low abv Archives – PorchDrinking.com
Suarez Family Brewery | Saunter English Mild
January 13, 2021 | Karl KalinkewiczThe paradox of a dark beer somehow also being light it hard for many to digest. Most commonly, people think of the world’s most famous stout, Guinness, as a heavy beer, despite it’s 4.2% alcohol and calorie count similar to Mass-Produced Swill Lite. A nice light Witbier is great when the summer sun is shining on you, but what about on those blustery winter days where snow and freezing rain make you want to build a blanket fort and watch 10hrs straight of Lord of the Rings? Suarez Family Brewery may have the solution for you in Saunter, an English Mild Ale that is the flavorful light winter warmer you need.
Southern Pines Brewing Company | Blanche de Pines
May 27, 2016 | Christopher HilliardABV: 4.9% | IBU: 13
Co-owned by three Army Special Forces vets, Southern Pines Brewing Company officially opened its doors two years ago this month. Since then, they have garnered a loyal following and high ratings (as of this writing 4.5/5 on Yelp and 4.9/5 on Google). Commitment to the community, a pleasant taproom environment, and clean, accessible flavors will do that. Read More
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