak. It’s not a spicy chicken sandwich or cheese, either. A hike and a new IPA to try afterward? Nope. Give up? Okay fine I’ll tell you. It’s your pets! Read More
Outdoor Spaces During COVID-19 | 56 Brewing
February 1, 2021 | Erik Eidem“Burn the Jenga!” the crowd feverishly chanted. The patio was bustling and the taproom at 56 Brewing was out of firewood, so something had to go. Your typical brewery staples of Yahtzee and Scrabble would only stoke the flames for so long. This called for something bigger, bolder… something that would warm their patrons for hours. When one is dealing with both pandemic-based shutdowns and the frosty winds of the North, out-of-the-box thinking is required. Welcome to the Patio Pintometer.
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Brewery Showcase | Elsewhere Brewing
January 29, 2021 | Brandon CohranFrom the street, the draw of Elsewhere Brewing is evident and hard to ignore. The vibrant colors bounce off the white brick and the allure of the painted greenery pulls you to a table. Place is a powerful tool and weighs down heavily on experiences and memories. This sentiment is present in the look and feel throughout the brewery. Read More
Colorado Beer Beat | Bi-Weekly Beer Release Guide 1/28
January 28, 2021 | Mackenzie HelmsWelcome to the Colorado Beer Beat, a bi-weekly roundup of all of the new can releases around the state. From Denver to Grand Junction, and everywhere in between, we have you covered. Be sure to check back on Thursdays to find out what’s new in the Colorado beer scene.
With stout month quickly approaching, you’re going to need to pick up some new beers ASAP. Now if only there was a place you could go to find out what new options you’ll have to start off February… might as well just keep reading.
If you’re looking for a way to finally get out of the house, why not head over to Briar Common? They’ve got a 3-course Valentine’s day dinner that includes a beer pairing. Sounds like the perfect way to spend Valentine’s day with the beer lover in your life!
Oconee Brewing Co. | Bacon & Kegs Bacon-Infused Red Ale
January 27, 2021 | Brandon CohranSince the holiday chaos and rush has slowed down, it’s a good time for some reflection. We wrapped up some of our favorite beers and the biggest beer stories across our regions to end 2020. One story that caused a greasy splash was the collaboration between Waffle House and Georgia’s own Oconee Brewing Company for an official beer.
Now, a few weeks later, we’re wiping down the table and diving into the bacon-infused Red Ale that is Bacon & Kegs.
Marz Community Brewing | The Love Brew (Gose)
January 25, 2021 | Christiana TorresMarz Community Brewing Co. takes their name to heart. The Love Brew is a collaboration with a local Chicago mutual aid organization, The Love Fridge. With each 4-pack sold, $1 will go towards The Love Fridge community.
The Love Fridge is an organization that has placed community fridges throughout the city, inspired by similar movements in New York City, Portland and all over the world. They aim to offer a solution to food waste and food insecurity through community involvement. As millions of people lose their jobs because of the ongoing pandemic and with months ahead before any progress is made, our community efforts mean the most now.
Zipline Brewing Co. | Milk Stout
January 21, 2021 | Lori KitzingAs winter rolls into Nebraska, it’s time to slow down and enjoy some locally-crafted stouts. Zipline Brewing Co. has released their winter seasonal beer, Milk Stout. This is their second year brewing Milk Stout, and locals are glad to see it come back. Last year the beer was so popular, they ran out earlier than expected. This year you should be able to find it on store shelves (and at one of their four locations in Lincoln and Omaha) into mid-March.
Colorado Beer Beat | Bi-Weekly Beer Release Guide 1/14
January 14, 2021 | Mackenzie HelmsWelcome to the Colorado Beer Beat, a bi-weekly roundup of all of the new can releases around the state. From Denver to Grand Junction, and everywhere in between, we have you covered. Be sure to check back on Thursdays to find out what’s new in the Colorado beer scene.
Even though it’s a whole new year, it sure feels like 2020 is trying to hold us in its grasp. But one thing 2020 can’t stop is new beer releases to start the year! Now that Colorado allows breweries and restaurants to reopen limited capacity indoor seating, get out there and support your favorite breweries, and maybe try one of these new releases.
What We’re Drinking | January 8, 2021
January 8, 2021 | Brandon CohranWe’re back and well-rested, yet somehow exhausted, from all of the holiday hustle and bustle and time commitments. While 2020 is officially behind us — good riddance — 2021 isn’t exactly off to the best start it could be. In spite of weather and events on the national stage, the beer industry is still staying afloat despite pandemic shutdowns. That does not mean everyone, and that does not mean thriving. Dry January is popular for many “influencers” and eager resolution starters, but do what you can to continue supporting local. Buy shirts, hats and other merch or gift cards to use at a later date. Grab a beer or browse some online shops while checking out What We’re Drinking.
Allagash Brewing Co. | Little Grove Sparkling Session Ale
January 5, 2021 | Kailey PartinWelcome to a new year: You made it. Although the past year turned out far, far different from anything anyone could have imagined, some things remain the same. One consistency, in particular, is the anticipation of a fresh start the new year brings. Whether celebrating with loved ones or hunkered down at home, every New Year’s Eve bubbles over with eagerness, hope, reflection and new goals.
In 2020, many learned the importance of self-care in a way that the onslaught of viral blogs and articles could never have accomplished. Self-care takes shape in many different forms and looks and feels different for everyone. With a year filled with unprecedented events and challenges, carrying that self-care energy forward is undeniably a part of this year’s beginning. One avenue some may take to accomplish this goal is to be more cognizant of the food and beverages consumed. If the idea of thoroughly drying out your cabinets does not “spark joy,” Allagash Brewing Company’s Little Grove sparkling session ales offer a lighter step in that direction.
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Colorado Beer Beat | Bi-Weekly Beer Release Guide 12/31
December 31, 2020 | Mackenzie HelmsWelcome to the Colorado Beer Beat, a bi-weekly roundup of all of the new can releases around the state. From Denver to Grand Junction, and everywhere in between, we have you covered. Be sure to check back on Thursdays to find out what’s new in the Colorado beer scene.
As we wind down the final hours of 2020, you may feel like cracking a beer to celebrate the start of a new, more hopeful year. The craft beer community lost many great breweries to the pandemic this year, but there are still countless breweries that need your support — now more than ever. Take a look below and discover a wide selection of canned beers that can help you ring in 2021. Happy New Year!
Fairhope Brewing Co. | Cheap Sunglasses Golden Ale
December 31, 2020 | Chris WallnerIn 2021, L.A.’s first craft brewery turns 8, and there’s sure to be a Pelican Party like none other! Oh wait — you thought L.A. was Los Angeles? Try the other L.A., more than 2000 miles away from the City of Angels. This L.A. is Lower Alabama, and Fairhope Brewing Company is proud to call itself the region’s first craft brewery.

The History Behind Riot | Revolution Brewing
December 28, 2020 | Alex SerticGood beer tells a story. A brewer could be inspired by a personal experience or possibly by their surroundings. For Riot, it is the latter. The city of Chicago has a dense and complex history. Chicago is known for major historical events such as The Great Chicago Fire, The Columbian Exposition (shout out to the amazing book Devil in the White City), and the Haymarket Affair. But, the story behind this Revolution Brewing beer is hidden in the depths of history.
Ultimate 6er | The Bounty Hunters Hunt Down Great Beer
December 23, 2020 | Marc BeckleyBounty Hunters may like to consume more than Blue Milk. It’s also possible they enjoy some mystical ale fermented on Endor with its unique natural yeast and microbiota that must add a unique flavor to the ale not seen on planet Earth. The Bounty Hunters fill Star Wars lore and their stories have given us fantasy and fascination with the likes of characters such as the Mandalorian. Freelance Bounty Hunters must enjoy our planet’s exquisite craft beer on special occasions (never when piloting their aircraft!) and this is what we have chosen based on their backgrounds and personality. For the uneventful weekday an easy-drinking Lager, such as the Big Yellow Truck by Territorial Brewing, might commonly be found in the bounty hunter ships in the beer fridge or cooler.
5 Questions with Co-Owner & Head Brewer of Athentic Brewing Co.
December 22, 2020 | Brandon CohranWhile Athentic Brewing might be the most recent member of the Athens, GA craft beer scene to open in August 2020, they certainly are not strangers to brewing. Or to setbacks. For anyone who doesn’t know, though, take my word when I say that many people would have likely called it quits before opening. Fortunately for the Classic City beer scene, Paul Skinner and Mark Johnson didn’t quit. I sat down with Paul and head brewer Chris Willis over a beer (Insubedience Black IPA) to discuss all things Athentic and what it meant to be part of the growing Athens beer scene.
Strong BA Series | Foothills Brewing Coffee Infused BA Sexual Chocolate Imperial Stout
December 17, 2020 | Aaron GoreIn an industry which has been largely built around the search for the new and exciting, it can be refreshing to revisit some of the beers and breweries which blazed the trails for the modern day. Foothills Brewing, based in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is a perfect example not only of one of these foundational companies, but also of one which has done an amazing job of staying relevant and responsive to the modern craft beer drinker. Perhaps none of their brews illustrates this better than their Coffee Infused Bourbon Barrel-Aged Sexual Chocolate, one of the state’s most anticipated yearly releases.
What We’re Drinking | December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020 | Brandon CohranDecember took decades to get here this year, but now it’s speeding by at an ungodly rate. The next few weeks are going to continue this trend I fear. I think I need a beer now in preparation and probably a few when the end of the year does come. The 2021-22 NBA season is right around the corner. Cyberpunk 2077 dropped yesterday. The Mandalorian is every Friday, and Season 4 of Netflix’s Big Mouth is only a week old. There’s plenty of content to fill your time off, so fill a mug with some cider or a spiked eggnog and let’s get the holiday celebrations started. While you get those cocktails going, here is What We’re Drinking.
Colorado Beer Beat | Bi-Weekly Beer Release Guide 12/10
December 10, 2020 | Mackenzie HelmsWelcome to the Colorado Beer Beat, a bi-weekly roundup of all of the new can releases around the state. From Denver to Grand Junction, and everywhere in between, we have you covered. Be sure to check back on Thursdays to find out what’s new in the Colorado beer scene.
Now that the holidays are in full swing, you’re probably wondering what you should pick up to drink as you’re wrapping gifts…or while you’re waiting for the holidays to be finished. Well look no further! Keep scrolling to find out all of the newest releases as we approach Christmas.
What We’re Drinking | December 4, 2020
December 4, 2020 | Brandon CohranDecember is here, so let’s light the trees and count down the days until 2020 are over. This week started with a wintry mix, which is rare in Georgia, but brought a week’s worth of surprises. An elf seemingly wandered from the North Pole to my house as decoration. From the string lights on most surfaces, to the garland-wrapped bar car, I think I’m only missing the sleigh and reindeer. Maybe those are coming in the next few weeks? Until we get there, here is What We’re Drinking.
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