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#ultimate6er Archives – Page 3 of 9 – PorchDrinking.com

Ultimate 6er | Enjoy Baseball During a Quarantine

March 26, 2020 |

Beer & Baseball go hand-in-hand. Although beer operations are either slowed or shut down in almost every U.S. location, to-go options and cellar-emptying are at least helping us through this quarantine. Baseball, however, is on full hiatus, and baseball fans need something to fill the void. The good news is that fans can still enjoy baseball during a quarantine through social and digital media. You may even find sites you never knew existed, and become fans of those sites forever.

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Ultimate 6er | Mardi Gras Beers

February 19, 2020 |

Fat Tuesday is right around the corner so it is time for the Ultimate 6er of Mardi Gras beers! Mardi Gras is a celebration that is dear to my heart after living in New Orleans for five years, so I am very excited to share my Mardi Gras beer recommendations with you!

These 6 beers are perfect for parade season. Whether you’re celebrating in New Orleans, Mobile, or on your couch, crack one of these and you’re ready to catch some beads.

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Ultimate 6er | Six New Coffee Beer Collaborations You Should Know About

February 19, 2020 |

Barrel-aged stouts dominate the Fall and Winter release calendars of many breweries as beer drinkers pine for a hearty, boozy beer that they can settle down with when the temperature drops. One of the familiar additions to these barrel-aged beers is coffee. It can add body, big flavors and huge aromatics that round out the barrel qualities and mellow the ABV burn. While I’m a huge fan of coffee in my boozy stouts, I get equally excited by breweries that look to collaborate with their community coffee purveyor or lighter offerings like lagers, cream ales, and simple stouts. Here are six recent coffee beer releases that fit that billing. 

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Ultimate 6er | The Best Picture Nominees of The 2020 Oscars

February 5, 2020 |

The 92nd Academy Awards represents some major changes going on in the world of Hollywood. From the first South Korean movie nominated to Best Picture to streaming services fighting against classic studios; we can’t keep our attention away from the prestigious awards ceremony. Yet people always ask the same question every year: Do the Oscars matter in the grand scheme of things?

My answer is always yes. Even if something you don’t like wins, the goal is to expose others to new cinema and respect the work done by so many unsung heroes in the industry. After all, these are values you learn in the craft beer world when trying new styles or finding out how beer is made. So I’ve cobbled together the best six beers to have with the nine Best Picture Nominees.

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Ultimate 6er | 6 Beers Worth Traveling Internationally

January 22, 2020 |

Want to travel? “Traveling more” is a resolution for 25% of Americans for 2020. It’s not surprising, as travel is generally very fun and occasionally life-changing. Now is the time to look past some of your other, less-worthy resolutions (see you in 2021 eating healthy and saving money!) and commit to being Dora the Beer Explorer in 2020.

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Ultimate 6er | DC Comics Heroes and Villains and Craft Beer

January 15, 2020 |

From the gritty streets of Gotham to the alien world of Krypton, we decided to take a look at what the DC Comic Universe’s most renowned heroes and villains would drink after a long day (or night) of crime-fighting and chaos creating.

The main set of DC Comics characters that come to mind in a Family Feud kind of way include Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman (The Dark Knight), Bane, The Joker and his chosen Gotham City siren, Harley Quinn. Each one of these deep, complex and foreboding characters loves a good solid IPA like Eliot from Ex Novo Brewing in Portland: clean, crisp and always solid with its hop-forward citrus, resinous and dank flavors.

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Ultimate 6er | Gluten-Free Holiday Beers

December 18, 2019 |

‘Tis season to be jolly, but don’t ignore the gluten-free folks! Finding the perfect beer gift for the gluten-free person in your life isn’t as daunting as it seems. Here’s a list of truly gluten-free beers available across the country, brewed with naturally gluten-free malted ingredients such as corn, quinoa, buckwheat, and sorghum.

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Ultimate 6er | Six Beers to Pair with Taco Bell

November 13, 2019 |

It started with a question: “Would anyone be interested in finding six beers to pair with Taco Bell favorites?”

My answer: Live Mas!

Now, normally my T-Bell eating is done after a night of beers, not as part of the very professional and high-class pairing you will see below. But, who am I kidding? I’d eat Taco Bell any day, any time.

So we bring you the best six beers to pair with six delicious Taco Bell treats.

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Ultimate 6er | ‘Lover’ Comes to Great American Beer Festival

October 3, 2019 |

The Great American Beer Fest is an awe-inspiring menagerie of beer. Good beer, weird beers, surprising styles, and not nearly enough time to give them all a thoughtful pause. It can be overwhelming to know where to start, so we over at PorchDrinking have several different routes that we have planned out to make it easier for those who love specific styles. There isn’t really a wrong way to do GABF (except not drinking water, please drink water) so here is a way to dive in that is more musically inclined.

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Ultimate 6er | Six Beers for DC Beer Week 2019

September 11, 2019 |

Another DC Beer Week is upon us, taking place in the nation’s Capital from September 8-15, 2019. This annual event, hosted by the DC Brewers’ Guild, continues to grow in size each year, both in the number of breweries and in the events taking taking place across the district. With 11 breweries now open inside the city limits and dozens more within the metro area, the Washington, DC beer scene is rapidly becoming another craft beer hub along the East Coast.

To celebrate the 11th Annual DC Beer Week, we’ve put together six of the top beers being produced by DC breweries right now. Our list only includes breweries inside Washington, DC proper (sorry Virginia and Maryland).

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Ultimate 6er | Six Beers to Celebrate Labor Day

August 28, 2019 |

Labor Day is unfortunately overlooked as a day most people are just happy to be off work. The irony of it is that the first Monday of September represents those same hardworking Americans. All of the social and economic achievements of American workers deserve acknowledgment, and Labor Day is a humble way of thanking and serving tribute to a history of hard work and positive contribution towards a stronger, more prosperous nation.

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Ultimate 6er | Beers for a Float Trip

July 31, 2019 |

Every year my company does a big float trip about 90 minutes south of the city of Chicago. We hop into canoes and spend anywhere from three to four hours floating down a river. Of course, while you’re floating you need drinks, that’s pretty much half the fun otherwise, you’re just canoeing. So for this Ultimate 6er, I picked six beers great for an afternoon on the river.

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Ultimate 6er | Tequilla Chasers

July 24, 2019 |

When you are talking about perfect pairings, there is none better than tequila and beer. Whether you’re doing shots or sipping on a cocktail if you’re drinking tequila, you obviously need a beer chaser. While you might be content grabbing the closest Mexican lager, you could also branch out a bit, and consider a few other options. Maybe you want to complement your tequila, or maybe you want to soothe the burn. Either way, having the right beer by your side is the only way to go.

As you plan for your celebration of National Tequila Day, yes this is a thing, you also need to plan the beer to best fit your celebration. There is a plenitude of options when you’re considering building the ultimate tequila chaser list. The three style options that come to mind are: the cocktail, the sipper and the crusher.

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Ultimate 6er | Beat the Heat with Chicago Summer Beer

July 17, 2019 |

Refer to it as mid-summer; the dog days; the height of summertime. Call it whatever you want, but the fact is that it’s hot outside in the Windy City. And so to beat the heat; we need a few refreshing beers. Whether you drink it watching a ball game while grilling or just basking in some air conditioning, it’s satisfying to have a beer that fits the season. Here are six Chicago summer beers sure to help keep the mind off the endless beads of sweat forming all over your skin.

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Ultimate 6er | Dad’s Favorite DIPAs

June 13, 2019 |

My dad and I are the ultimate craft beer drinking buddies. We take father-daughter beer trips and are always looking for the tastiest brews! “We both have similar tastes, and it’s fun to compare beers with someone who gets me and has a seasoned palate,” he says. “Plus, you’re my daughter!” The apple certainly doesn’t fall far from the tree!

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Ultimate 6er | Grand Slam Beers for Baseball Season

June 12, 2019 | 1

Baseball and beer are a match made in heaven. Sure, you can have one without the other but it’s a hell of a lot more fun when you combine the two.

With the boys of summer starting to get into the full swing and more and more craft breweries partnering up with MLB teams, we rounded up some of the best baseball-themed beers from across the country. Read More

The Ultimate 6er | Best Beer and Band Collaborations

June 5, 2019 | 1

A kid once said to me “Do you get hangovers?” I said, “To get hangovers you have to stop drinking.”  – Lemmy Kilmister, Motorhead (RIP).

Rock and roll and booze have one of those symbiotic relationships where no matter what happens, they can’t seem to quit each other. The deaths of Bonham, Hendrix, Scott, et al. should have scared rock away from boozing. Or maybe Keith Moon driving a car into a hotel pool. But no, rock and roll continues to drink on. The booze is a necessary component, the liquid courage needed to conjure up the whitest of dance moves at a Killers concert, or the quick substitute for years of vocal coaching as you stand up to sing “Don’t Stop Believin'” at your local karaoke joint.

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Ultimate 6er | Tampa Bay Breweries You Can’t Miss

May 29, 2019 |

It’s time to take a vacation and hit the beaches! The beaches in Tampa Bay are known as some of the best in America. If you’re planning a trip to the Tampa Bay area anytime soon, you’re surely going to be seeking out some of the breweries to get your hands on some of the local craft beer offerings. Here are some of the breweries I think you just can’t miss if you’re around:

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Ultimate 6er | Netflix Original Movies

April 17, 2019 |

Since it’s inception, Netflix has always been a media trailblazer from shipping DVDs to offering original content on its streaming service. The California company’s success has caused most major media companies to follow in it’s footsteps by offering incredible shows to those without a traditional cable package. Netflix released a few movies early on to critical acclaim but never to the success of their various TV shows that we’ve covered twice.

2018 was the year Netflix really stepped up their game delivering original films and I’m not just talking about Roma. This Ultimate 6er covers six incredibly diverse and underrated gems that you might not be aware of.

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Ultimate 6er | Miguel Rivas, The BeerTrekker

April 10, 2019 |

Miguel Rivas is the international man of beerstery. In 2013, his photography hobby morphed while visiting the Trappist Abbeys in Belgium. Capturing the sights sparked an artistic outlet for the stay-at-home father of two. Photography is a passion for Rivas, so it was clear to combine his thirst for taking pictures with his love for beer. Since then, Rivas successfully branded himself as The BeerTrekker and passing the five-year mark, his project is strong and still growing.

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