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Faking Adulthood | Just Stop …

Faking Adulthood | Just Stop …
Kate Stark

Instead of going through how to fake an adult-like skill this week, I decided to compile a list of things you can stop doing to help cultivate an aura of maturity, intelligence and worldliness. We can all use a little help there.

Just stop:

Buying Natty Light.

I know I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but it had to be said.

Saying “yes” too often.

As young adults we often feel we’ve got to go the extra mile, making sacrifices in our personal lives to get ahead in our professional lives. While that might be a little true, burning the candle at both ends can also lead to feeling burnt out sooner. Devote some time to yourself in the midst of all the insanity and recognize that it’s healthy and okay to do so.

Inserting the word “like” where it doesn’t belong.

Take 2 seconds, and think about what you’re going to say first. If you were going to use “like” in place of “said,” you can find a more descriptive word. Or, if you need to fill time while you gather the remainder of your thoughts, it’s perfectly acceptable to pause mid sentence.

Talking about yourself all the time.

Sometimes sharing about yourself is good, assuming you’re among friends who are interested in you. However, everyone has a friend that finds a way to turn any conversation back to themselves and it gets old fast. Oh yeah, and stop…

Pretending to recycle more than you actually do.

Great, you’re saving the planet one carton at a time. So is just about everyone else.

Making excuses.

Chances are your boss doesn’t care why you made a small mistake unless there’s a major flaw in the process; they just want to know you understood them and that you’ll do better next time. Not following every critique with an excuse shows you’re mature enough to handle a little criticism and want to improve.

Being intimidated by all the beer snobbery out there.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Even the most knowledgeable brewers will admit they’re always learning.

Relying on your credit/debit card alone.

Carry cash for tipping, tolls, parking, dive bars, and mom and pop shops.

Spending like there’s no tomorrow.

Hopefully, there will be and if you had your druthers, I’m guessing you’d rather not be wallowing in debt.

Eating like there’s no tomorrow.

Hopefully, there will be and your metabolism likely will not always be what it was in your 20s.

Trying to hide the weird things you like.

Everyone’s got a little weird in them. So if you really like puppets for example, embrace that without shame or guilt.

Participating in workplace gossip.

‘Nuff said.

Being all high and mighty about doing any of the things on this list.

We’re all human, after all.

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  1. Bob Stamos

    I am sexually attracted to puppets. I can’t have an orgasm without a puppet. Thank god I found this list. No one should judge me, everyone has a little weird in them.

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