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#XulBeer Archives –

Recapping the Best Beers from 2025 WeldWerks Invitational Festival

February 13, 2025 |

Despite much news to the contrary, the beer festival as we know it is not dead. While your mom and pop fest featuring a couple local breweries’ standard pours is indeed not doing well in the current climate, there is still room for a top notch festival featuring the best breweries and their best beers to thrive. To that latter end, the 2025 WeldWerks Invitational Festival was a roaring success. 

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Top Finds from Snallygaster 2023

October 25, 2023 |

We went. We drank. We got very wet. Snallygaster 2023 is in the soggy books and lived up to its hype as a massive beer festival serving some of the best breweries and their rarest beers. While the picturesque view in front of the US Capitol building was marred by persistent rain throughout the day, spirits were not overly dampened. Great beer and great conversations with the people making the beer define what Snallygaster is all about.

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What We’re Drinking | April 16, 2021

April 16, 2021 |

Spring imposes upon the world a level of uncertainty that’s both invigorating and maddening. With this uncertainty comes a full spectrum of desires; wet snow convinces the palate that we must drink a heavy Stout. Fresh, sunny days inspire us to seek out something a bit lighter and crisper.

The changing of seasons can make one reflect on getting a bit older as well. I used to be an extremely cynical youth. I started shaving my head at an early age — by the time I wanted to grow it back, I couldn’t. I was rocking the full Jean-Luc Picard by age 28. I also started feeling a bit more self-conscious about my physique.

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Xul Beer Co. | Pastry Kids on the Block Vol. 2

April 16, 2021 |

Have you ever been sipping on a beer, eating a certain food, or getting a whiff of a certain smell and it invokes a memory, or takes you back to a time in your past? This is called sensory memory, and we as humans absorb these by our sense organs all throughout our lives. Certain foods, drinks, sights, sounds or smells can awaken one of these short memories and take you back in time to a place you’ve been before. Pastry Kids On The Block Vol. 2 from Xul Beer Co. does just that with their delectable Fruited Sour.

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What We’re Drinking | March 12, 2021

March 12, 2021 |

Around much of the country it’s looking like spring is right around the corner, or depending on where you are spring is already in full force. With spring comes patio beers, summit brews, and anything that involves being outside and enjoying a good beer. Not all of our staff has fully embraced the outdoors quite yet, but regardless of our activities, one thing we all have in common this week is enjoying great craft beer. This is what we’re drinking.

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