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I’m Feeling Thirsty Today | House of Cards Drinking Game

I’m Feeling Thirsty Today | House of Cards Drinking Game
Erin Petrey

The geniuses at Netflix knew exactly what all of our empty hearts desired on Valentine’s Day: a brand new season of intrigue, backstabbing, and scandal on House of Cards. So if you decided to spend V-Day the right way this year – watching Netflix and drinking – we have a few tips to maximize your House of Cards experience with a House of Cards drinking game. Bundle up, PorchDrinkers, it’s going to be a cold one in Washington.

The UPDATED House of Cards Drinking Game!

  • Take a sip every time Frank Underwood talks directly to the camera.
  • Take a sip every time someone gets a text and the text is posted on the screen.
  • Take a sip every time Claire or Frank smoke by the window. Double drink if they are sharing a cigarette.
  • Yell “POWA!” and take a sip every time Frank talks about power.
  • Take a sip every time Frank raps his knuckles on a table.
  • Take a sip and check your phone every time you hear Frank’s ringtone. Take a second sip if you just sang his ringtone after reading this.
  • Take a sip every time Claire calls Frank “Francis.”
  • Avert your eyes and take a sip every time you are grossed out by Zoe’s apartment.
  • Take a sip every time Gillian talks about being pregnant.
  • Take a sip and fan yourself with your hand every time there is tasteful nudity.
  • Take a sip every time Lucas gives his puppy dog look (you all know exactly what I’m talking about).
  • For DC people: take a sip every time you see something that is supposed to be in DC, but is definitely not in DC.
  • Run in place and take a shot every time someone goes on a jog.
  • Take a shot every time Doug fixes a problem or meets someone in a diner. Double shot if he is paying someone off in a diner.
  • Take a shot every time Frank eats Freddy’s BBQ.
  • Take a shot every time someone talks about daddy issues.
  • Take a shot every time an actual political commentator makes an appearance.
  • Take a shot every time Frank actually does Congressional work (i.e. – votes, approves legislation, etc).
  • Waterfall when Frank is on the rowing machine.
  • Stand up and make a grandiose toast if someone is attending a big party, is dressed in black tie, or just drinks a lot of alcohol.
  • Finish your drink if someone is offed/murdered/dies of strange circumstances (this includes animals).
  • Shed a single tear and look off longingly into the distance every time Claire alludes to having children.
  • Pour one out every time Peter Russo is mentioned.

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  1. JScott

    Awesome, Gona play this tonight.

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