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AboutConstance Del Rio, Author at PorchDrinking.com – Page 3 of 4

Constance Del Rio

Constance Del Rio

Posts By Constance Del Rio

What We’re Drinking | September 28, 2018

September 28, 2018 |

As the season is trying its hardest not to let fall happen, I am soaking up all the sunshine I can! The leaves are changing colors, littering the grounds; the sun is going to bed earlier, and the moon — I mean… it’s been bright and huge, I love it! I personally love fall and it doesn’t mean the end of porch drinking weather. So bundle up, light the firepit, and see What We’re Drinking.

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Event Recap | California Craft Beer Summit

September 19, 2018 |

Now that our Northern California team has waded out of their post-California Craft Beer Summit comas, we can bring you all the fun goodies from this year’s CCBA! To kick the Summit off right there was a State of the California Craft Beer Industry session. Here we were shown the cold, hard, data facts of our State’s Industry—how craft beer is doing compared to other alcohols (spirits, wine) and who is drinking more craft beer (age wise), and also popular styles. It was awesome to see it broken down in such a way that everyone had their phones out to get photos of the slides! We left there pumped for what’s next and what our State is doing. Read More

What We’re Drinking | August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018 |

Happy Friday, fellow porch drinkers! As you may know, we here at PorchDrinking love us some craft beers. I, myself, spent the majority of yesterday with a glass in my hand and wasn’t able to get this article out in time. I told them “…and then just kept drinking after” and they were okay with that! Be sure to visit your local breweries, get some cans to-go and see What We’re Drinking.

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The OGs of Craft Beer | Bear Republic Racer 5

August 24, 2018 |

If you met me about a decade ago, you’d never think “this girl is into craft beer.” I could be found with anything from Coors Light to Hypnotic in my hand; yes, I was obviously very cool. It wasn’t until I was introduced to Sierra Nevada’s Pale Ale that I started to right my drinking ship and start learning about what craft beer really is.

My boyfriend’s parent’s always had a stocked beer fridge, hashtag goals, and would always have Sierra Nevada Pale Ale and Bear Republic Racer 5, among other tasty beers. Trying new beers in a judgment-free atmosphere was great – no beer snobs to scoff at me for my current faves and describing beer in terms I understood.

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What We’re Drinking | August 10, 2018

August 10, 2018 |

Summer is ending, school is starting, but the sun is still setting later into the night. We here at PorchDrinking are soaking up the last bit of rays and summer feels with some tasty brews in our hands. Build that last bonfire, throw a sweater on and see What We’re Drinking.

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Brewery Showcase | Drake’s Brewing Co.

July 26, 2018 |

Drake’s Brewing Co. was founded back in 1989 by Roger Lind in what was half of an old Chrysler Dodge factory powerhouse in San Leandro, CA. Back then, the brewery was named after Lind, Lind Brewing Company, and he brewed English-style ales. Lind built the original gravity-fed brewing system himself (10 barrels) but he left the brewery in 1998. Drake’s was owned by JBR Coffee Company from 1998-2008 and then John Martin, who Lind used to previously work for at Triple Rock Brewery, purchased Drake’s in 2008.

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What We’re Drinking | July 20, 2018

July 20, 2018 |

Loving this warm weather and all the fun weekend activities – beach trips, beer festivals, and fairs! Our staff has been fueling their fun-filled week with delicious brews and we want to share that with you – this is What We’re Drinking.

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Ultimate 6er | Independence Day BBQ

July 4, 2018 |

We are in the throws of summer; camping trips, long summer nights, fireflies and festivals all around. For most of us, summer flies by and is marked by special events like graduations, summer solstice, birthdays and, if in the states, Independence Day. Grocery stores promote the corner stone foods a couple weeks before and are accompanied by splashy red, white and blue stars/fireworks/stripes. Food is a way to bring family and friends together, it almost is as old as time. Throw in some great drinks and music, and you have a shindig!
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What We’re Drinking | June 29, 2018

June 29, 2018 |

Summer is in full swing and the PorchDrinking staff is soaking up those late evening rays of sunshine with, you guessed it, some awesome beers in hand. From beach hangs to visiting breweries, our staff is making the most of their summer time so far. Here is What We’re Drinking.

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Event Recap | 2018 Firestone Walker Invitational Beer Fest

June 7, 2018 |

“The BEST beer festival I’ve ever been to!,” Seriously amazing breweries here!” and “I haven’t had a bad beer all day!” – these are just some of the quotes we heard from attendees during the 2018 Firestone Walker Invitational Beer Fest this past weekend. In an attempt to crush the media coverage, the NorCal PorchDrinking.com team survived the 97+ degree Paso Robles heat during the Invitational weekend, but also drank some tasty beers. Now, onto some of our favorite moments, beers, and bites!

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Event Preview | 2018 Firestone Walker Invitational Beer Fest

May 24, 2018 |

Summer is upon us and that means there are at least 1,000 beer festivals already announced, or at least it seems that way. However, when you’re one of the country’s preeminent breweries, you’ve got the ability to handpick other elite level breweries to join for an invitational; enter the Firestone Walker 2018 Invitational Beer Fest. We hope you were able to snag your tickets before they sold out (no tickets will be available at the door) and you have started to hydrate because this year is going to be a doozy.

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Modern Times Beer | Fruitlands

May 7, 2018 |

Peanut butter and pretzels. French fries and ice cream. Gose and fruit. These are just some perfect sweet and salty pairings; and if you have never tried fries with ice cream go to the store now!! It’s just one of nature’s torrid love affairs that stands the test of time. Modern Times Beer Fruitlands marries this divine pairing in a delightful way.
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Deschutes Brewery | Twilight Summer Ale

May 2, 2018 |

Some of the best outdoor memories I have are around the twilight hour. You’re settling in for the evening – dinner is already done, fire stoked and watching the stars peek out as the sun sets. There is something about the feeling of moving with the sun, I am usually up when the sun wakes up and winding down after it sets, you just feel one with the universe.

Deschutes Brewery‘s seasonal offering of Twilight Summer Ale seems to capture these feelings beautifully.

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What We’re Drinking | April 20, 2018

April 20, 2018 |

Hope everyone is ready for some smoking good beers…get it?! Cause it’s 4/20? Yeah, I don’t care either. What I do care about is some of the tasty brews that are starting to peek out before spring weather greets us all – Saisons, IPA, and fruited beers! In case you aren’t in a place that is hitting 60+ degrees Fahrenheit, crack that heater, put on a pair of shorts, crack a cold one and see What We’re Drinking.

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Cleophus Quealy Beer Company | Framboos (2017)

April 16, 2018 |

Before I was a #LadyWhoDrinksCraftBeer, I was really into wine. Wine was so important that I contemplated studying to be a sommelier. One day, I discovered Flanders red ales and the rest is history! Over the years, I’ve discovered different types of brews that tickle my fancy and many that I could do without. I have an appreciation for tart, funky beers and Cleophus Quealy Beer Company’s Framboos hits the spot every single time!
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San Francisco Beer Week 2018 | Favorite Brews & Discussing Women in Beer

April 5, 2018 |

Now that our northern California team has fully recovered from our cumulative San Francisco Beer Week (SFBW) hangovers, we would like to share some of our favorite beers and breweries from the Gala! If you are like us and received tickets to attend the Gala, you know it was a whirlwind of pours, great food and amazing talks. Here are some of our NorCal/Bay Area team members’ favorite things from SFBW 2018, and a recap of panel discussions on topics including women in beer.

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What We’re Drinking | March 23, 2018

March 23, 2018 |

Spring is here, but you would never know it by the various storms popping up in the news lately! The East Coast is covered in snow, and today in the Bay Area I drove through tough winds. I for one am looking forward to clear skies and higher temperatures so I can enjoy more time outside and not feel like I will be blown away. Join me in warming up with dog cuddles, crack a new cold one and see What We’re Drinking.

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Alvarado Street Brewery | CollaBEERation Four Way Juicy IPA

March 23, 2018 |

Move over Ménage à Trois, it’s all about the Four Way now. Alvarado Street Brewing collaborated with Hop Dogma Brewing Co., Humble Sea Brewing Co. and Discretion Brewing to create a four- way collaboration IPA for Beer THIRTY‘s 4th birthday celebration. Only 100 cases were released on March 7 at Alvarado Street, and then were sent up to Beer THIRTY on March 9 for the birthday bash!! As if this brew wasn’t enough, Beer THIRTY had sweet glassware to go along with it at the party.

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Seismic Brewing Co. | Namazu Oat Pale Ale

March 5, 2018 |

Did you feel that tremor coming from Sonoma County?! The epicenter is Seismic Brewing Co. and you better brace yourself for a lot of aftershocks. When people think of Sonoma I am 90% sure they think of wine country, sun-soaked vines and not about the fantastic beer scene that is exploding up there. Namazu Oat Pale Ale is at the epicenter of that quake.
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What We’re Drinking | February 23, 2018

February 23, 2018 |

SF Beer Week has come and gone, but friends, there is no one more excited it’s over than my dog! You read that right, Little Juno is more than happy her furrents aren’t out gallivanting around the East Bay and are available for cuddle sessions on a Thursday evening. No matter what your local weather, be it snow or sun, our writers are enjoying some tasty beverages. Kick up your feet, crack a cold one, and see what we’re drinking.

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