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Day 14 (day 2) November, a Month of Giving Thanks!

Day 14 (day 2) November, a Month of Giving Thanks!

It is day 14, well since we only started yesterday, day 2 of our  month of giving thanks.  And today I wanted to shed some light on something I am, and more specifically my tummy are thankful for this time of the year.  Thank you Honeycrisp Apples.

If I had discovered Honeycrisp apples as a child, I would gladly keep the doctor away with my apple a day.  I am so thankful for it’s firm, crisp first bite and it’s sweet and slightly tart taste.  I am especially grateful for the University of Minnesota horticulture department for developing this genetic fusion of  Honeygold and Macoun apple cultivars.  And I am especially thankful this time of year when grocery stores are stocked with these healthy delectable treats at affordable prices.  For once we all have reason to reach for the nutritious snack option instead of that bag of Oreos… wait you got Double Stufed?  Ok all bets are off.


  1. Laura Mego


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