In 1919, Prohibition came, but then things were roaring. In 2019, SARS-CoV-2 arrived, but at least breweries were still pouring. So yeah, things are tough, but we can still enjoy a good drink. In fact, we have more than 8,000 breweries producing beer in 2022, and that gives us something to look forward to. So, it is time for us to reveal our 2022 New Beer Resolutions. What are your goals for the upcoming year? Let us know!
Ruvani de Silva: Expand and continue my work as an advocate for marginalized groups in the beer industry
Matt Powers: Listen to women in brewing a lot more. Just listen.
Emma Wargolet: Write more about women in the Chicago beer scene
Jen Bril: Be a better ally to beer industry and fellow beer consumers
Tristan Chan: Agree with Jen, be a better ally to women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, any marginalized groups in beer, and just anyone looking to further themselves in beer
Brian Margiotta: Be a better ally to women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, any marginalized groups in beer. (Great idea Jen & Tristan)
Brave Noise & Pink Boots
Pam Catoe: Speak at the Pink Boots Conference in February! That’s right, I’ll be part of a panel talking about how to have a successful Collaboration Brew Day
Pam Catoe: Encourage more Austin area breweries to participate in the Brave Noise collaboration
Brave-Noise_Square-Graphic Goals
Tristan Chan: Start PorchDrinking’s Beer TikTok
Tristan Chan: Launch the new and improved PorchDrinking website!
Matt Powers: Write A LOT more — party like it’s pre-March-2020. I need to finish a ton of stories that I had to put off due to anxiety issues and COVID complications (health & logistics)
Brian Margiotta: Contribute more frequently, write at least one article per month.
Scott Grossman: Attend a beer fest – ANY beer fest!
Why attend a fest when you can host?
Rachel Morrison: Host more beer events
Seth Garland: Host a few nice BBQ, beer and outdoor movie events in my backyard with the 2019 carefree vibe I took for granted
Justin Pennel: Host & attend more beer shares
Brian Margiotta: Host a local beer event/meetup in St. Louis
What if the world collapses? Be prepared!
Ruvani de Silva: Do more homebrewing!
Beer-Style Goals
Differing Goals:
1) Britt Antley A) Drink more lagers and more styles of lagers. B) Don’t forget about West Coast and non-hazy IPAs
2) Tristan Chan: Revisit a wider variety of styles (not just Lagers and IPAs)
Matt Powers: Explore the “other spirits” of the strong barrel aged beer style (Gin, Tequila, etc)
Scott Johnson: Give another chance to beer styles I neglected
Cellar Goals
Britt Antley: Slowly dwindle down my beer cellar
Career & Personal Goals
Rachel Morrison: Launch my portfolio
Ruvani de Silva: Work on my beer history and educational learning
Matt Powers: So many beer books published recently — read, read, read
Scott Johnson: Finish beer-related project
Justin Pennel: Find more time for my beer photography and continue to improve it
Mom Goals
Emma Wargolet: Get my mom to try a beer
(Lack of) Beer Belly Goals
Seth Garland: Be a little more active so when I drink a 12% calorie-bomb, it doesn’t instantly go to my beer gut
Can’t we at least see each other again?
Matt Powers: Meet my PD writers again, and drink beer with them, in person! I miss them!
Brian Margiotta: Hopefully meet several other PorchDrinking contributors over a beer!
To Malört or not Malört, that is the question:
Matt Powers: Visit breweries and just drink beer and chat — nothing formal. Just chat and drink beer. I miss beer people. Oh, and sharing Malort shots are needed!
Emma Wargolet: Drink beer with Matt and other PD writers, but avoid Malort shots at all costs.
“Malört: It doesn’t cure the Coronavirus, it just takes like it should.”
The Ultimate Pandemic Goal
Seth Garland: Drink a beer in a brewery or taproom without thinking about the kinds of germs and viruses I’m probably picking up
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