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#ultimate6er Archives – Page 9 of 9 – PorchDrinking.com

The Ultimate 6er | Black Friday Edition

November 28, 2013 |

The most controversial shopping day of the year is nearly upon us. Black Friday (now starting on Thursday evening) is the one chance a year to score outrageous deals on things you didn’t even know you needed. Some people live for this day, planning months in advance and scouring every store’s mailers for the deals of the century. Others avoid it like the plague, refusing to leave their house and risk getting caught up in the cutthroat madness. A select few have even been known to consider it a spectator sport and wake up at ungodly hours to watch the chaos ensue…guilty as charged. Regardless of which group you identify with, at the end of the day, you are going to need to do some serious recovering and reassessing. This will surely call for the Ultimate 6er Black Friday Edition. Read More

The Ultimate 6er | Barleywine

November 20, 2013 |

I love all things barleywine. Although I enjoy them year round, I believe that fall is the best season to sit back with a slow sipper and truly appreciate this robust style of ale. If you are like I am, handsome and mad-funny, barleywine ales stir up a slew of recollections and a certain sense of decadence. I picture a dreamy, dreary evening spent in front of the fire (insert favorite place to hang out) with a snifter of ale being slowly nipped from the glass like a whiskey or fine port. There are few greater occurences than enjoying finely crafted old ales when the weather is less than warm. Traverse the variations of booze-laden bliss with me as I highlight my Ultimate 6er of fall-friendly barleywine ales.

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Ultimate 6er | Fall Fun

October 23, 2013 |

As October gets into full swing and the morning temperatures continue to drop, an Ultimate Fall 6er designed specifically for this beautiful season only seems appropriate. Get your mittens and your pumpkins and your s’mores and lets do this. Read More

Ultimate 6er – NYC Borough Tour

September 11, 2013 |

On this, the 12th anniversary of 9/11, I thought it appropriate to show some love to New York City. So for this Ultimate 6er, I am taking you on a … Read More

The Ultimate 6er – Duck Dynasty

September 4, 2013 |

What if you favorite duck-calling, frog-hunting, beaver-killing family were epitomized into a specific beer style? The Robertson’s are synonymous for their Duck Commander Duck Call and their now wildly popular television show, Duck Dynasty. If you were to match these crazy Louisiana hunters with your favorite craft brew, what brews would you choose?

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Barclay’s Premier League Ultimate 6er

August 21, 2013 |

As a longtime Liverpool supporter (circa 2000 when European soccer began getting some airplay on American sports television), mid-August marks the beginning of the grueling10-month endeavor known as the Barclay’s Premier League (BPL, formerly the English Premier League, EPL) season. Now much has been made of this upcoming season as NBC Sports has obtained rights to show all BPL games this season, and with that new contract NBC has ramped up their marketing.

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Ultimate 6er | Floral Beers

July 10, 2013 |

Flowers may have given you a headache this spring, but now they’re really trying to make it up to you. This summer there are a host of floral beers available, and this Ultimate 6er is just a jumping off point.

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Oceanside Ultimate 6-er

July 3, 2013 |

In these, the dog days of summer, the ocean-advantaged dwellers among us will be snatching up opportunities to get between the waves and those further inland are also certainly finding … Read More

Fire Up the Grill – Ultimate 6er

June 26, 2013 |

It’s summertime, the weather’s warm and the sun is out. What better way to soak up the rays than with some smoky barbecue and refreshing beers to share among friends? … Read More

Cucumber Beer – The Ultimate 6er

June 19, 2013 |

Searching for that refreshing brew this summer can be overwhelming while I stare giddily at the bottle shop coolers. I scan and scan until I find something that can pack in the flavor but also has a refreshing finish. I stay calm and I don’t get ruffled. I know I have found what I am looking for. It’s a Cucumber Cream Ale from Twisted Pine Brewery and it’s just one of the many green gourd guzzlers out in the market place this summer. To stay as cool as a cucumber this summer, walk with me through a myriad of tasty barley pops that pay homage to the cuke. To the cucumber beer patch we go . . .

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Ultimate 6er | Game of Thrones

June 5, 2013 |

The season finale for HBO’s Game of Thrones is right around the corner, so what better way to send away some of the best (and worst) people on TV than an Ultimate (Robert Baratheon-sized) 6er? This is a big one, so take it easy or you’ll end up killed by a boar.

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Ultimate 6er – To Boldly Go Where No Beer Has Gone Before!

May 29, 2013 | 3



It was only a matter of time until my love for Craft Beer combined with my (let’s be honest) obsession with Science Fiction. As a girl who sports a Star Trek iPhone case (Science Division, of course – Command is just too pretentious and Engineering is, well, a bit too risky) and a text message tone from Star Trek: The Next Generation, it made sense that I would be inspired to dedicate an Ultimate 6er to the greatest of SciFi traditions, Star Trek, especially with the new J.J. Abrams installation: Star Trek: Into DarknessSo whether you prefer Saurian Brandy, Romulan Ale, or just a good glass of prune juice, here is your hodgepodge 6-pack of brews inspired by Star Fleet’s finest. Boldly go where no beer has gone before! LLAP!

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The Ultimate 6er – The Beers of Metal

April 17, 2013 |

Please stop! I know the sound of beer cans smashing against the human skull is an invigorating sonic sensation but, I must digress, I’m not talking about the kind of beers you drink straight-from-the-can in a dark alley before the AC/DC metal show. I’m talking about the brews that make the true metalhead feel like a Viking rowing a giant battleship into war!

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The Ultimate 6er – The League

December 19, 2012 |

The League is a hilarious glimpse at what we fantasy football fanatics endure every season. They’ve spoiled us with two episodes each of the last 2 weeks, so I thought I’d return the favor with an Ultimate 6er. Pick one of these bad boys up and tune in to FX this Thursday! Read More

Ultimate 6er | It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia

November 14, 2012 |

The latest, and as always, ridiculous It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia continues to a 12th season. And what better show to sit down with an Ultimate 6er for? Well, maybe not the entire six pack since some of these are strictly for the type of… gentlemen… that the series showcases. So here’s to everyone’s favorite show about everyone’s favorite alcoholics.
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