#sour Archives – Page 10 of 10 – PorchDrinking.com
Funkwerks – Oud Bruin
December 6, 2013 | Cory PelcABV: 7.5%
IBU: who cares, it’s an Oud Bruin
Funkwerks, the award-winning Saison-focused brewery in Fort Collins, Colorado, has released its first barrel-aged sour, Oud Bruin. Oud Bruin is the product of Funkwerks’ sour program which launched in early 2012. The base for Oud Bruin sat in oak whiskey barrels and oak red wine barrels for more than twelve months.
Jester King – Das Wunderkind
November 22, 2013 | Philip JoyceJester King – Das Wunderkind Sour Saison
ABV: 4.5%
IBU: ? Read More
Crooked Stave – St. Bretta (Fall)
October 18, 2013 | Nathan TappBeer: St. Bretta (Fall)
Brewer: Crooked Stave Artisan Beer Project
ABV: 5.5%
IBU: 25
I hate to admit that I had never really heard of Crooked Stave until the end of this past August. I was attending a homebrewer’s competition for a local non-profit and was invited to guest judge. (Apparently my credentials at PorchDrinking and my affinity for beer were enough to give me the exclusive rights to judge.) When I arrived, I learned that I would be the only judge that night as the two brewers from “Crooked Stave” would not be able to show. Read More
Roundtable Discussion: Go-To Beer Styles
August 21, 2013 | Philip JoyceThis weeks discussion revolves around the go-to beer styles of the writers here at PD. The question was posed as follows: When you walk into a new brewery or bar, what are the types or styles of beer that you will usually gravitate towards? Here are the responses to this weeks Roundtable Discussion. Read More
Goose Island – Madame Rose
July 10, 2013 | Nick AlfonseColored in crimson, aged in red-wine barrels and soaked in sour cherry deliciousness—what more could you ask for? A seductive member of Goose Island’s now famed ‘Three Sisters’ group, Madame Rose is one of the brewery’s elusive bottled wild ales that tantalizes and plays with our taste buds from start to finish.
Ultimate 6er | Fantastic Fruit Beer
May 15, 2013 | Andy Manshel 2Many people shy away from fruit beers. They just don’t think the two should ever mix, never to dance the delicate art of brewing. But, not all great beers have to be pale and bitter, and a little sweet goes a long way. With summer just around the bend, folks are eager to get out and enjoy the warm cosmic rays. And, although all of these beers (save for one) come in 22oz or larger bottles, here is a phenomenal six pack that will make you second guess what great beer can be.
Night Shift Brewing – Ever Weisse
May 15, 2013 | Gabe Bellegard BastosABV: 5.1%
Beer should be enjoyable. That’s simple enough, right? But sometimes I feel like as beer nerds we lose track of that. I know I do. I spend way too much time rummaging through Beeradvocate[1] and ratebeer, I obsess over “white-whale” beers and it legitimately bothers me when I try a much-hyped, rare, “highly rated” beer and it just disappoints me[2]. Then I start thinking about all the time I spent checking draft lists[3] and twitter feeds and the disappointment turns into pure anger, mostly directed at myself. I won’t even go into how frustrated I get at beer distribution[4] and beer laws because I am sure anyone reading this already feels my pain there. But here’s the good news: it does not have to be this way. Assuming you live close to a city, I can almost guarantee that you have phenomenal beer in your backyard[5] and you should be drinking and enjoying it. Not because it’s easy[6], but because it’s delicious and worth knowing about. Night Shift’s Ever Weisse, a superbly funky, sinfully red sour Berliner Weisse beer is the perfect example of the beers we should all be spending more of our time on. Read More
Petrus Aged Pale Ale – Bavik Brewery
March 18, 2013 | Andy ManshelIf there’s one thing I love about Belgium, it’s their ability to brew incredibly good beer. And of my favorites, Belgian or not, are sours. When you’re mouth uncontrollably puckers is about the point where I like my sour ales to be, and Petrus Aged Pale Ale from Belgium’s Bavik Brewery does a damn fine job of making your mouth implode (in a wonderfully pleasant way).
Jolly Pumpkin – Bam Biére
January 31, 2013 | Nathan TappIBU: 25
ABV: 4.5%
Once upon a time I wrote for a beer blog. And then I drank the Westy 12 and my mind blew up and I stopped drinking or writing about beer. My brain can only take so much amazing… until I met Jolly Pumpkin Bam Biere
1 Minute Beer Review: Frambozen
June 28, 2012 | Tristan ChanFrambozen- New Belgium Brewing Company, Fort Collins, CO ABV: 6.5% IBU: 15.5 Frambozen is exactly what it advertises, which is a raspberry brown ale. It has an understated amount of … Read More
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