Ultimate 6er | Breakfast Edition

If you’re drinking during breakfast, it’s probably either because you had a bad night or a great morning. Or maybe you just ran out of OJ. But whatever the reason may be, here are the six beers you need to start off your day.
Fat Head’s Bumble Berry Honey Blueberry Ale
What’s better than blueberry waffles? Beer that taste like blueberry waffles. This flavorful beer has strong notes of blueberry with subtle hints of honey and grains. At 5.3% ABV this beer is a smooth way to start off your morning with it’s light carbonation and golden color. To match the flavor and smoothness, this beer straight up smells like blueberry syrup. Sorry Aunt Jemima, but I’m pouring this over my waffles and pancakes from now on.
Founders Breakfast Stout
Out of coffee? That’s perfectly fine because Founders has got your back. This beer has the aroma of coffee, flavor of coffee, and has an 8.3% ABV. In other words, its coffee on steroids. Brewed with flaked oats, imported dark chocolates, with Sumatra and Kona coffee, this dark beer will make you re-think your morning trip to Starbucks.
Lost Coast Tangerine Wheat
If you are drinking because you’re out of OJ, this beer may not give you the calcium, but it will give you the same great fruity flavor. Plus, it’s 5% ABV, so it’ll give you a buzz that OJ cannot provide.
Tommyknocker Maple Nut Brown Ale
With its caramel golden brown color, this beer definitely has the look of maple syrup. The aroma has a nutty coffee scent to it while the taste is sweet with a subtle bitter finish. At 5.6% ABV this beer still goes down smooth.
Samuel Smith’s Oatmeal Stout
Brewed in England, this 5% ABV stout pours out a deep dark color with a nice tan head. Hints of chocolate, molasses, and dark coffee, this beer will turn you into a morning person.
Well’s Banana Bread Beer
“It’s so banana-y” is what you have to say when you take a whiff of this beer. It literally smells like fresh baked banana bread. Must be why a lot of people actually use this beer to cook with. This beer is at 5.2& ABV and has an orange-y tint to it. With the overwhelming banana-y aroma, the flavor is a little more subtle which is nice. It’s banana-y but not too much. If you like banana’s in your cereal, you’ll love this beer.
Well, there ya go. The Ultimate 6er for your morning meal. After all, they do say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. With this 6er, I have to say I agree.