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#Maine Beer Company Archives – PorchDrinking.com

What We’re Drinking | July 9, 2021

July 9, 2021 |

Half the country’s flooding, the other half’s either melting into the ocean or on fire. Not a day goes by when I don’t hear about some jackass delaying a flight or getting kicked off a plane. Condos are collapsing on one coast, record heat waves are draining the other. If I didn’t live through the summer of 2020, I might put this summer high in the running for shittiest summer ever.

But since we have the perspective to be able to say “hey at least it’s not 2020,” let’s go ahead and crack open a beer, take a deep breath and see what the PorchDrinking team’s getting into in this week’s What We’re Drinking. 

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Maine Beer Company | Another One

July 26, 2019 |

The craft beer explosion in unique to everyone depending on location. Once the contracts are signed, state distributors awash the bottle shop shelves with rows of new possibilities. These beers become exciting mysteries; sold as 1 to 2 bottles per customer to get everyone’s attention to the hot new kid on the block. Years will go by, some breweries will go away, but others stay thanks to their long lasting quality. Maine Beer Company fits all these descriptors when it arrived in my state years ago.

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The Weekly Buzz | July 27 – August 2

August 3, 2018 |

Since we’re all gathered here around the Weekly Buzz hearth, allow Grandpappy Dan to spin a yarn about the good old days. A long time ago, fall seasonal beers — like pumpkin ales — used to be released in the fall, so that their warm spiciness and pumpkin sweetness could be enjoyed on cool autumn nights. Märzens (or Oktoberfests) would be released in September to coincide with Munich’s historic Oktoberfest festival, which runs from late September until early October. Much like the way certain big box chains stock bathing suits in February, these beers are releasing earlier and earlier. Does anyone really want to drink a Pumpkin Ale in July or August? I don’t believe that they do. Seasonality is a beautiful thing, but it is being lost as its lines are being blurred. If you don’t buy fall seasonals in August, they’ll stop releasing them in August.

Let’s make seasonal beers great again!
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The Weekly Buzz | June 22 – 28

June 29, 2018 |

I’m back from vacation and gotten back to my daily grind. After one shift at work, I’ve decided that it is already time for another holiday. Why is that first day back always so hard? I can’t even drink beer to cope because I’m trying to undo the damage that I did with a week of seafood buffets and booze. Luckily, “Beer Twitter” was actually pretty fun this week! Here’s all the shenanigans worth sharing. It’s The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | June 8 – 14

June 15, 2018 |

Today is my eighth consecutive day of work. Six of those days were 12-hour shifts. I work another 12-hour day tomorrow. I’m tired. I’m cranky. There hasn’t been enough beer in my diet, so definitely send some of that my way. My social media time was limited, but I gladly burned the candle at both ends for you, my dedicated readers. Raise a pint for me, and enjoy The Weekly Buzz.
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What We’re Drinking | March 23, 2018

March 23, 2018 |

Spring is here, but you would never know it by the various storms popping up in the news lately! The East Coast is covered in snow, and today in the Bay Area I drove through tough winds. I for one am looking forward to clear skies and higher temperatures so I can enjoy more time outside and not feel like I will be blown away. Join me in warming up with dog cuddles, crack a new cold one and see What We’re Drinking.

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The Weekly Buzz | March 16 – 22

March 23, 2018 |

I had planned on writing something political this week. The urge to create a good old-fashioned doom-and-gloom post was almost undeniable, but it turns out that I don’t have the energy. There is simply no fuel left in my tank. We had a snowstorm on the second day of spring, which led to a lot of unwelcome shoveling. I had to replace the battery in my fiancee’s car (in the midst of the heaped-up snow). It’s just been one of those weeks. Here’s some stuff from Twitter and Instagram. I’ll be in bed drinking beer and enjoying my Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | February 9 – 15

February 16, 2018 |

It’s been another fun week on Beer Twitter! There has been so much going on that a bunch of things probably slipped past my net. Either way, I’ve got a fun collection of stuff for you in this week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz, so make sure your boss isn’t around, crack open a beer and start scrolling!
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The Weekly Buzz | January 26 – February 1

February 2, 2018 |

Foxboro, Mass. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy, and the New England Patriots are no exception to this. Our heroes, the Philadelphia Eagles, are about to meet these cheaters on the gridiron and bring the Lombardi Trophy home to the City of Brotherly Love. I know you’re all rooting for the right team. You’re impatient for the game to start. So, why not read a bunch of tweets about beer? This is The Weekly Buzz.

From Wentz we came. In Foles we trust.

Fly Eagles Fly.
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The Weekly Buzz | January 19 – 25

January 26, 2018 |

It’s high time that we discuss something very important. That thing is the NFC Conference Championship. The result was exactly as I thought it would be — a thorough shellacking of the Minnesota Viking by a vastly superior football team. Nick Foles led the Eagles to victory and will do so again in the Super Bowl. Philly loves to be the underdog, so keep underestimating them, Tom Brady! Oh… and I found some beer things on Twitter, too. This is the Weekly Buzz.

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What We’re Drinking | December 22, 2017

December 22, 2017 |

The world may be spiraling into chaos, but death and taxes aren’t the only sure things. You can also bet your bonnet that the PorchDrinking team will continue to drink phenomenal beers and then brag to you about it on Friday. It’s important to spend your life focusing on the positive things, and then share those beautiful moments with others. That’s what we’re doing. This is What We’re Drinking.
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The Weekly Buzz | December 1 – 7

December 8, 2017 |

It’s been a fun week in craft beer, so I have cobbled together a piece that mostly shenanigans. After all, beer doesn’t always have to be serious! Be sure to crack open a fresh brew before you scroll through this nonsense. All styles pair well with The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | November 24 – 30

December 1, 2017 |

So, which of you maniacs woke up ungodly early to hunt for Black Friday beer releases or discount video game consoles? I did neither. I went to my job and nursed my Thanksgiving hangover like a responsible grown up. With every passing minute, I grew more and more enraged by BCBS posts. First of all, I don’t really care what beer you bought, and, secondly, it’s just really fancy Budweiser. There’s no need to flood every beer forum with pictures of your “haul”. Anyway… Other things happened this week, too. Here they are in an all-new edition of The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | November 10 – 23

November 24, 2017 |

Welcome to this special double-edition of The Weekly Buzz. I had a work obligation that stopped me from posting last week, but fear not! I did manage to collect all the content, which is good because there was a LOT going on. Anyway… Here’s the best beer-related Twitter and Instagram content from the last two weeks. It’s time to start sipping on this special barrel-aged bottle of The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | November 3 – 9

November 10, 2017 |

This week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz is going to be a little shorter than usual. It’s November, and cold weather has finally arrived, but I refuse to admit it and fire up the furnace. It is a brisk 54 degrees in my living room, and I will soon be departing to enjoy some free heat at my local gym. I might even work out, too! In the meantime, here’s some stuff I found on the internet. Cheers!
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The Weekly Buzz | October 27 – November 2

November 3, 2017 |

Did you imbibe a little too much on National American Beer Day? Are you repressing your Halloween memories? Were your International Stout Day celebrations a bit too raucous? We’ve got you covered. Every fun social media moment that the craft beer world could conjure is right here in our handy little list. This is The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | September 8 – 14

September 15, 2017 |

This week was a bummer in a lot of ways. Houston is still reeling from Harvey, Florida got beat up by Irma and we remembered the anniversary of a devastating terrorist attack. You know what, though? We got through it. We’ll continue to get through it. Even though at times it may seem like we are kicking ourselves in the ass, we’ll find a way to make it right. Until that day, we will have America’s greatest coping mechanism at our disposal–beer. Crack open a fresh one, and get ready for The Weekly Buzz.
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National IPA DAY | Northeast Region Roundup

August 3, 2017 |

As a civilization of internet-savvy beery drinkers, we have no shortage of seemingly random, unofficial holidays to celebrate, but there is none more vital to our palates than National IPA Day.

Falling on the first Thursday of August, National IPA Day gives us all a chance to hoist a glass in remembrance of our favorite Single, Double, Imperial, Triple, Session and New England-style hop bombs. This day also affords us the opportunity to seek out new hop-forward variations to enjoy.
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The Weekly Buzz | May 19 – 25

May 26, 2017 |

It is very hard to type when there is a 16-month-old baby sitting on your arm. She is singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star,” so the pros outweigh the cons. It’s only a matter of time,however, until pins-and-needles become a very real threat. Despite my impeded blood circulation, I managed to comb Twitter for a few morsels of beer news. I hope you enjoy this edition of The Weekly Buzz.

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The Weekly Buzz | May 12-18

May 19, 2017 |

Hello, everyone! Your fearless leader for the Weekly Buzz, Dan Bortz, is on vacation so I have been tasked with bringing you the very best of the week’s highlights! This week was a big week in the craft beer world. Why you ask? Well, it’s American Craft Beer Week, of course. (Yeah, you probably already knew that.)

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