#drinklocal Archives – Page 27 of 29 – PorchDrinking.com
Ultimate 6er | Seattle Growler Fills
August 17, 2016 | Talia Shapiro 1Draft beer almost always tastes better than bottled or canned beer.* It’s fresher and hasn’t been exposed to heat, light, or oxygen—elements that can have a major negative impact on the beer’s taste and aroma. Despite the superiority of draft, we don’t always feel like going out for a pint. As a self-proclaimed introvert, I’m a prime example of a beer enthusiast who sometimes just wants to chill at home and watch a movie. Or read. Or drink a few beers while I cook dinner. This is when growlers come in handy. Typically 64 fluid ounces (the equivalent to 4 pints) or 32 fluid ounces (2 pints) breweries and taprooms will happily fill growler jugs with fresh, tasty, draft beer and allow patrons to grab quality beer to go. Read More
Event Preview | Utah Beer Festival 2016
August 16, 2016 | Chris & Sylvia HollandsWhat: 7th Annual Utah Beer Festival
When: Saturday, August 27, 2016 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Where: Utah State Fair Park – 155 N 1000 W, Salt Lake City, UT
Price: General Admission – $20 advance ($25 day of), includes 5 tokens and taster mug Early Beer Drinker Entry – $30, includes 1 hour early entry, 8 tokens and taster mug VIP $50 – Includes all GA benefits, access to the Devour VIP Lounge with exclusive samples, food pairings and Brewer Q&A. VIP Designated Driver – $20, all VIP entitlements excluding beer tokens and beer tastings in the VIP lounge Designated Driver Ticket – $5, includes admission and pats on the back for being a good friend. Purchase tickets here. Read More
Event Preview | Milwaukee Firkin Beer Fest
July 19, 2016 | Alex ChavezHeld at the Cathedral Square Park the Milwaukee Firkin Beer Fest is an annual event hosted by East Town Association and BrewFest Partners over 150 beers, ciders and meads will be poured. Those in attendance will be able to vote for the winner of the Big Firkin award. Read More
Anchor Brewing Company | Go West! IPA
July 13, 2016 | SimonABV: 6.7% | IBU: 75
In my first article for PorchDrinking.com, it only makes sense for me to write about a San Francisco IPA, more specifically Go West! IPA. Although the options are somewhat endless, with new breweries opening seemingly every week, I had to start with San Francisco’s oldest brewery. It just so happens, Anchor Brewing Company is located just a few blocks away from my home. Read More
Outlander Brewery | Holy Basil Pale
July 12, 2016 | Talia ShapiroABV: 5.6%
I love a little quirkiness with my beer, because with so many craft breweries in Seattle, a unique character is really what sets each establishment, and brew, apart. The Holy Basil Pale Ale by Outlander Brewery fits this measure well—it strikes just the right balance of eccentric and uniquely delicious. Read More
What We’re Drinking | July 8th, 2016
July 8, 2016 | Lanie NovackAlas, it is Friday. Despite the extended holiday weekend, I’m sure this week dragged on for most given the inevitable hangover we all tackled on Tuesday. Fear not, beer lovers. … Read More
The Art of the Summer Backyard Bash
July 5, 2016 | Ross Larwood 5Ah, summer is here. Can you smell it? If you’re like me and the sprouting weeds and blossoming trees have wreaked havoc on your once empty sinus cavities, probably not. Summer means many things to many people. To me, aside from the whole allergy thing, it means the pinnacle of outdoor hangout season is officially upon us. Don’t get me wrong winter can be nice for a bonfire, but as soon as Memorial Day has passed and the mercury has risen, the seasons for cookouts, barbecues (no, they’re not the same thing, more on that later,) pool parties, and tailgates are officially here! So, set aside those last few stouts in your beer fridge until the next snowfall and hope time treats them well. Grab yourself some summertime brews, gas up the lawn mower, pop some Claratin, and get ready for the best year of outdoor entertainment yet.
Creature Comforts Brewing Co. | Tropicália
July 5, 2016 | Craig GonciarczykNestled away in a quaint college town just about an hour outside of Atlanta, Creature Comforts Brewing Co. has been serving the people of Athens, Georgia for the last two years. They are most known for one of the Southeast’s most highly sought after IPAs — Tropicalia.
What We’re Drinking | July 2nd, 2016
July 1, 2016 | Lanie Novack4th of July has arrived, my friends. We’ve got a long few days of PorchDrinking and sparkler-waving ahead of us, so stock up on your favorite summer brews and get ready to celebrate. Here are a few of our favorites. Break out the koozies and red solo cups… this weekend, we drink to Amurica! *clink*
Life, Liberty and 13 Beers for 13 Colonies
June 29, 2016 | Stacey GoersIt is a special thing to celebrate the Fourth of July in places up and down the East Coast, in cities that relish their historical relevance. It’s also a special thing to drink plenty of beer, develop a t-shirt tan and relish in the glory that is overcooked burgers and sour cream and onion chips, with ridges, of course. Read More
Wicked Weed Brewing | Pernicious IPA
June 28, 2016 | John Brooks 1ABV: 7.3% | IBU: 70
Asheville, NC is a hip southern mountain town sought out by many beer fans. I was fortunate enough to make a brief pilgrimage there on a recent road trip across the country. The town hosts many excellent breweries, just some of which include Asheville Brewing Company, Green Man, Burial Beer Company and Wicked Weed. I only had time to visit one, but made a great selection in choosing Wicked Weed.
What We’re Drinking | June 17th, 2016
June 17, 2016 | Lanie NovackConfession: I’m a theatre nerd. I don’t really know a damn thing about sports. The only things that can get me excited for a game are other excited people and, well, beer. Depending on the sport… lots of beer. But even I realize how massive the last two weeks have been for sports — US Men’s Soccer is a game away from the finals, and the NBA finalists are headed to an unexpected game 7 this Sunday. So grab a cold six pack, call up your friend with the big screen, and sports hard. Sports real hard. *clink*
Event Recap | Fremont Brewing’s Heron Hunting Club
June 17, 2016 | Jan WanotWhen information regarding the secret society affectionately referred to by its members simply as “HHC” leaked on the internet, those in the know reacted. “It’s not too late to delete this post” mentioned one especially covetous fellow. “Original Poster apparently thought his chances of winning the raffle were far too high” stated another. What would make the gentle strangers of the internet remark in such a way? It turns out that Fremont Brewing’s offer to join an exclusive association had the whole city in a stir. Read on to understand the what membership entailed. Read More
Epic Brewing Company | Sour Brainless on Peaches
June 17, 2016 | Chris & Sylvia HollandsABV 7.4%
A few years back, Epic Brewing Company did the unthinkable. They took classic beers from their standard lineup and messed with ’em! They released a handful of ‘wild’ versions of their fruit beers that we all know so well. The already natural funky flavors in the beer must have sparked the imagination of a creative brewer.
What We’re Drinking | June 10th, 2016
June 10, 2016 | Lanie Novack
This is my life lately, you guys:
*Goes home*
*Sits on couch*
*Cracks open beer*
Cheers to no AC, patios, and ice cold beverages. Here’s what … Read More
What We’re Drinking | June 3rd, 2016
June 3, 2016 | Lanie NovackMany a thing pair beautifully with our beloved beverage, beer. Cheese, pie, porch swings, macaroons, bacon, campfires, you name it — there’s probably been a beer pairing for it. Personally, my favorite thing to pair with beer has always been dessert… but what about when the beer is so wonderfully decadent that it is, in fact, a dessert? Yes please. This can easily be said about Westbrook Brewing’s recently released Mexican Cake — a highly sought-after imperial stout aged on cocoa nibs, vanilla beans, habanero peppers, and cinnamon sticks. This is one you don’t want to miss, folks.
The PorchDrinking team has been busy researching (drinking) all week long to make sure you have the beer-iest, most beautiful weekend possible. See what else we’re excited about below. Cheers to liquid dessert. *clink*
What We’re Drinking | May 27th, 2016
May 27, 2016 | Lanie NovackHappy Friday, 9-5ers! And Happy Monday to all of the industry friends out there. Regardless of which boat you fall into, either makes for a great occasion to drink some beer. I think you’ll notice a delicious trend in this week’s edition of What We’re Drinking: fruit beers. Yum. June is a-knockin’, folks. Break out the fruited wheats, berliner weisses, and radlers, please. *clink*
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New Province Brewing Company | Philosopher IPA
May 26, 2016 | Ross LarwoodI’m a very lucky man. There’s no doubt about that. So much so, that even though my wife doesn’t enjoy beer nearly as much as I do, she is always game to accompany me to whatever new brewery is opening. She’ll even suggest places for “date night”, dinners that she knows have an extensive craft beer menu so that I don’t just have to exercise my craft beer cravings with my equally as beer-geeky buds… I know right? I definitely came out on top in this arrangement. It’s because of my wonderful wife that I ended up at New Province Brewing Company.
Kokopelli Beer Company | Hop Slugger IPA
May 24, 2016 | Holly PriestleyABV: 6.8% | IBU: 70
Baseball and beer — two of America’s favorite pastimes, amirite?
Rick and Christine, head brewer and owner of Kokopelli Beer Company, respectively, started brewing Hop Slugger way back in their home brewing days — when the idea of opening a brewery was just that: an idea. However, they’ve continued to brew this same recipe over the years because it’s always been such a hit with their friends, family, and now customers. The Hop Slugger IPA has won two gold medals at state-wide competitions… it’s easy to see why this beer is such a home run.
What We’re Drinking | May 20th, 2016
May 20, 2016 | Lanie NovackWelcome to the weekend, friends! I hope you’ve all had a successful American Craft Beer Week thus far — now let the real fun to begin.
This weekend, we drink to… well, we literally drink to beer! *clink*
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