#lager Archives – Page 9 of 9 – PorchDrinking.com
12 Beers of Christmas Day 2 | Southern Tier Krampus
December 15, 2014 | Kevin RisnerABV: 9%
Krampus: an under-appreciated mythic figure during the holiday season. That is, up until recently. We have always received the stories and quaint images of good old St. Nicholas, the jolly fellow who gives the “good” kids gifts in their stockings. Krampus is the imp-like figure that, depending on the European myth, bestows upon the naughty kids bad gifts or even kidnaps them and brings them to his lair. Sounds pleasant…
Thankfully, the Krampus that I will be talking more about today is the complete opposite from our devilish comrade; it is a present provided to us from Southern Tier, and it is the perfect refreshment for any of your December festivities.
Thirsty Dog Brewing Company | Barktoberfest
September 8, 2014 | Kevin RisnerABV: 6%
IBU: 15
Mid-September: that between-the-seasons limbo. Labor Day has passed. The first day of fall has not yet arrived with its tantalizing cool. With a nod to many individuals’ preferences for certain beers hitting stores at just the right moment, I present to you a sweet and approachable Märzen from the state of Ohio, Thirsty Dog’s Barktoberfest, perfect for this time of shifting seasons. Read More
Red Oak Brewery | Bavarian Amber Lager
August 7, 2014 | Christopher HilliardABV: 5.0% | IBU: 20
I attended a soirée recently. Have any of you ever attended a soirée? If not, it’s just like a party, only with a French word. My … Read More
Devils Backbone Brewing Company | The Vienna Lager
June 23, 2014 | Carly Mento 2ABV: 4.9%
IBU: 18
There are few things I love more than the serendipity of walking through the doors to a New York City saloon, and almost instantly, falling in love with a lager. This past month, not only did I find love, but it was a winner in the most literal sense.
Yuengling Traditional Lager
February 18, 2014 | Andrew Sharp 3
ABV: 4.4%
Everyone has a hard day at work every once in a while. You know, the one where you come home and want to do nothing but turn on the TV and watch Tosh.0 until your brain turns into jelly. And you’re thirsty – very thirsty. You need a drink that will let you take your mind off of everything. I love a quality geuze or a big Belgian quad, but sometimes I need to give my palate a bit of a break. Sitting down to a copy of Ulysses can be a rewarding challenge, but sometimes I just want to read The Hunger Games. So I crack a Yuengling Lager and zone out.
Cigar City Brewing/Terrapin Beer Co. Southern Slice
January 29, 2014 | Sarah HargisABV: 10%
Pecan pie has long been a staple in the South, and Terrapin and Cigar City have joined forces to pay homage to the timeless dessert (and sometimes breakfast). Brewed with vanilla beans and pecans, the Southern Slice is a Munich lager that pours an opaque dark brown to black, with a beige colored, lacey head that dissipates quickly. The nose is primarily pecan, with a grainy malt background. Read More
12 Beers of Christmas | Day 9: Sam Adams’ Winter Lager
December 22, 2013 | Scott Hoffman 2Style: Bock
ABV: 5.6%
There’s nothing more horrifying than the disgusted look on your guests faces as they try a beer that you’re particularly enamored with. Ever have a time when your family wasn’t quite that impressed with the girl/guy you brought home for the first time? Yeah, it’s kind of like that. You go in thinking you’ll be the life of the party, but end up rationalizing your decision to bring that 8-9% sour to a group of Keystone drinkers.* Read More
Jack’s Abby Brewing | Leisure Time Lager
June 12, 2013 | Gabe Bellegard Bastos
By the time this weekend comes around I will have written close to 5,000 words on beer, interviewed the head of the “best brewery in the world” [1], driven over 500 miles visiting breweries, and taken more pictures of pints than I care to admit. I love doing this, but even the best things can be exhausting, especially since those numbers only scratch the surface of how much thought I try to put into every post and that is not easily quantifiable. Yes, it’s beer and beer is great, but it’s also writing and writing is hard. At the end of the “day,” which seldom is only 24 hours, my brain needs a quick reboot. After years of highly scientific research, I’ve come up with the perfect reset button: a good, long run and a bottle of the adequately named Jack’s Abby’s Leisure Time Lager.
Devil’s Backbone Vienna Lager
April 10, 2013 | Erin PetreyABV: 4.9%
IBU: 18
As the age-old tradition goes, when the parents come to town, you have them treat you to dinner at places that are a bit (or a lot) out of your price range. I personally do not think this pasttime will ever fade, as my family loves exploring new places and sampling interesting eats, and (to be perfectly honest) I am always willing to let someone else pick up the check. As the fam visited the District this past weekend, I, of course, packed our itinerary with delicious prospects from new and old favorite restaurants. One particular gem is The Pig on 14th Street. As a member of the EatWell family, The Pig specializes in a more local, sustainable, and – when possible – farm-to-table approach to food. Beyond the merits of its laudable approach to sourcing ingredients, this place just makes a lot of very tasty, pork-filled dishes.
One Minute Beer Review: Avery’s The Kaiser
August 17, 2012 | Tristan ChanThe Kaiser Imperial Oktoberfest Lager- Avery Brewing Company, Boulder, CO
ABV 10.03%
IBU: 24
The Perseids meteor shower is the annual mid august star gazer’s dream.
How to do … Read More
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