Ultimate 6er | Parks & Recreation

OK, I admit it. I’m a little late getting on the Parks & Recreation train – but thanks to an obsessed roommate, recent downtime, and my Netflix account, I can now confidently say that I am a fan. A big fan. In fact, one of my most recent life goals is to be more like Leslie Knope.
When brainstorming for this week’s Ultimate 6er, I couldn’t help but pair some of my favorite brews with the lovable, relatable, hysterical Pawnee Parks crew. Let’s take some of our original favorites from the NBC hit comedy and give them some deserving beer, shall we? We hope that these will be a good fit for a picnic in the park sometime soon.
(MORE: Ultimate 6er | Parks & Recreation Part 2)
Leslie Knope
Nice Day IPA | Silver City Brewery
Silver City’s cheeky Nice Day IPA is the perfect fit for Ms. Knope. Pawnee, Indiana has never had a more positive and enthusiastic resident – to the dismay of many of her more cynical coworkers – so we can guarantee that Leslie would need little excuse for another Nice Day in her books. The Nice Day is a lovely, mild IPA – balanced with citrus notes – sitting at a low 5.5% ABV and finishing perfectly crisp. So have a few Nice Days, Leslie. You are as sunny and sweet as this beer, so you undoubtedly deserve it.
Ron Swanson
Chocolate Rain | The Bruery
Ron is deserving of something dark, compelling, elusive. Chocolate Rain, from The Bruery, is the perfect fill for his glass. This world renowned brew is perfection in a glass – something that, thanks to the complexity and rarity, only Ron Swanson could appreciate. This beer, decadently rich in vanilla, oak, bourbon and (of course) chocolate sits at an unbelievable 18.5% ABV. Sip carefully, Ron.
Ann Perkins
Mosaic Pale Ale | Stoup Brewing
Nurse Ann needs a beer that will soothe, comfort and delight. The Mosaic Pale Ale from Stoup Brewing, with strong notes of mango and citrus in a moderate body, is the ideal fit. This beer is begging for you to take another sip, and then another, and another… So it’s a perfect match. Really, who doesn’t want more Ann in their life? The Mosaic Pale Ale and Ann are two things that you won’t likely get sick of, and that will keep you coming back for more. Find the Mosaic in Stoup’s taproom.
Tom Haverford
Tangerine Hefeweizen | Peddler Brewing Company
He may act, talk, and walk like a womanizing, arrogant club promoter, but it’s common knowledge that Tom is actually a sweetheart in disguise. It’s only right that he get something sweet. The Tangerine Hefeweizen from Peddler Brewing Company is made with real tangerine juice to give this brew a natural, organic flavor. Though we doubt that this one will be a fit for Tom’s club, we can say that it will be great for a sunny day in Pawnee’s parks.
April Ludgate
Hose | De Garde Brewing
April Ludgate is a tricky one. Her cynical attitude is in need of something sour, something tart, but her soft side cannot go without a beer that is also drinkable and delightful. We’ve found just the beer out of De Garde Brewing in Tillamook, Oregon. De Garde is consistently producing some of the best and brightest (tasting) sours in the country – with the Hose being no exception. This dry hopped Gose, aged in oak barrels, has hints of citrus – those hints being a perfect match for April’s soft side. The Hose gose is only 4% ABV, so pour a few April.
Andy Dwyer
Sunshine Wheat | New Belgium Brewing Company
Andy.. Oh Andy. Where do we even start with this one? Because it’s hard (if not impossible) to find a dopy, hilarious, slightly idiotic beer, we’re going to have to find one that is, instead, a totally classic: Something that will touch your soft spot at any time and in any situation. We’re going to pour Andy’s glass with the Sunshine Wheat from New Belgium Brewing. Andy is quite the ray of sunshine – little does he know it – so this balanced beer with hints of orange peel and coriander is just right. Andy might not know what he’s doing half of the time, but at least he now knows what he’s drinking.
(MORE: Ultimate 6er | Parks & Recreation Part 2)
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